So ******* was ***** ? .- .
The Ending of The wolf of among us was amazing while at the same time somewhat confusing...
Like when she stated what faith said to me in the beginning Immediately started thinking that lily was glamoured as faith to get my attention and she then put her head .
Anyway the question is this.. Am I am right ? was lily the faith you met in the beginning ?
Thanks in advance
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I Meant narissa... Not lily.. God dammit it .- .
Apologies for such a major name mistake
Kinda embarrassed 
Um.. is there a way I can added the post and the thread name .-. ?
I got it for you
People debate if Nerissa was Faith or Faith was Nerissa. I think its the other way round like Faith didn't die but somehow got into Nerissa instead. Idk been a long time since I looked at all the evidence
You didn't need to put spoilers in a title...
Anyway, I believe Nerissa glamoured herself to be Faith at the beginning, in which Faith already died before that. She glamoured herself to raise Bigby's concern on Faith and the murder?
Although it's also because Nerissa is one of my fav characters and I really hope she isn't dead.
I agree with this, actually. It makes the most sense, and it makes Nerissa's character stronger. It would be a weak cop-out to have "Faith" tearfully confess Nerissa's sins for her, it's not cool or good story-telling at all.
I've spoiler tagged the names now.
If she was dead though you never even met Nerissa so you couldn't have liked her :P
Why didn't I need to put spoilers in the title ?
Sorry still new to this community
Thank you so much
Some people haven't played TWAU yet, or at least not episode 5.
I know. That why I wrote spoiler .- . To not spoil it for player who had not played it yet .-.
Yes but people can still see the topic title. A mod took care of it though, it's fine.