Rate the episodes from best to worst

Now that Minecraft: Story Mode has ended, I think it's time to put our opinions on the board and discuss their most favorite down to their least favorite episodes. I'll start.

Episode 4: A Block and a Hard Place - 9/10.
I don't know if Telltale grew tired of it, or they actually DID wanted to add more to the story than just kill the Wither Storm and save the world, but I guess they just told their staff, "Let's kill the damn thing." And "kill it" they did. A Block and a Hard Place feels exactly like an actual finale to me, what with the emotion throughout Jesse's group as they now realize that they have to deal with THREE Wither Storms and one member of the Order of the Stone died, and the determination they have to venture to the Far Lands to retrieve Ivor's enchanting book. And not to mention, it's final battle was both awesome, and heartwrenching. I mean, you took your sword/axe/pickaxe/shovel/hoe of awesomeness and you just slained the ruthless monster there is...but your pet pig died trying to save you...Well played Telltale. Well played.

Episode 8: A Journey's End? - 8/10.
Don't worry about that question mark. It IS a journey's end. And a dang good one at that. I mean, you saved the world from a three-headed Wither monstrosity, you stopped your lifelong enemy from destroying a city in the sky, you defeated a ruthless serial killer with a white pumpkin mask, and you shut down a sentient computer and made it useless. So, how does Jesse's journey come to an end? He and his friends are booted into an online server that consists of deadly games ran by the Old Builders. The quicktime events in this game were on point in this one, what with the lava race, the gladiator battle, and the final showdown with the Old Builders. And I loved it when they brought back Axel and Olivia for the finale. (By the way, thanks for tricking us with Reuben's return, Telltale.) The only problem I had with this one, is the ending. The ending is just plothole-central; What happened to Soren and the rest of the Old Order? Where is Ivor going with the Portal Atlas and Key? Other than that, a great finale to a great game.

Episode 7: Access Denied - 7/10.
...Well, apparently we were granted permission to access. Anyways, the first thing I love with this episode is PAMA, the main villain. He's every Minecraft builder's dream to make. A sentient computer made out of 100% redstone, that can be able to summon his own minions with redstone chips to make them "useful." Secondly, the shock it gives us when they almost kill Lukas/Petra in the final battle, and those chilling words, "Why keep trying Jesse? You will only FAIL. Just as you failed to save REUBEN..." However, as great as this game is, I think Telltale made this just so they can tell the Jetra fans, "You want a Jetra moment? Well here you go. HAPPY??" I believe they really forced the anger in Petra at the beginning and the way she talks to Jesse at the end, just to please the Jetra fans. I'm not hating on you guys by the way, I support it!

Episode 6: A Portal To Mystery - 6/10.
The variety in the main Wither Storm arc, just wasn't there for me. Thankfully, with this mysterious portal, this is where the variety kicks in. We're now thrown into the detective game with appearances of the kings and queens of Minecraft gaming, plus a short-lived pointless character, and a serial killer. The detective-ness was well done, and makes you second guess yourself, and the villain was an excellent one, passing off as a cutesy little angel, but turned into a homicidal devil, that just wanted to go home. However, I believe Telltale just put in the YouTubers for the hell of it, given that most of them don't get a lot of screen-time depending on player choice. The only one vital to the story was Stampy, and the others were stamped in just because. And I just don't feel any emotion into this one.

Episode 1: The Order of the Stone - 5/10.
Ain't gonna spend a lot of time on this one. It was an okay beginning to the Storm arc, and it helps you get used to what you're gonna be up against in the episodes to come. Even though it's weird that the beginning was ehh.... and the ending was OMG SO EPIC!!! Just call this Episode 1: The Overly-Long and Nearly-Boring Tutorial.

Episode 5: Order Up! - 5/10.
I'm guessing Telltale didn't know what to do with this one, since the Wither Storm arc only spanned FOUR episodes, not FIVE, so they said, "Ditch Axel and Olivia, align Jesse with the fan-favorite characters, make a city in the sky, bring back Aiden and have him a crazy-as-hell psycho, and begin an Adventure Pass." Don't even think of getting THIS confused as the actual finale, even though Telltale's stories usually ALWAYS end after the 5th episode. Just basically consider this Episode 5: The Nearly-Boring Finale Unless You Want To Pay Extra. But, don't worry, the episodes that follow this one are much better.

Episode 3: The Last Place You Look - 4/10.
HEAR ME OUT. I liked the episode, I liked the introduction to Soren, I liked going through the End, and my heart broke a little when MagnusOREllegaard died...but it was SO boring. I just didn't like that the story was losing it's variety in the penultimate finale to the Storm arc, and I honestly was just trying to get this one over quickly, just so that I could get to my favorite episode. AGAIN, I liked it, but it was BORING.

Episode 2: Assembly Required - 4/10.
Like before, HEAR. ME. OUT. The episode was good, the way you can make the episode begin was creative, the Death Bowl against Magnus was awesome, and it was cool making the command block with Ellegaard. But this is, without a doubt, THE shortest and THE most boring episode I've ever played. First off, creating the command block with Ellie was useless because WHY in the hell would I create the ONE thing that controls the very thing I'm trying to destroy?! (Yes, I contradicted myself, shut up.(Sorry for being harsh!)) Secondly, why have a climactic battle with Mr. I-Made-The-Monster-Now-Hate-Me(Ivor) now, and have it end ANTI-climactic??

Please do not get angry if you don't agree with my opinion, and don't force your opinion upon others. :)


  • Episode 8: 9.5/10 loved the fight scene at the end

    Episode 5: 10/10 I don't know why but this was just my favorite I loved the final aieden battle (sorry if I spelt his name wrong)

    Episode 4: 7.5/19 it just didn't feel like a finale for me but the ending is what got to me :'(

    Episode 6: 7/10 this one just felt different to me and it could have made the story more interesting.

    Episode 7: 9/10 like always I love the fight scenes at the end

    Episode 3: 8.5/10 was going to rate this 7.5 but one of the order dying made me more interested

    Episode 2: 8/10 even though it was released early it still felt good to me

    Episode 1: 6/10 Felt slow which I understand because it's an introduction

  • edited September 2016

    Episode 4 - Block And a Hard Place: A very well done conclusion to the witherstorm arc - 9/10

    Episode 8 - A Journey's End: Its a rough call between this episode and the 4th one, but I thought episode 4 was a bit more satisfying. - 9/10

    Episode 3 - The Last Place you Look: Definitely the most underrated episode. This episode had everything. fantastic action sequences, exploration, and even the first real danger of the series. The stakes were at their highest here. - 9/10

    Episode 6 - A Portal to Mystery: A fantastic start to the adventure pass with an exciting murder mystery and features the best villain in the entire series - 9/10

    Episode 7 - Access Denied: A satisfying penultimate episode that introduces fun elements to the series. - 8.5/10

    Episode 5 - Order Up!: A very fun one off episode. That does a good job of setting up the DLC while also just being an exciting extra to the base game. - 8/10

    Episode 1 - Order of The Stone: A great premiere that sets up the witherstorm arc very well. - 8/10

    Episode 2 - Assembly Required: A decent experience with some cool elements, but is just way too short to feel meaningful - 6/10

    I got a lot of love to give to this series. Telltale did a great job!

    Agh. I keep flip flopping. Apologies for all the spam edits OP. I think this is my final list.

  • edited September 2016

    EP5: 9.5/10 I really love how that episode went, the fights, the choices, the amount of action, the feelings, and the villain. A great conclusion to the Main Season (When you don't have 6,7 and 8)

    EP4: 9/10 A amazing end to the Wither Storm arc. It was packed with emotion, adventuring, twists, and a intense final boss (at least on your first playtrough). I would like it even more... if i wasn't spoiled about the ending

    EP8: 8.5/10 Good conclusion. Memorable characters, tough choices, nice concepts. But i don't feel it properly ended the season. Overall, pretty solid, and it had it's moments

    EP7: 8/10 It had the second best final boss fight in the game. Had a little too much dialogue, and very few memorable lines. But the story is really good

    EP3: 8/10 This is where everything gets more serious, and at the same time the humor gets a lot better. Oh, and this episode has the BEST intro in the whole game, no question here

    EP6: 8/10 I was worried about the Youtubers, but they actually did a great job with their humor. And the mistery was pretty good, and there were things i wasn't expecting... Overall, pretty great, but not the kind of episode you want to play over and over again

    EP1: 7.5/10 Not the greatest introduction, but it's just a introduction, and does a good job on making you wonder what happens next

    EP2: 6/10 It did a great job on continuing the game, but it was short and rushed

  • 1st/Best-Episode 8:A Journeys End?-Pros-Amazing Story,Good Character Actors |Cons:(dull)

    2nd/Great-Episode 7:Access Denied-Pros-Great Voice Actors ,Funny Humor |Cons:Story A little unstable

    3rd/Perfect-Episode 5:Order Up-Pros:Amazing Story,Great Character Models |Cons:Voice Actors Don't fit

    4th/Brilliant-Episdoe 4:A Block And A Hard Place-Pros:Awesome Story,Amazing Features |Cons:Killed Of Reuben,Music That Gets Stuck In Your Head

    5th/Meh-Episode 6:A Portal To Mystery-Pros:Amazing Actors,Awesome StoryLine Idea |Cons:Forgetful Episode

    6th/Bad-Episode 3:The Last Place You Look-Pros:Good Actors |Cons:Unstable StoryLine,Bad Texture

    7th/Awful-Episode 1:The Order Of The Stone-Pros:Great Beggining |Cons:Baby Jokes,UnEcspected Seilence

    8th/Worst-Episode 2:Assembely Required-Pros:(dull) |Cons:Worst Story,Short Episode,Annoying Acting

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