Episode 2 Showing up NOT free with disc...

So I am having issues getting this to work for me. So here is what I did..

*On the X1
*Bought Episode 1 digitally when it released.. played it passed it.
*Bought the Disc which came out last week and includes everything to come
*Used disc to fire up game.. does not recognize anything other than episode 1 bought
*Uninstalled episode 1.. managed disc and installed Episode 1 and Season pass
*Fired up game.. recognizes season pass and episode one.. says Purchased but not downloaded on episode 2.. but when I go to download it wants to charge me every single time.
*Nothing new to install via manage... I am stuck.. how do I download the episodes using a disc.. it says I own them in game but the store does not recognize..

I need some help here.. I did the same thing with Minecraft story mode (Bought episode 1 digitally, played the rest via disc) with no problems.


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