What do you think of Obama?
Now that his presidency is basically over, it seems appropriate to ask: what do you think of Obama, both the man and president?
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Now that his presidency is basically over, it seems appropriate to ask: what do you think of Obama, both the man and president?
I have no opinions on American presidents.
As a man, he is likely going to be on the list of Cool Presidents. Similar to Bill Clinton, or John Kennedy. First president to ever state the existence of anime in a speech, so ya. I bet he even secretly has an Atari out of sight. Doubt it, but it would be funny.
As a President. Secular politics, a massively divided nation, which has seemed to have only gotten worse since he came to office. I don't think his presidency ever stood a chance of doing anything really important sadly. So most of his achievements are kind of under the radar, things that don't really excite people to stand up and cheer him. So despite all the flak he gets, I still don't see him as a bad president honestly, just not one worthy of remembrance, like say TR or JFK which are house hold names decades after their deaths. Most of the negative things about President Obama are often things that are negative most American Presidents so. ie Special Interest Arm twisting.
He's the best president of the 21st century thus far and he's probably gonna stay such for at least another 4 years.
He was more a celebrity than president.
I'm not very knowledgeable in American politics but as a person Obama is really cool guy. He's so relatable.
Eh...he's better than George W. Bush. I'll give him that.
A warmonger abroad and a gutless centrist at home.
He promised hope and change, but instead, he expanded the police/surveillance state (which Trump will likely exploit) and oversaw the largest redistribution of wealth to the 1% in American history.
The fact that he's spent the last few months shilling for the TPP and trying to ignore the Standing Rock crisis (not to mention the turmoil in his own party) should tell you all you need to know about how out of touch he is with the American people. Or maybe he just doesn't care, I don't know.
He's marginally better than George W. Bush, probably much better at the day-to-day stuff, but a huge disappointment when it mattered. His fans are even worse. Liberals who clutched their pearls over Bush's wars and deportations suddenly didn't have much to complain about once Obama was in charge, despite the fact that he continued many of Dubya's policies. But don't worry, now that Trump is coming to town, they totally care again!
A good man.
As President he had to correct what the Bush administration fucked up. Never really had a chance to get all he wanted done. Never before has a President been elected that the other party basically said they would never work with him. And darned if they never did.
Any bill that was good like jobs bills the Republicans blocked or put some poison pill amendment on that insured it could not be passed nor signed. Obamacare a good idea that needed another couple of years to fully flesh out before being rolled out.
I really wish he would have pushed a massive infrastructure bill and made it our next great project that would dwarf any before it. Everyone accuses him of executive order over reach...yet he had fewer than previous Presidents. I truly believe had he been white, there would not have even been close to the opposition that he faced.
Now we have Trump who instead of draining the swamp...has loaded his picks with men who will do nothing for the very people he coned into voting for him...I find it funny that even the conservative sites that loved him are getting pissed..and he has not even taken office yet. Oh well the next 4 years will be interesting..and yes probably scary.
Maybe it was an accident. I do that sometimes too.
You can always count on a shared distain for liberals to bring Socialists and Conservatives together!
The spoiler was supposed to say 'Warning: Rant', but I guess it didn't work, lol.
I liked him. He was a good President. His push for public healthcare was a step in the right direction and he at least made an attempt at his campaign promises. Once you're the man in the big shoes, you realise just how little actual power you have in most scenarios(something Trump will learn FAST, sadly. Sad, not because I dislike him. Sad, because all the people that voted for these promises, will be severely let down).
I feel Obama actually tried to make USA better as a foreign player and build relations.
As a Canadian, I thought he did a good job.
He wasn't terrible but I'm glad that he's out of the Presidential Office now. We need change.
Now we have a paranoid egotistical moron who is so stupid he gets into Twitter fights with high school students...and fucking loses.
Pretty Much lol. We could have had way better. I hated Hillary too. To be honest this election is just embarrassing.
Oh yeah..I wanted Bernie.
This is how, as a non-American, I'll remember Obama's presidency:
America went apeshit for a few months, then it was forgettable.
many things
none of them are good
As a human being? Sure, he's a nice guy. But what does being nice have to do with being a good President? Absolutely nothing. I definitely believe he has been one of the worst American Presidents we have ever had (still, can't decide between him or Bush). Let's be honest: the only thing President Obama will be remembered for is being the first black president and because of this, schools will teach children that something he can't help is his crowning achievement. Don't get me wrong, I believe it was an achievement for minorities in America based on Civil Rights, but even then, not really. Sure, it showed the world anyone, no matter your color, can be president, but how does that physically help the black community? It really doesn't. My last point: we shouldn't remember people based on the amount of pigment in their skin, their remembrance should be for their achievements. Listen to MLK's "I Had a Dream Speech", he outlines what is truly important in this country.
He's funny and seems like he has a fun personality, but he's definitely not a good president. However, I do appreciate that he at least genuinely tried. Despite his... failures in doing so.
He is a very personable person. He has tried to do more with the country, but you know, Congress. He cared about his people. There are some things that I don't agree with him, but hey, he ain't perfect.
I could pull up 30 of your Donald Trump/Hillary Clinton comments that say otherwise.
There's a difference between barely paying attention and not paying attention at all.
I know, I was just jokin' around.