What do you think about Z Nation?
I've been up and down about the show. I saw the premier when it first aired and I stopped watching it after the end. However I decided to give it another chance a couple of months later. I binged watched through Season 1 and I fell in love with the show. I love Walking Dead and I'm not sure any show will ever be able to top it as my favorite, but Z Nation does come very close. I watched Season 2 when it aired live and loved the entire season, with the exception of Addy cutting her hair. :P However when the 2 hour flashback aired, I was kinda disappointed. I stopped watching about 4 episodes into Season 3 because I felt like the show had become a little too silly. I just finished catching up and I'm glad I did because frankly, Season 3 Episode 9 is one of the best episodes ever in my opinion. However I do wish the show would go back to it's more serious roots from Season 1. I'm not really a fan of Murphy doing his own thing, but I feel like the payoff is going to be great and honestly, Keith Allan is too good an actor to not do his own thing. I don't like Kaya and I don't really like Dr. Sun, but I do love Escorpion being in the main group and I seriously hope he's not dead, or....Cassandra'd either if you know what I mean. It was a big shame that they killed Vasquez so early, but damn was his death emotional, him remembering Warren, only it being too late. Anyways, I would say the show has definitely hooked me back on and I'm curious to hear other people's opinions on it!
Since Z Nation is filmed here in my hometown of Spokane, I got to see the filming in-person. It is pretty funny at times.