Sorry 4 bein dank xD

WEll, lotz o' ya may knoe me since im da guy hu writz whit da MLG. I knoe not evrybody haz dis skillz but, Im jesse and im pro cuz i built a dual core cpu whit conditional brangchin' and a GPU capable of runinn' Bresenahm lain algorithm. btw, since this is da MCSM communyti i shud ryt somthin' relatod 2 MCSM. Ok so den, y evry body is OCD whit da jetra thingy? C'mon brah, dis was supos 2 be a game not a XXX moovy. Jsut tell me y, I will tech ya how to make JUMPIF in a CPU :P

(translated to english version:
Well, lots of ya may know me since I'm the guy who writes with the MLG. I know not everybody has dis skills but, I'm Jesse and I'm pro cause' I built a dual core CPU with conditional branching and a GPU capable of runnin' Bresenham's Line Algorithm. By the way, since this is the MCSM community I should write something related to MCSM. Ok so then why everybody is OCD with the Jetra thingy? C'mon brah, this was supposed to be a game, not an XXX movie. Just tell me why, I will teach ya how to make JumpIf in a CPU, aditional note: I make this post to make people know that I'm not a derp :D


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