Will there be season 2 of Minecraft: Story Mode, What will happen in Season 2?

We have seen a lot of books written by Soren. There is still a Soren mystery waiting for us. And, (WARNİNG: Spoilers!) in the end of episode 8, Ivor gone to his own adventure and he stole the enchanted flint&steel and the atlas. Maybe in season 2, Ivor will be missing for a long time, then we will start to look for Ivor in the portal hallway then we find Soren?

You can share your ideas in this thread. Don't forget, no spoilers about Season 2 when it comes out!!!


  • What do you guys think will happen in Season 2?

  • Agreed, it will definitely be a season 2. New adventures are coming! But i don't know when... They can make season 2 end of the next year. Maybe they can make it quicker.. I don't know but i want season 2. It should be..

  • There may be a season 2 but we may have to wait awhile but there is that question mark on episode 8.

  • I could see more Minecraft episodes down the line. They left a few ambiguous cliffhangers, and it evidently seems to be a successful series for Telltale. However, it probably won't be any time soon since they have other games to work on like Walking Dead: New Frontier, Marvel, Game of Thrones Season 2, Batman, etc.

  • Blind Sniper has a point with those cliffhangers,

    I think I found some hints for season 2

    In the first episodes, when Ivor told Jesse the Order of the Stone used a command block to move the Ender Dragon away, I thought they would fight the Ender Dragon in Episode 8.

    Do you remember when Soren and Ellegaard (or Magnus) disappeared? I also thought they would reappear somehow and help fight the Dragon in Episode 8. Which leaves a gap of mystery that would make no sense to never be revealed.

    Also, Mojang has put an article in their website, saying episode 8 is "potentially" the very last episode in MCSM.

    Most important of all, THE QUESTION MARK. In the title "A Journey's End?" There's a question mark! It has to be!

    Like Blind Sniper said, it also really makes sense that they are really busy finishing all those other games, and I'm surethey will make a Season two, but it will take a really long time to make it.

  • Yeah because ender dragon is not dead, we dont know where is the old order of the stone, we dont know what happenned to sky city people, and we dont know what happenned to cassie rose. There are still a lot of mysteries

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