mcsm 4/4

Mcsm shouldn't be like this it actually even if i made the game I would give 4 free episodes and the others $2 only


  • Lets see 8 episodes, 4 given for free, 4 x 2 is 8, 8 dollars for 12 hours of game?

    enter image description here

    Im sure companies dont need money to make games.

  • Yeah...see...companies like to make money
    ...I know....greedy. Programmers need money too....and lets not forget the TellTale pets...the need to eat.

  • No they would never give more than 1 episode free.

  • And that is exactly the reason why you didn't make this game.

    Because you would go broke...

  • As some mentioned how much it would cost everything... I think you're trolling. Gaming companies need the money for their employees, and let's not forget the taxes in each country and of course, the contract they made with other companies...

    It's not profitable for any side. Sure, you get to enjoy the game for free, but you won't see another one ever again because they can't afford to make one.

  • All episodes need to be payed for. It's a process, not a decision Telltale can decide.

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