Read before posting - Forum Guidelines (Updated July 31 2017) How to get Game Support

Welcome to the Guardians of the Galaxy forum on the Telltale Community!
If you have a problem, you can report a post with the "Flag" button on the lower left-hand corner of a post, or you can also start a Private Discussion with one of the Moderators.
Visit Telltale Support Center for Game Support
Instead of making a thread asking for game support, please consult the Telltale Support Center for assistance. Threads asking for Support will be locked.
- Submit a Request at the Telltale Support Center for Telltale Staff members to directly assist you
- Contact the Telltale Support Team via email at
Forum Guidelines
(Updated on July 31, 2017)
Please note that these guidelines are in addition to the website's Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.
1. Respect, Civility and Organization
1.1 R-E-S-P-E-C-T! Be respectful to other community members, moderators and Telltale team members. Avoid insults, hate speech, platform wars, and trolling. Keep any arguments focused on ideas and not personal attacks. We want the forums to be welcome to people of different backgrounds, so do not make hateful comments based on gender, race, sexuality, culture, religion, disability, etc.
1.2 If discussion gets heated or breaks guidelines, use the "Flag" button to report offending posts/discussions instead of fighting back! Moderators can look into flagged posts and clean up offensive content/get discussion back on track. Don't abuse the Flag system.
1.3 Avoid posting content that is obscene, gross, violent or otherwise NSFW. Also avoid discussions of topics that lead into controversial or inflammatory discussions such as politics or religion.
1.4 Try to keep off topic posts to a minimum. If off topic discussion becomes large, consider finding or making a new discussion. If you think a certain topic is not worth discussing, don't try to destroy the ongoing discussion with arguments, ironic posts, trolling, etc. Just refrain from posting in that thread, or flag any posts if necessary.
1.5 Posting two (or more!) times in a row in the same discussion and replying to yourself are considered poor forum etiquette. Use the "Edit" button to update your comments if you suddenly think of something else to add.
1.6 Before you open a new discussion, please check for existing discussions on the same subject. That'll help avoid seeing your posts locked, moved, or merged.
1.7 If you want to discuss things like Character Shipping or Character Appreciation, do so in a thread that already focuses on actual story discussion. General Chat Threads dedicated solely to statements of the "Yeah, [insert character name/ship here] is pretty cool" nature just do not make great community discussion material.
1.8 Spoiler tags: use 'em! If your comment contains spoilers, use the "My post contains spoilers" button. When an episode is newly released, avoid putting direct spoilers in discussion titles - stick to vague spoiler references or use asterisks to hide spoilers.
1.9 You are entitled to one (1) forum account. Please don't create confusion by using more than one forum identity, and don't create confusion by sharing your password or letting others post under your account.
1.10 Don't post in old and/or inactive threads just to "bump" them back up to the top. If something new and relevant comes up or if you otherwise have a good reason to add something new to discussion, that is fine.
1.11 Do not post personal information about a user or staff without their permission, including (but not limited to) names, pictures, etc. Do not make memes of users, moderators, or staff members (past and present).
1.12 Within a reasonable amount, try to communicate clearly. Your posts don't have to be perfect but it's better if you avoid posting in "txt" speak, ALL CAPS, a single long wall of text with no paragraphs, etc. (It's okay if you have disabilities or other valid reasons to not post clearly).
2. Expected Posting Etiquette
2.1 Try to focus on making constructive posts expressed in your own thoughts when you can. Memes, reaction images/videos, etc are fine in normal amounts, but we prefer you focus first on making actual posts with genuine substance when you can. Accounts that focus only on posting gimmicky or low effort content might get a time out until posting quality improves.
2.2 Be respectful of personal boundaries towards Telltale Staff members (past and present) and do not personally insult, harass, or scapegoat them - whether or not they post on the forums. Keep all game discussions focused on the content and not the creators. Avoid posting social media content from staff members that is not related to official and intentional game promotion. Please note that most staff members cannot directly comment on future episode release dates, upcoming episode spoilers, etc.
2.3 Do not participate in Forum Brigading, where you go into another Telltale Series' community section to troll users of a different fan base or ruin their forum experience - be it directly or passive aggressively. Only post in a community if you are doing so with the intent of genuine and constructive discussion.
3. Advertising and Spam
3.1 Fan art, fan fiction, and let's play/walkthrough links may be posted by community members in the appropriate discussions. Games you made, books you wrote etc. which do not concern one of Telltale's games can be announced in the "General Chat" section.
3.2 Make sure that you're still here for the community discussion first, not primarily for making people aware of this video walkthrough or that fan fiction. Only participating community members have that right.
3.3 When advertising Let's Plays or Live Streams for a Telltale Series/Miniseries, you get one (1) collective thread to post all of your Let's Plays/Streams in for that entire Series. Please consult the Let's Play Sharing rules written by Volunteer Moderators for more information.
3.4 Links or references to any kind of community-made patches/game modifications for Telltale's games (including unofficial foreign language subtitles) cannot be posted here. Additionally, please refrain from discussing content found within game files that could potentially be relevant for future episodes.
3.5 Advocating intellectual property piracy of any kind (software, movies, music, comics, etc) on this forum, posting links to download sites or naming these sites for reference, admitting to piracy or threats/insinuations/announcements of such actions will all lead to an immediate ban. Community members are discouraged from discussing piracy even if they respond with counter-arguments to a piracy-advocating member.
3.6 Telltale and our community are absolutely not interested in home loans, Nigerian bank accounts, online streaming services and the like. Please report obvious spam threads/comments using the "Flag" button and do not reply to them.
4. Individual Flair
4.1 Use swear words if you like, but sparingly. There are no swear filters on this forum. Try to not make us regret this.
4.2 Please use accents like large font, colored text, all caps, pictures, animated gifs, emoticons etc. sparingly and for good reason. Typing a Hashtag makes your font large, so if you want to type a Twitter Hashtag instead of using large font, type a space or something else in front of the hashtag.
5. Bans / Moderation
5.1 Ignoring the forum guidelines or warnings from moderators may result in a forum member being temporarily banned (duration to be at the mod or admin's discretion). During such a timeout, all games purchased from the Telltale online store by the banned member will remain intact and can still be played.
5.2 Never attempt to circumvent a ban by creating a new account. The timeout would at least be doubled immediately, or longer than that if deemed appropriate.
5.3 Do not talk about users behind their backs during a ban. If you have concerns, send a Private Discussion to a Moderator.
5.4 Moderators and Staff reserve the rights to edit/delete/close discussions at their discretion. Do not derail public discussions to talk about Forum Moderation; if you have issues or questions in regards to Forum Moderation, contact a Volunteer Moderator or one of the Community Managers from Telltale Staff.
Rules for sharing Live Streams/Let's Play videos on the Forums
Have prior participation in the community before posting. Users who only sign up to advertise will have their thread locked and YouTube links removed.
Users get one collective thread to share videos for each Telltale Season/Miniseries. Each Telltale Episode is to have all videos related to it contained in one single post that can be updated with new videos, excluding special videos like reviews.
You can revive your thread from inactivity during a new episode release one time to promote your new videos. Outside of new episode releases, bumping your thread for notable new videos (like alternate choice consequences or reviews) is also okay.
Stay on topic and make genuine posts - posts that just "bump" the topic so a streamer or Let's Player gets more exposure will be deleted.
Be careful with spoilers. If video thumbnails have spoilers, use the Flag option (upper right corner of each post) to mark your own posts as Spoilers.
NOTE for YouTube/Twitch Personalities:
For self promotion, a blurb describing and linking to your channel in the main post of your thread is allowed. However, Community Members are here for discussion of the Telltale series they are playing; most of them are not interested in external channel events, promotions, etc. Making your thread (or your posts) encourage genuinely interesting discussion among users is a good way to keep your thread active in a way that follows the rules.