Remember the Super Mario Bros. Z series (discussion)
I used to love this serie when I was just a kid and I never knew how it ended but the creator rebooted the serie months ago
I am telling this because I know there are fans here on this site and some of you probably don't know why the second episode of the reboot never got released well here is why
*Depression (Reposted because I deleted it by accident)
Around over a year ago I was diagnosed with clinical depression which has really been affecting my productivity with my artwork and animations. I have also found myself becoming increasingly more antisocial over the years and prone to moments of hostility towards people, particularly online.
When I started to go to the gym last August, I found myself in higher spirits and the weight loss helped pull me out of it for a while, but as of the past few months, I've slowly been falling back into the dark pit.
This has been affecting my progress on SMBZ most in particular, hence the lack of updates. I've still been working on it, but I haven't gotten nearly the amount of work done on episode 2 as I would have liked. The pressure of keeping so many supportive fans waiting for so long has not been helping with my condition. Especially when donations are involved.
I just want to say though that I really do appreciate everyone who shows their support, whether it be in moral support or donating to my new Patreon. All I ask is for your continued patience in these trying times. I'm not proud in the slightest that my condition is keeping people waiting for the next episode.
I hope you all understand. Thank you.*
I just wanted it to share here