Does this mean!?!

Guys, mcsm is over does that mean thy will shut down all the threads? if so i want to save my threads!


  • We don't remove or close down old threads.

  • I know but mcsm is over

    We don't remove or close down old threads.

  • The forums usually simmer down in activity after a Season is over, but the forums are never closed to new threads. When you scroll to the bottom of the Community Page and look below "Telltale Talk", you will see a button labeled "All Games" which will show the forums (which are still open for new threads) for older games, back from several years ago.

    I know but mcsm is over

  • Okay thanks you can close this thread if you want (:

    The forums usually simmer down in activity after a Season is over, but the forums are never closed to new threads. When you scroll to the bo

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