Another Telltale game with a save bug
For the 5th or 6th time with a Telltale series, I go to start episode 2 of Batman, and SURPRISE! My save files are gone. Didn't uninstall the game between episodes, didnt move files anywhere, and was saving in slot 1, no cloudsync back up. Every time a new Telltale series comes out, myself and thousands of other people are impacted, yet Telltale never seems to do anything to make it easier on us when it happens. Still cant just select what choices you made in the prior episode, ala Dragon Age and the Witcher games, still cant skip through the dialog to make the inevitable replay of the lost chapter(s) go by more quickly, ala every other game in existence.
Its wildly disappointing that this is still an issue you guys have regularly with every series you release. I'm speaking as someone who owns almost every telltale game ever released, save for borderlands and minecraft. I can't say I'll never buy another telltale game again, but what I can say is this is the last time I will ever purchase one of your titles before the entire series is completed, and even then I will need to be really motivated. Its just too much of a frustration.
I assume this is meant to be a discussion and not a request for technical help, but just in case you do want technical help, I'll give you some ways to contact Telltale Support.
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