PSA - Forum Guidelines Updated (New Category - Posting Etiquette), other new updates/revisions

Hey guys - just a heads up, the other volunteer moderators and I made some revision to the Forum Guidelines that have been approved by staff, and we also added a new Guideline Section - Expected Posting Etiquette. It is a new category, but placed second on the list so the other stuff has been shifted down.
NEW GUIDELINES CATEGORY: Expected Posting Etiquette
We've also added and updated rules in other sections as well.
UPDATED 1.6: If you want to discuss things like Character Shipping or Character Appreciation, do so in a thread that already focuses on actual story discussion. Do not just create General Chat threads for these individual topics. Threads dedicated solely to statements of the "Yeah, [insert character name/ship here] is pretty cool" nature just do not make great community discussion material.
NEW 1.11:Do not post personal information about a user without their permission, including names, pictures, etc. If knowingly done so, this can lead to a very severe punishment.
NEW 3.3: When advertising Let's Plays or Live Streams for a Telltale Series/Miniseries, you get one (1) collective thread to post all of your Let's Plays/Streams in for that entire Series. Please consult the Let's Play Sharing rules written by Volunteer Moderators for more information.
NEW 4.3: Use special text formatting features like Large Text only for special situations that benefit specifically from that formatting. Try not to just casually use large text for emphasis when bold text will do. (Typing any character before a hashtag, including a space, will display normal text.)
UPDATED 5.4: Do not instigate drama, extensively derail threads, or talk negatively about users behind their backs during a ban. If you have concerns, send a Private Discussion to a Moderator. Moderators reserve the right to not comment on particular User Bans for reasons including user privacy.
For newer Telltale Series starting with Walking Dead: New Frontier onward, we are going to go back to allowing people to make their own thread for LP series or Live Streams. The new default rule is that, for each Telltale Season/Miniseries, each user gets one collective thread instead of making multiple threads. For new episode releases, you can self revive your thread from inactivity, but only once per new episode release.
Rules for sharing Live Streams/Let's Play videos on the Forums
Have prior participation in the community before posting. Users who only sign up to advertise will have their thread locked and YouTube links removed.
Users get one collective thread to share videos for each Telltale Season/Miniseries. Each Telltale Episode is to have all videos related to it contained in one single post that can be updated with new videos.
You can revive your thread from inactivity during a new episode release one time to promote your new videos. Outside of new episode releases, bumping your thread for notable new videos (like alternate choice consequences or reviews) is also okay.
Stay on topic and make genuine posts - posts that just "bump" the topic so a streamer or Let's Player gets more exposure will be deleted.
Be careful with spoilers. If video thumbnails have spoilers, use the Flag option (upper right corner of each post) to mark your own posts as Spoilers.
If you have strong amounts of forum participation (minimum of 1,000 posts) and you are creating a series of videos/Live Streams to do something fun in particular for the Telltale Forums to enjoy (meaning you are not already a YouTube/Twitch personality), some of the above rules are an exception and you are allowed to bump your thread for individual new video releases or Live Streams.
NOTE for YouTube/Twitch Personalities:
For self promotion, a blurb describing and linking to your channel in the main post of your thread is allowed. However, when you bump your thread to revive it around the time of a new episode release, you should keep new posts focused only on videos directly related to the Telltale series of the Forum you are posting on. Forum Members are here for discussion of the Telltale series they are playing; most of them are not interested in external channel events, promotions, or other Let's Plays for different games. Making your thread (or your posts) encourage genuinely interesting discussion among users is a good way to keep your thread active in a way that follows the rules and benefits the forum community both ways.
If you are a YouTube/Twitch personality, you are allowed one individual post in your thread for each new Telltale episode to promote all Live Streams and/or Let's Play chapters for that particular Telltale episode. Do not make individual posts for different Let's Play chapters from the same Telltale episode.