Your engine still SUCKS Telltale! FIX IT/OVERHAUL IT/REPLACE IT! NOW!
In all five Batman Episodes I have experienced a hard crash/freeze of the game and in Episode five it keeps crashing in the same spot/at the same scene. (I'm on PS4 by the way) The engine has always been laughably bad with glitches and god awful lag, but it just continues to be terrible with each passing series. If there isn't a change in the technical quality of your games I don't know if I can continue to support you as a company any longer, which is truly a shame because I really want to. It's time to bite the bullet and take this doggy that is your engine out back and putting it out of its misery. Time to get a shiny new puppy to replace it and spend more time QA-ing/training it. (and this metaphor kind of got away from me) But I am serious there needs to be a change on your end, either with a new engine or more Quality Assurance time, the technical quality needs massive improvement and I hope you'll listen. Sorry for the rant, but I needed to get it off my chest. There is a matter of choices not really mattering but that is a rant for another day.
I've heard rumblings that there was an issue making the game work for too many platforms. People say that the new Walking Dead season is performing much better(they nixed the last gen releases). Someone may correct me if I'm wrong as I'm only going off of a couple people's reports whom had issues with Batman as well.
It's an issue on Xbone as well. They Just did a huge 4 gig patch. We'll see. As to the still sux comment. If you buy full retail releases digital or hard copy, the old games run damn well. If you want AAA level graphics and performance, Just play Last of Us 2 when its released. Expecting that out of this price point. Which by the way is one third of what Last of Us or RE7. Is like going to White Castle and complaing to management. about the size and weight of their burgers. It may make you feel better,but won't change much.