"You should get goin'. Bill don't like idle hands."
The funny thing is, I thought he was being relatively nice considering the context, relatively speaking. Also, is it me, or did he have a bit of a drawl there?
I didn't like how Carlos sheltered Sarah. Maybe it was implied that she had a disability (maybe autism?) when he mentioned she's not like most girls. Which in that case, I understand. Even still, his attitude toward Clementine early on irked me; telling her to stay away from Sarah and that she's not to be trusted. About Reggie: he had no backbone and was too weak and desperate. All he thought about was his place with Carver. Reggie made me roll my eyes more than a few times.
So, I don't have strong feelings for twenty two characters. Buut I figured I'd do five I like and five I dislike, to throw in my two cents.
People I like!
1) Clementine - I was instantly enamored by her character in Season One. One of the best escort missions in a game, ever. Although I am a little worried about what she might be like in A New Frontier, from what we've seen. Kinda worried.
2) Lee - Again, I found his character instantly engaging. Dave Fennoy's voice acting for him was just wonderful. And his goatee ;.;
3) Luuuke - Immediately, I sidled up to him in Season Two. He just seemed so nice! The scene in All That Remains when you sit opposite him and talk about Lee was one of my favourite moments in Season Two. And I got to hug him during In Harm's Way. Woo!
4) Jane - So, this is kind of a weird one. I liked the relationship between her and Clementine, 'cause I kind of sympathise with Clementine - namely, I really wanted a sister when I was about her age. It was kind of cool to experience that kind of friendship through Clementine's eyes.
5) Kenny - His beard is wonderful. Just sublime. I actually picked his ending in my first save, despite preferring Jane. Which was, you know, an experience.
People I dislike
1) Sam (Michonne) - I think the best way to describe her is with a word that starts with "C" and rhymes with "hunt". I dunno, I found her personality really grating. She came across as a really shitty person, at least from my point of view. I could just not be understanding her properly!
2) Leland - I found him kinda 'eh'. I liked his voice acting - Andrew Harrington is always brilliant - but I just felt his character was kind of boring.
3) Becca - Exceptionally bratty, at least to me. I found her personality kind of grating, giving off this 'I'm a bad bitch' personality but dropping it whenever it suits her. And I didn't like how she played guitar. Just played the same chords over and over again. Heh.
4) Mike - To quote Ben Schwartz from one of my favourite episodes of "Jake & Amir", 'Couples Therapist Part 2' - "When you talk, it's like little people throwing up in my head!" I found his voice acting to just be... Beyond awful. The way he delivered his lines just felt so stilted and forced at times. A couple that spring to mind are :
Around the campfire during In Harm's Way. He's all over the place for this one.
After Clementine finds the confederate jacket in Amid the Ruins. His reaction doesn't sound natural.
To me, Mike's voice acting was kind of terrible. I found it really boring to listen to and a little bit immersion breaking, 'cause I'd sometimes giggle at how terrible his delivery was.
5) Maybelle - I don't trust that cow... It's udder madness to trust a cow.
Sorry for the long post! And for the crap joke about Maybelle.
Hey man, at least she talks.
The shed walker never called Clementine a fish
"Get up, ya lazy bitch!"
Seriously!! If Lee can take on a walker with a damaged leg, Sandra can do it too!!
4) Jane - So, this is kind of a weird one. I liked the relationship between her and Clementine, 'cause I kind of sympathise with Clementine - namely, I really wanted a sister when I was about her age. It was kind of cool to experience that kind of friendship through Clementine's eyes.
Hmm...interesting. And immediate understandable, too.
1) Sam (Michonne) - I think the best way to describe her is with a word that starts with "C" and rhymes with "hunt". I dunno, I found her personality really grating. She came across as a really shitty person, at least from my point of view. I could just not be understanding her properly!
Yeah, I think that's a pretty common response. Assuming you beat the game here, Sam is supposed to be one of those kids(at 22) who try their best to help people they care about even if that means getting mixed up with shady people and get in way over their head. She's also meant to be something of a foil to Norma, who's a villain with a reasonable mindset, by having these somewhat aggressive habits to her that she doesn't always hold back but she's still a good person at heart.
3) Becca - Exceptionally bratty, at least to me. I found her personality kind of grating, giving off this 'I'm a bad bitch' personality but dropping it whenever it suits her.
Yeah, Becca is something of a harsh Clementine or even an opposite extreme to Sarah in that she's a try-hard when it comes to getting by in the apocalypse despite Shel's efforts: quick to criticize other people's flaws and jump to somewhat coldblooded conclusions when things get tense. Of course, not unlike Michelle, it's pretty much something of a defense mechanism to deal with how messed up the world is and she doesn't really have much nerve when it's time to put that line of thinking into motion.
So, I don't have strong feelings for twenty two characters. Buut I figured I'd do five I like and five I dislike, to throw in my two cents.
… more
People I like!
1) Clementine - I was instantly enamored by her character in Season One. One of the best escort missions in a game, ever. Although I am a little worried about what she might be like in A New Frontier, from what we've seen. Kinda worried.
2) Lee - Again, I found his character instantly engaging. Dave Fennoy's voice acting for him was just wonderful. And his goatee ;.;
3) Luuuke - Immediately, I sidled up to him in Season Two. He just seemed so nice! The scene in All That Remains when you sit opposite him and talk about Lee was one of my favourite moments in Season Two. And I got to hug him during In Harm's Way. Woo!
4) Jane - So, this is kind of a weird one. I liked the relationship between her and Clementine, 'cause I kind of sympathise with Clementine - namely, I really want… [view original content]
1. Clementine
2. Lee
3. Kenny
4. Carley
5. Omid
6. Luke
7. Pete
8. Nick
9. Doug
10. Chet (my fat man)
11. Javier (I've got a good feeling about this guy)
1. Arvo (faggot)
2. Reggie
3. Troy
4. Vernon
5. Carver
6. Stranger (guy on walkie talkie)
7. Brie
8. Brenda
9. Nate
10. Danny
1. Clementine
2. Lee
3. Kenny
4. Carley
5. Omid
6. Luke
7. Pete
8. Nick
9. Doug
10. Chet (my fat man)
11. Javier (I've got a … moregood feeling about this guy)
1. Arvo (faggot)
2. Reggie
3. Troy
4. Vernon
5. Carver
6. Stranger (guy on walkie talkie)
7. Brie
8. Brenda
9. Nate
10. Danny
1. Clementine
2. Lee
3. Kenny
4. Carley
5. Omid
6. Luke
7. Pete
8. Nick
9. Doug
10. Chet (my fat man)
11. Javier (I've got a … moregood feeling about this guy)
1. Arvo (faggot)
2. Reggie
3. Troy
4. Vernon
5. Carver
6. Stranger (guy on walkie talkie)
7. Brie
8. Brenda
9. Nate
10. Danny
Top hated is Kenny. He literally destroys multiple groups and gets so many killed because of his poor decision making skills and rage.
I'm glad Clementine put him down like the Dog he was and went with Jane to learn how to be a survivor.
Top 11 Favorite Characters:
1. Nick (I feel like the story can be driven to connect with him well.)
2. Clementine (Need I say more)
3. Luke (Love the dynamic between Clem, Nick, and him)
4. Lee (Protagonist)
5. Kenny (He rages, but I was still happy he returned in season 2.)
6. Vince - 500 days (I like his attitude of self-preservation)
7. Nate - 500 days (He's crazy. And I love it.)
8. Oak - Michonne (He really just wants the crew thing to stay where it is)
9. Alvin ( I found myself really respecting this guy)
10. Omid (Funny guy)
11. Randal - Michonne (I love him as an antagonist, more than the other ones).
Top 11 Disliked Characters:
1. Bonnie (The part where she blames Clem for Luke's death when it was clearly her fault, I just can't get over that.)
2. Danny and the other St. Johns (Eww cannibals)
3. Arvo (It's hard to explain, but maybe he just aggravated me too much)
4. Stranger (He psycho-analyzes Lee)
5. Sam - Michonne (The whole mess is her fault... Don't steal kids.)
6. Norma - Michonne (She technically wasn't horrible, but I just didn't like her [Weirdly enough I really liked her brother's character])
7. Norman - 500 days (There is a reason Shel left)
8.Vernon (THE BOAT)
9. Sarah (I could relate, but ultimately I found her annoying.)
10 . William Carter (I understood his reasonings, but he wanted too much control.)
11. Russel (Couldn't care for him much) 500 days
This looks fun! I'll give my input:
Top 11 Favorite Characters:
1. Nick (I feel like the story can be driven to connect with him well.)
… more 2. Clementine (Need I say more)
3. Luke (Love the dynamic between Clem, Nick, and him)
4. Lee (Protagonist)
5. Kenny (He rages, but I was still happy he returned in season 2.)
6. Vince - 500 days (I like his attitude of self-preservation)
7. Nate - 500 days (He's crazy. And I love it.)
8. Oak - Michonne (He really just wants the crew thing to stay where it is)
9. Alvin ( I found myself really respecting this guy)
10. Omid (Funny guy)
11. Randal - Michonne (I love him as an antagonist, more than the other ones).
Top 11 Disliked Characters:
1. Bonnie (The part where she blames Clem for Luke's death when it was clearly her fault, I just can't get over that.)
2. Danny and the other St. Johns (Eww cannibals)
3. Arvo (It's hard to explain, but maybe he just aggravated me too much)
4. Stranger… [view original content]
you don't necessarily control her personality, seeing as she's the same in most people's playthrough, you just control what she says out of four basic, generic, cliche', boring, dialouge options. i still like Clementine, though, but that's just how i felt about her in S2.
you don't necessarily control her personality, seeing as she's the same in most people's playthrough, you just control what she says out of … morefour basic, generic, cliche', boring, dialouge options. i still like Clementine, though, but that's just how i felt about her in S2.
1.) Sarah (she literally did nothing wrong)
2.) Christa (my precious wife, a lovely survivor and mother figure)
3.) Arvo (he's not as bad as y'all think he is)
4.) Lilly (a literal goddess, extremely cute. doesn't deserve any hate that she got)
5.) Mark (the most likable character in the whole franchise)
6.) Doug (a big, tubby computer nerd. very cute.)
7.) Ben (nervous, relatable teenager. very nice and tries his best)
8.) Travis (he was very cute and deserved more screen time
9.) Carlos (a loving dad, trying his best)
10.) Reggie (deserved a lot better, such a good guy)
11.) Troy (not a good person, but i enjoy characters who are awful people)
12.) Katjaa (beautiful!!! very sweet and smart and deserved a better husband)
13.) Sarita (beautiful, smart, amazing. deserved a way better boyfriend.)
14.) Walter (perfect father figure! honestly did nothing wrong)
15.) Matthew (very cute and very gay, nice and funny)
16.) Carley (good at being hot and shooting things, nice sense of humor and very sweet. my ever-so-caring carley)
17.) Lee (ultimate Murder Dad, the purest boy. he taught history but now he's history D^: )
18.) Clementine (Season 1) (sweet, pure, good. genuinely likable.)
19.) Jane (good big sister, did a good job dealing with her own grief!)
20.) Omid (honestly the funniest and sweetest guy)
21.) Luke (got a major in art history, now he's art history D^: )
22.) Nick (this guy literally deserves all the love, i have no idea why people hate him)
23.) Norma (didn't technically do anything wrong, since michonne did some garbage to her.)
24.) Alvin (nice and chunky, very good dad and very sweet to rebecca)
25.) Rebecca (strong, caring, was right to be cautious about clem in the beginning)
26.) Russell (has a bit of an attitude, but was very interesting!)
27.) Pete (Both of them) (the petes did nothing wrong)
28.) Sam (feisty and tough as nails, did her best to stay calm)
29.) Paige (gay and very relatable)
30.) Bonnie (such a sweetheart, did her best to protect clem.)
31.) Mike (has a good sense of humor, very likable overall)
32.) Tavia (extremely rational, honestly didn't technically do anything wrong?)
33.) Eddie (very funny! kept things lighthearted)
34.) Wyatt (voice of reason, kept eddie on task)
35.) Becca (punk kid, but doesn't deserve the amount of hate she gets)
36.) Vince (did a crime, but he's not doing the time)
37.) Justin (way better than danny, i don't care what you people say)
38.) Chuck (responsible, basically saved clem)
39.) The St. John Family (they're not good boys, but they're Good Boys)
40.) Zachary (anxious gay, made a mistake but still a cutie)
41.) Jonas (responsible gay, amazing doctor!)
42.) Molly (could kick my ass, please let her kill me)
43.) Hilda (lovely companion, hopefully she is still with us)
45.) Larry (wasn't the best dad, but he really cared about lilly)
The Bad Boys
1.) Kenny (please)
2.) Carver (gross)
3.) Kenny (destroy)
4.) Kenny (this)
5.) Kenny (man)
6.) Roman (not likable)
7.) Vernon (was likable, but disappointed me in the end)
8.) Randall (lovely smug boy, but i'll get killed if i put him on the good boy list)
this isn't in any particular order
The Good Boys
1.) Sarah (she literally did nothing wrong)
2.) Christa (my precious wife, a lovely … moresurvivor and mother figure)
3.) Arvo (he's not as bad as y'all think he is)
4.) Lilly (a literal goddess, extremely cute. doesn't deserve any hate that she got)
5.) Mark (the most likable character in the whole franchise)
6.) Doug (a big, tubby computer nerd. very cute.)
7.) Ben (nervous, relatable teenager. very nice and tries his best)
8.) Travis (he was very cute and deserved more screen time
9.) Carlos (a loving dad, trying his best)
10.) Reggie (deserved a lot better, such a good guy)
11.) Troy (not a good person, but i enjoy characters who are awful people)
12.) Katjaa (beautiful!!! very sweet and smart and deserved a better husband)
13.) Sarita (beautiful, smart, amazing. deserved a way better boyfriend.)
14.) Walter (perfect father figure! honestly did nothing wrong)
15.) Matthew (ver… [view original content]
These Are The Shit
Jane (Season Two, Season Three)
Norma (Michonne Miniseries)
Lilly (Season One)
Bonnie ("400 Days," Season Two)
Vernon (Season One)
Samantha (Michonne Miniseries)
Paige (Michonne Miniseries)
Pete (Michonne Miniseries)
Pete (Season Two)
Molly (Season One)
Walter (Season Two)
These Are The Shit
Jane (Season Two, Season Three)
Norma (Michonne Miniseries)
Lilly (Season One)
Bonnie ("400 Days," Season Two)
Verno… moren (Season One)
Samantha (Michonne Miniseries)
Paige (Michonne Miniseries)
Pete (Michonne Miniseries)
Pete (Season Two)
Molly (Season One)
Walter (Season Two)
I dislike Zachary because he can attack Norma in "What We Deserve," essentially leading to Michonne's murder of the latter. I do understand exactly why he did it, but, nonetheless, I consider that move a moment of pure treason.
I dislike Zachary because he can attack Norma in "What We Deserve," essentially leading to Michonne's murder of the latter. I do understand exactly why he did it, but, nonetheless, I consider that move a moment of pure treason.
9.) Carlos (a loving dad, trying his best)
10.) Reggie (deserved a lot better, such a good guy)
17.) Lee (ultimate Murder Dad, the purest boy. he taught history but now he's history D^: )
24.) Alvin (nice and chunky, very good dad and very sweet to rebecca)
25.) Rebecca (strong, caring, was right to be cautious about clem in the beginning)
31.) Mike (has a good sense of humor, very likable overall)
45.) Larry (wasn't the best dad, but he really cared about lilly)
3.) Arvo (he's not as bad as y'all think he is)
That may have changed since he ran off into the night, but that's a possibility I hope doesn't come up either way outside of certain conditions. So, Agreed.
11.) Troy (not a good person, but i enjoy characters who are awful people)
In the context of this series, I don't mind awful people if they're a. legitimately funny/entertaining, b. have some limits and standards to how awful they'll be. So I guess he does count for most part.
19.) Jane (good big sister, did a good job dealing with her own grief!)
26.) Russell (has a bit of an attitude, but was very interesting!)
Mmm...at the very least, he was relatable. And I guess that does make his mindset interesting.
32.) Tavia (extremely rational, honestly didn't technically do anything wrong?)
Yeah, though I thought she arguably even lazier than Troy.
35.) Becca (punk kid, but doesn't deserve the amount of hate she gets)
It's somewhat understandable but even then, I don't think it's really that bad.
37.) Justin (way better than danny, i don't care what you people say)
this isn't in any particular order
The Good Boys
1.) Sarah (she literally did nothing wrong)
2.) Christa (my precious wife, a lovely … moresurvivor and mother figure)
3.) Arvo (he's not as bad as y'all think he is)
4.) Lilly (a literal goddess, extremely cute. doesn't deserve any hate that she got)
5.) Mark (the most likable character in the whole franchise)
6.) Doug (a big, tubby computer nerd. very cute.)
7.) Ben (nervous, relatable teenager. very nice and tries his best)
8.) Travis (he was very cute and deserved more screen time
9.) Carlos (a loving dad, trying his best)
10.) Reggie (deserved a lot better, such a good guy)
11.) Troy (not a good person, but i enjoy characters who are awful people)
12.) Katjaa (beautiful!!! very sweet and smart and deserved a better husband)
13.) Sarita (beautiful, smart, amazing. deserved a way better boyfriend.)
14.) Walter (perfect father figure! honestly did nothing wrong)
15.) Matthew (ver… [view original content]
I think its that he likes norma (for some reason) and as such doesnt like Zachery attacking/betraying her. Personally I found them both boring and fairly minor characters and dont really get why people find either of them engaging or worth commenting on (I did find both of their deaths funny though).
"You should get goin'. Bill don't like idle hands."
The funny thing is, I thought he was being relatively nice considering the context, relatively speaking. Also, is it me, or did he have a bit of a drawl there?
Sure she is(I think)!
Care to explain?
I didn't like how Carlos sheltered Sarah. Maybe it was implied that she had a disability (maybe autism?) when he mentioned she's not like most girls. Which in that case, I understand. Even still, his attitude toward Clementine early on irked me; telling her to stay away from Sarah and that she's not to be trusted. About Reggie: he had no backbone and was too weak and desperate. All he thought about was his place with Carver. Reggie made me roll my eyes more than a few times.
The shed walker never called Clementine a fish
Seriously!! If Lee can take on a walker with a damaged leg, Sandra can do it too!!
So, I don't have strong feelings for twenty two characters. Buut I figured I'd do five I like and five I dislike, to throw in my two cents.
People I like!
1) Clementine - I was instantly enamored by her character in Season One. One of the best escort missions in a game, ever. Although I am a little worried about what she might be like in A New Frontier, from what we've seen. Kinda worried.
2) Lee - Again, I found his character instantly engaging. Dave Fennoy's voice acting for him was just wonderful. And his goatee ;.;
3) Luuuke - Immediately, I sidled up to him in Season Two. He just seemed so nice! The scene in All That Remains when you sit opposite him and talk about Lee was one of my favourite moments in Season Two. And I got to hug him during In Harm's Way. Woo!
4) Jane - So, this is kind of a weird one. I liked the relationship between her and Clementine, 'cause I kind of sympathise with Clementine - namely, I really wanted a sister when I was about her age. It was kind of cool to experience that kind of friendship through Clementine's eyes.
5) Kenny - His beard is wonderful. Just sublime. I actually picked his ending in my first save, despite preferring Jane. Which was, you know, an experience.
People I dislike
1) Sam (Michonne) - I think the best way to describe her is with a word that starts with "C" and rhymes with "hunt". I dunno, I found her personality really grating. She came across as a really shitty person, at least from my point of view. I could just not be understanding her properly!
2) Leland - I found him kinda 'eh'. I liked his voice acting - Andrew Harrington is always brilliant - but I just felt his character was kind of boring.
3) Becca - Exceptionally bratty, at least to me. I found her personality kind of grating, giving off this 'I'm a bad bitch' personality but dropping it whenever it suits her. And I didn't like how she played guitar. Just played the same chords over and over again. Heh.
4) Mike - To quote Ben Schwartz from one of my favourite episodes of "Jake & Amir", 'Couples Therapist Part 2' - "When you talk, it's like little people throwing up in my head!" I found his voice acting to just be... Beyond awful. The way he delivered his lines just felt so stilted and forced at times. A couple that spring to mind are :
Around the campfire during In Harm's Way. He's all over the place for this one.
After Clementine finds the confederate jacket in Amid the Ruins. His reaction doesn't sound natural.
To me, Mike's voice acting was kind of terrible. I found it really boring to listen to and a little bit immersion breaking, 'cause I'd sometimes giggle at how terrible his delivery was.
5) Maybelle - I don't trust that cow... It's udder madness to trust a cow.

Sorry for the long post! And for the crap joke about Maybelle.
At least, you all think I'm joking.
Lol at Tess being hated. Sorry, i just found it funny that she's in the hated list, and it's a picture of her walker head in the bowling bag.
True enough. Which makes me think of that one piece of "fanart."
Hmm...interesting. And immediate understandable, too.
Yeah, I think that's a pretty common response. Assuming you beat the game here, Sam is supposed to be one of those kids(at 22) who try their best to help people they care about even if that means getting mixed up with shady people and get in way over their head. She's also meant to be something of a foil to Norma, who's a villain with a reasonable mindset, by having these somewhat aggressive habits to her that she doesn't always hold back but she's still a good person at heart.
Yeah, Becca is something of a harsh Clementine or even an opposite extreme to Sarah in that she's a try-hard when it comes to getting by in the apocalypse despite Shel's efforts: quick to criticize other people's flaws and jump to somewhat coldblooded conclusions when things get tense. Of course, not unlike Michelle, it's pretty much something of a defense mechanism to deal with how messed up the world is and she doesn't really have much nerve when it's time to put that line of thinking into motion.
1. Clementine
2. Lee
3. Kenny
4. Carley
5. Omid
6. Luke
7. Pete
8. Nick
9. Doug
10. Chet (my fat man)
11. Javier (I've got a good feeling about this guy)
1. Arvo (faggot)
2. Reggie
3. Troy
4. Vernon
5. Carver
6. Stranger (guy on walkie talkie)
7. Brie
8. Brenda
9. Nate
10. Danny
Your screen name is brilliant
Really now?
Care to explain?
Which one?
I like everyone I guess idk
Oh, hai Rose Quartz! Nice to see you stop by!
Nah, but seriously, if there's. some you like more than others, that'll work too.
Steven Universe reference, ay?
Top hated is Kenny. He literally destroys multiple groups and gets so many killed because of his poor decision making skills and rage.
I'm glad Clementine put him down like the Dog he was and went with Jane to learn how to be a survivor.
Yep! Speaking of which, I need to get around to putting some older thread concepts to work.
Interesting variety, though I'm not sure if there's supposed to be correlation or not. Also, I like how Omid requires an exclamation point.
Well, that's blunt. I'm guessing Jane is the top favorite then?
This looks fun! I'll give my input:
Top 11 Favorite Characters:
1. Nick (I feel like the story can be driven to connect with him well.)
2. Clementine (Need I say more)
3. Luke (Love the dynamic between Clem, Nick, and him)
4. Lee (Protagonist)
5. Kenny (He rages, but I was still happy he returned in season 2.)
6. Vince - 500 days (I like his attitude of self-preservation)
7. Nate - 500 days (He's crazy. And I love it.)
8. Oak - Michonne (He really just wants the crew thing to stay where it is)
9. Alvin ( I found myself really respecting this guy)
10. Omid (Funny guy)
11. Randal - Michonne (I love him as an antagonist, more than the other ones).
Top 11 Disliked Characters:
1. Bonnie (The part where she blames Clem for Luke's death when it was clearly her fault, I just can't get over that.)
2. Danny and the other St. Johns (Eww cannibals)
3. Arvo (It's hard to explain, but maybe he just aggravated me too much)
4. Stranger (He psycho-analyzes Lee)
5. Sam - Michonne (The whole mess is her fault... Don't steal kids.)
6. Norma - Michonne (She technically wasn't horrible, but I just didn't like her [Weirdly enough I really liked her brother's character])
7. Norman - 500 days (There is a reason Shel left)
8.Vernon (THE BOAT)
9. Sarah (I could relate, but ultimately I found her annoying.)
10 . William Carter (I understood his reasonings, but he wanted too much control.)
11. Russel (Couldn't care for him much) 500 days
Its Roman and 400 Days.
Lol you're right XD
you don't necessarily control her personality, seeing as she's the same in most people's playthrough, you just control what she says out of four basic, generic, cliche', boring, dialouge options. i still like Clementine, though, but that's just how i felt about her in S2.
No her peronality really is controlable, even if the choices are lame. Different personalitys for clementine have been confirmed.
whatever dude, i'm through arguing.
Top 11 Favourite Characters:
Top 11 Least Favourite/Hated Characters:
Chill, and OK sounds good
this isn't in any particular order
The Good Boys
1.) Sarah (she literally did nothing wrong)
2.) Christa (my precious wife, a lovely survivor and mother figure)
3.) Arvo (he's not as bad as y'all think he is)
4.) Lilly (a literal goddess, extremely cute. doesn't deserve any hate that she got)
5.) Mark (the most likable character in the whole franchise)
6.) Doug (a big, tubby computer nerd. very cute.)
7.) Ben (nervous, relatable teenager. very nice and tries his best)
8.) Travis (he was very cute and deserved more screen time
9.) Carlos (a loving dad, trying his best)
10.) Reggie (deserved a lot better, such a good guy)
11.) Troy (not a good person, but i enjoy characters who are awful people)
12.) Katjaa (beautiful!!! very sweet and smart and deserved a better husband)
13.) Sarita (beautiful, smart, amazing. deserved a way better boyfriend.)
14.) Walter (perfect father figure! honestly did nothing wrong)
15.) Matthew (very cute and very gay, nice and funny)
16.) Carley (good at being hot and shooting things, nice sense of humor and very sweet. my ever-so-caring carley)
17.) Lee (ultimate Murder Dad, the purest boy. he taught history but now he's history D^: )
18.) Clementine (Season 1) (sweet, pure, good. genuinely likable.)
19.) Jane (good big sister, did a good job dealing with her own grief!)
20.) Omid (honestly the funniest and sweetest guy)
21.) Luke (got a major in art history, now he's art history D^: )
22.) Nick (this guy literally deserves all the love, i have no idea why people hate him)
23.) Norma (didn't technically do anything wrong, since michonne did some garbage to her.)
24.) Alvin (nice and chunky, very good dad and very sweet to rebecca)
25.) Rebecca (strong, caring, was right to be cautious about clem in the beginning)
26.) Russell (has a bit of an attitude, but was very interesting!)
27.) Pete (Both of them) (the petes did nothing wrong)
28.) Sam (feisty and tough as nails, did her best to stay calm)
29.) Paige (gay and very relatable)
30.) Bonnie (such a sweetheart, did her best to protect clem.)
31.) Mike (has a good sense of humor, very likable overall)
32.) Tavia (extremely rational, honestly didn't technically do anything wrong?)
33.) Eddie (very funny! kept things lighthearted)
34.) Wyatt (voice of reason, kept eddie on task)
35.) Becca (punk kid, but doesn't deserve the amount of hate she gets)
36.) Vince (did a crime, but he's not doing the time)
37.) Justin (way better than danny, i don't care what you people say)
38.) Chuck (responsible, basically saved clem)
39.) The St. John Family (they're not good boys, but they're Good Boys)
40.) Zachary (anxious gay, made a mistake but still a cutie)
41.) Jonas (responsible gay, amazing doctor!)
42.) Molly (could kick my ass, please let her kill me)
43.) Hilda (lovely companion, hopefully she is still with us)
45.) Larry (wasn't the best dad, but he really cared about lilly)
The Bad Boys
1.) Kenny (please)
2.) Carver (gross)
3.) Kenny (destroy)
4.) Kenny (this)
5.) Kenny (man)
6.) Roman (not likable)
7.) Vernon (was likable, but disappointed me in the end)
8.) Randall (lovely smug boy, but i'll get killed if i put him on the good boy list)
i couldn't choose just 11
These Are The Shit
Jane (Season Two, Season Three)
Norma (Michonne Miniseries)
Lilly (Season One)
Bonnie ("400 Days," Season Two)
Vernon (Season One)
Samantha (Michonne Miniseries)
Paige (Michonne Miniseries)
Pete (Michonne Miniseries)
Pete (Season Two)
Molly (Season One)
Walter (Season Two)
Good Enough
Clementine (Season One, Season Two, Season Three)
Lee (Season One)
Michelle (Season Two)
Jolene (Season One)
Michonne (Michonne Miniseries)
Oak (Michonne Miniseries)
Stranger (Season One)
Mixed Feelings
Boyd (Season One, "400 Days")
Joyce (Season One, "400 Days")
William Carver (Season Two)
Gabby (Michonne Miniseries)
These Are Shit
Zachary (Michonne Miniseris)
Randall (Michonne Miniseries)
Kenny (Season One, Season Two, Season Three)
Troy (Season Two)
Ferry Scavengers (Michonne Miniseries)
North Carolina Scavengers (Season Two)
Save-Lots Bandits (Season One)
Danny St John (Season One)
The Best Of The Best
and Vanessa
These Are The Shit
Jane (Season Two, Season Three)
Norma (Michonne Miniseries)
Lilly (Season One)
Bonnie ("400 Days," Season Two)
Vernon (Season One)
Samantha (Michonne Miniseries)
Paige (Michonne Miniseries)
Pete (Michonne Miniseries)
Pete (Season Two)
Molly (Season One)
Walter (Season Two)

just out of curiosity, why do you not like zachary?
though i do agree with literally everything on your list, it's pretty great!
I forgot to include Sarah there as well.
Can I ask you why you hate Zachary by the way?
I dislike Zachary because he can attack Norma in "What We Deserve," essentially leading to Michonne's murder of the latter. I do understand exactly why he did it, but, nonetheless, I consider that move a moment of pure treason.
I don't get THAT.
Weird list but fair enough
Woah, that's a lot of favorites!
That may have changed since he ran off into the night, but that's a possibility I hope doesn't come up either way outside of certain conditions. So, Agreed.
In the context of this series, I don't mind awful people if they're a. legitimately funny/entertaining, b. have some limits and standards to how awful they'll be. So I guess he does count for most part.
Mmm...at the very least, he was relatable. And I guess that does make his mindset interesting.
Yeah, though I thought she arguably even lazier than Troy.
It's somewhat understandable but even then, I don't think it's really that bad.
Uh, yeah--No.
You don't understand how one thing led to the other, or you don't understand why I dislike him when he saved Michonne?
What's wrong with Zachary attacking Norma which makes you hate him? I just don't get that.
I think its that he likes norma (for some reason) and as such doesnt like Zachery attacking/betraying her. Personally I found them both boring and fairly minor characters and dont really get why people find either of them engaging or worth commenting on (I did find both of their deaths funny though).