Wii Tales of Monkey Island almost unplayable
I just got the wii version so me and my wife can enjoy it together and it is terrible. It is extremely laggy, sometimes I only hear audio and the video freezes, it chugs between scenes and other stuff, and graphically it's a complete mess.
Please tell me I have a corrupt download or something and this isn't what the wii product is supposed to be like. If it is where can I get a refund? I really want to play these games so I will just get the PC version instead if this is really how the game is on the Wii.
Please tell me I have a corrupt download or something and this isn't what the wii product is supposed to be like. If it is where can I get a refund? I really want to play these games so I will just get the PC version instead if this is really how the game is on the Wii.
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I'm glad I didn't now, I thought it would be just like the PC version, but on a lower resolution.
I doubt they'll be able to patch the game and I can't see why they should discount the PC version - it's not like the Wii game doesn't work, it just isn't as good.
I don't think this should even be the issue. TellTale know about the 40MB limit going in and should have built the game accordingly. As it IS, ToMI should not have been released on WiiWare.
I agree with you 100%. I want my money back!
Nintendo have released updates to virtual console games after release to solve issues, so it isn't impossible that they will do so for this as well!
Fingers Crossed.
As far as I am concerned its a faulty product. I couldn't wait to turn it off. It was like I wanted to enjoy it but couldn't because of all the technical problems. I don't see any reason why I should play it any further and I've only made it to the first auto-save point.
It just ran really bad and broke any ability I had to immerse myself in the story or even follow what was going on. The video on several scenes skipped entirely and I could only hear the audio. That was why I came here hoping there was a fix, if that is just the way they released the game than they really should make some sort of effort to make things right for their customers or they won't have any more Wii customers at least.
I mean I've heard nothing but glowing reviews from friends about this game but I can't get to it, I won't play any more of it and if I have to buy this on PC full price I won't do it. Which mean's they've lost $25 from the PC purchase I would like to make or $40 from the rest of the wii purchases I'd make if they fixed it. So times that by everyone else who feels the same way and see if it is worth it to them to do something.
2 things could be making a difference there:
Hard drive for me and I have a first run Wii which may make a difference?
When did you get your wii?
As for different SKU's, there's only the one (or at least as far as anyone can tell). I don't believe they've changed it at all since launch.
Now as for the actual problems, it's definitely a topic of discussion around the office, so I don't want anyone to think we are just ignoring it and hoping it will go away. We definitely aren't happy with the fact that not everyone is having an enjoyable experience.
I'm personally really bummed about the voice quality. Obviously the game was pretty rigorously scoped for the 40mb filesize, but no matter how much you plan in advance little things creep in and add up. So when all was said and done we had to make a choice of either cutting content or compressing the voice more than usual. It was a pretty damn hard decision, but the last thing we wanted to do was cut out dialog from the wii version that was in the PC version. In the end I feel we made the right choice.
Obviously, that's not something we want to happen again, so we are working hard on 102 to make sure it doesn't.
As for the hitching, it's a frustrating problem, but both internally and externally (nintendo's lot check) it was agreed that it was within the standards. Which is never a good answer but in a choice between delaying the game a few more weeks or getting it in the hands of the public, we chose the latter. I'm fairly confident that everyone is seeing the exact same level of hitching, but obviously it bothers some people more than others. Unfortunately, exacting standards doesn't mean that everyone will be equally satisfied.
Now, we have an idea as to what's causing the majority of the hitching, so we are designing around it for the second episode, but there was no easy way to fix it for the first one.
Again, I'm really sorry some of you aren't enjoying the wii version. We are looking into some options, but I won't have anything more to tell you for another day or two.
In the end I was really happy with my purchase because the game is really good and I'm glad you guys are doing justice to the franchise (at least so far).
I understand that there's a severe size limitation, but I want to know if this is something that you simply can't change or something that, with time, can be corrected.
While I was bummed with the voice quality, what bothered me the most was the stuttering and the framerate. I hope you guys can fix that!
I'm glad to hear that TellTale is working to fix these problems for the future, but I don't believe I'll be playing future titles on the Wii; I'll wait to see if they come to Mac or 360 (my other two available platforms).
Regarding the frame-rate and hitching, I know y'all are working on it. While part of me wishes you'd waited the couple more weeks required to fix the problems for 101, I understand the desire/need to go ahead and get it out there.
In the end, please don't be discouraged by any of us. You folks are working hard to entertain us. I appreciate that.
And thanks again for entertaining us by bringing us the first new Monkey Island game in almost a decade. It's great so far. Looking forward to 102.
"An iPhone is much more powerful than a Wii, even"
This statement is ridiculous. After this stupid statement I decided to skip telltale games at all. Perhaps telltale needs more powerfull programmers?
I'm guessing they'll be leaving some dialogue on the cutting room floor this time, perhaps. But we won't notice it because it's already gone.
I wonder if Wii space limitations are the reason for the totally superfluous dialogue tree in the first conversation with Nipperkin on the beach...
I'm glad Telltale is working on a solution. Hopefully any changes they're making to 102 really will be unnoticeable. It'd be nice to have an episode or two on my Wii--I prefer the couch to my computer chair any day.
There is another solution. Forget about the limited space for voices while designing the game, and use the subtitles for Text-To-Speech instead on Wii.
Saves a lot of space, and might even sound cleaner.
Nah, that's just my sarcastic kind of humor.
Actually it depends on how you see it, the iphone graphics processor clearly is less powerful but you have more ram than on the Wii, and the iphone clearly has more storage space than the wiiware imposed limit
(Having a wii btw. myself and love it for what it is a nice littly fun system)
If you skip TTGs at all you miss a lot of fun. One mans opinion does not reflect the entire companies views on the issue,btw. everyone is entitled to have an opinion.
Too late that was done already in 1985
I also Really appreciate you being patient with users who are upset with the situation and understanding that they are upset. There is another post in the ToMI forum were a TTG employee was saying (IMHO) that it's not our (TTG) problem that the Wii is inferior system and you get what you pay for.
I feel much better after your response and feel you handled the situation much better (unlike I feel the other guy did).
I wish things could be different for ep1, but I am ok with moving forward. I for one will give TellTale a second chance, and am looking forward to ToMI Ep 2.
I haven't been able to locate an apology/retraction for the ludicrous iPhone statement, however, and it's now being publicized at game sites - painting Telltale employees in a bad light.
Apologies that was rather due, in my humble opinion, and also appreciated in fact.
(No, I couldn't care less about what piece of hardware is more powerful, it was about not taking responsibility (or not explicitly) that really pissed me off.)
That's the kind of answer I would have liked to have in the first place from the TTG I came to love.
Thank you, Will.
Yes, me too.
I'm really promoting the game to friends, it really deserves it, it's nothing short of awesome, but strongly advising them towards PC.
What I really don't understand is why Telltale decided to release the game on Wiiware in the first place. Hope they take this under the "experience cape", and relase the next Telltale game on Wii on the disc format, and keep the downloadable versions on XBLA and evt PS3.