"The Uncertain" - New episodic adventure that resembles Telltale

Just stumbled upon the game today and thanks to having steam share I was able to play the game, its called "The Uncertain", and you actually play as a robot... in fact the entire world are robots since humanity has been wiped out of extinction. It starts off slow and stays slow (for the most part). but that's not necessarily a bad thing. If you digged season 1 of the walking dead, but are bummed about the lack of puzzles in recent telltale series. BOOM. This game has got you covered. One of the best features though is having the puzzles be optional. You can actually skip puzzles if they end up becoming too frustrating which is a breath of fresh air for a story driven game.

The first episode released last week, and its about 15 dollars, which is kinda expensive, but your getting about 2.5-3 hours of content, and the devs plan on releasing the next episode within 3-4 months which is pretty fair for a smaller indie studio. They plan on 3 episodes total and releasing a season pass in the future. I would recommend waiting for a sale, but its definitely a game to keep on your radar.

It also has an easter egg from a certain Telltale game, and more :^)

Steam Page - http://store.steampowered.com/app/406970/


  • Looks interesting. I'll certainly keep an eye out for sales, don't want to pay 15 euros for 3 hours long game now. :)

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