Have you ever been wrongly justified on the forums before?

Now, this is not an attack on people so im not naming names, and i hope the mods don't close this thread because it's a simple discussion on experiences by members who have been on the forums. No personal attacking, just friendly discussion.
So, as anyone on here been wrongly justified before when they did nothing wrong? and if so, how exactly?
I remember when i joined back in 2012, i had no idea how to work the forums, i learnt about the game from a 10 minute playthrough of the start of A New Day (The walking dead s1e1) and i remember getting onto the first thread i saw, which was the release date thread for episode 2. So, i get on there, and i asked if anyone knew the release date and back then, they didn't have the actual release date as the title, me being unaware, the date had been posted a few pages before me, i had one member kindly direct me to it, but another member (i wont name names) decided to be a rude disrespectful person by insulting me and abusing me for no reason. I, of course responded the same way throwing a bit of insults because i never knew you could get banned, and then, a whole list of people attacked me for no reason, i had i think if i recall at least 10 people attacking me after i made a comment to someone who insulted me. In the end, the person who was attacked by at least 10 people cop the fine, and the rest including the one who originally started the argument got off without any punishment.
I know the mods will probably want to take this down, but i haven't mentioned anyone, i don't plan to, and i am not bitter, im just stating an experience i had on here and im curious to know if anyone else has had something similar, so if this thread stays up, and people decide to comment, don't mention users or anything, keep it confidential.
I've been salty about a couple comments being removed but I can't say any mod was wrong to remove my comments as it was understandable. My experience on these forums have been pretty good
On this forums no. The only comment/comments I know of mine that were removed were of controversial subject matter, and I understand completely why they likely would of been removed.
Had a few run ins with some members who shall not be named, run ins which gave me a permanent negative opinion of them. People bullying me, people shit talking me for having a different opinion and people saying something factually incorrect only to have me politely correct them and that turns into a big thing. And usually it ends in me being the one let off with a warning while the other either gets off scot-free or has a 2 day ban. Again, not naming names because that's a dick thing to do. But yaknow, shit happens.
I can agree with you. I had an incident about a year ago where i asked a question and someone replied to me, and it was all good and then the person decided to be a smart ass to me and then we exchanged insults and the person even had a friend or 2 step in to insult me, then one of them actually private messaged me saying how their friend was out of line, but in the end, i again coped the fine and the others got off and the funny thing was that when you get a ban, it states why you got it, mine was "overreacting to be told to chill out". trust me, it was a lot more than that, and try having the person mention you after you are banned a swell, violating a rule and still getting off. Funny how the fines are thrown out these days.
Yeah. It's fine with me though, I get sent emails daily saying to kill myself so I'm used to being "bullied", and the mods work really hard to keep things in order so I have no right to question how they feel they should defuse certain arguments. Still pissed me off though.
Do you mean wrongly accused? "Wrongly justified" doesn't make any sense unless someone was justifying your wrongful act.
Yeah, honestly I was gonna say something but I didn't want to be "that guy" for the fucking 300,000,000th time in my life.
Yes, just 2 or 3 comments of mine were removed cause I started to say bad things about a secondary character, saying that I would kill him if I could... You know, retarded stuff
There was a thread asking for your opinions of transgenders, and it essentially turned into a hate thread, everyone saying stuff like "it's gross and it's an illness," so I went in and said that the thread had no purpose besides spreading hate, and it was very disturbing to see how backward-thinking some people are on this forum (conversion therapy, asylums). Then I was called out for "derailing the thread and not being open-minded to other beliefs."
Well yeah, that is the whole point.
justifying your wrongful act by warning or banning you in a way that you think it was handled wrongly.
I.e say you breach a rule lets say a user gets banned, and you start trash talking them while they're banned, you get banned for that. That's a fair decision giving you've breached a rule and also insulted someone.
But wrongly as in someone has abused you and if you respond back in a negative way, you get banned, but not the other person.
Because common sense shows that to justify that situation, you need to ban the culprit as well if you're going to ban the person who got attacked first.
You won't be able to see it anymore, because the mods deleted the majority of the argument, but i was heckled, insulted and ganged on in a situation, and for some reason, they like to ban people who get ganged upon, but not the ones who think its cool to use numbers to insult people. I always said they're favourites in these forums because the same people i have seen, have insulted people many times and gotten away with it. Yet someone who's not a pet says something, and they're fined.
Perfect example, i got annoyed one time, and used the c word to some multiple times. Got no ban. As soon as i started on a pet who i never insulted in the manner using the c word, and they attacked me first for asking a question, i was banned for 2 months and they all got off. If they're going to justify the situation, do it fairly rather then protect certain users.
My advice would be to know stand up for yourself if you comment on something and someone abuses you. The person who responds back always getting in more hot water then the culprit who stats it.
(You do realize she was kidding right?)