Bogey Man - Window Glitch

edited August 2009 in Game Support
I've had the game working fine before now, but I started it a few minutes ago to check something and the window just appears like this.
The full image did appear for a few seconds, but then the window just shrunk.


There's sound playing in the background, and the little I can actually see of the game suggests there's still something going on there, but I can't get the window any larger than that.

I've tried restarting the game and my PC several times to no avail. I've got a feeling switching the game to fullscreen might fix it, but I can't work out if there's any key combination I can use to do that, seeing as I can't get to the settings screen.

I'd imagine reinstalling could fix it, but I'll be thankful if anyone can suggest a quick solution.


  • TeaTea
    edited August 2009
    Try Alt+Enter. That should switch it to fullscreen if I'm not mistaken.
  • edited August 2009
    Cheers, that did the job.

    Still shows up weird when I switch back into windowed mode, but I'm more than happy playing it in fullscreen.
  • edited August 2009
    All previous episodes have worked fine - but I'm now in the clubhouse trying to get the three keys - Silver key collected without difficulty. The remaining two are impossible to get, because the game stops in its tracks.

    When attempting to play with McBiscuit, I'm recuired to select a club, when I do it is added to my inventory, but in order to play I need to select the club AND the tee to use, BUT as soon as the club is selectd, the full screen game switches to show the desktop! The game still shows in the taskbar, and if selected, the game goes fullscreen until I attempt to select the club again, and the desktop reappears.

    Same result when in the Town Centre trying to get the driver to connect with Edwina's Nut Butter - as soon as the driver is selected, the game switches to the C desktop and I'm no further forward. This action is repeatable after many restarts. I HAVE managed to play a round with McBiscuit previously - before giving Mrs Gabberly her milk drink....
  • edited August 2009

    These problems only exist if you leave the Clock Face OPEN. Once it is closed, the game functions normally. Might be worthwhile trapping this error...?
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