TWD Season 3: The Silent Legacy
Hi fellow Silent fans.
So looking forward to the new season.
Just uploaded the first episode "Ties that Binds"
This is a remake history of Clem as I can't upload my old save, so i based it all on my past video actions as I can...
Only thing different is choosing to shoot or call for help... in my playthrough, she did neither and Kenny did the shooting...
Personal View:
- Clem
Hardly a spoiler that Clem is here, so I wouldn't bother covering it up.
It's bit sad that the control is not fully in our hands but I kinda like her being her own.
Sort of like seeing how our time raising her make her be her own person...
Not sure if there's much of a difference in dialogue should past season choices be different than what I did.
But I do see one distinct difference if our choices were different.
and it's on her face...
Please share what differences you see in your Clem.
- The game is nice and smooth, looks better too with the art style. her hair looks great IMO,
Nice difference here is that she actually change clothes here, lol
rather than wearing the same all the way...
Something Our new character seem to have a habit of continuing to do so.
like to see the different sub-results when choosing to say or do something, hope to watch other people i subscribed differ to my path.
It's sad that the dialogue option on PC is no longer hotkey to 1 - 4
Used to be able to click the choice I want quick and no cursor moving required...
brought back memories when I re-watch season 1 & 2
Just finished Episode two
Can't see any long time players choosing some of the options available. Can be rather bias.
Love how relying on default choices will do things we might not even want to choose.

Episoode 2: Ties that Binds

Episode 3: Above the Law

Can't remember if Javi did anything with kate by being silent.
I like some parts by being silent compared to making other choices. Like when we get the result we want by letting them decide on their own rather than we push it on them.
Maybe only few people watch this, but I like it
Thanks, glad u like it

It's for those interested in finding out what happens when we just stay quiet, take no action and let the default choice play its course.

Does it really make much of a difference?
the almost random results is kinda fun to watch. I don't even know what happened till after I finish making the video and finally watching it for myself, lol
Episode 4: Thicker than Water

Things go bad to worst when pressing no judgement...
Was hoping to let the process handle itself and it almost did...
Just watched the video myself,
I wonder why Clem stabbed him, after all in Season 1, being silent made her just walk away.
Hey, just a heads up. I tried to watch your episode 1 and 4 silent playthrough that you posted a few hours ago, and it's giving me an error. Maybe it's just a problem on my end, but I don't have problems watching any of the other two episodes, or the clip of Clementine differences.
Thanks for letting me know,
it's the link I posted that wrong,
I've fixed the episode 4 but have to repost episode 1 as I can't edit the first post...

Episode 1: Ties that Binds (Part 1)

No problem! I appreciate the videos, thank you.
The final episode is done
Episode 5: From the Gallows

Her eyes! xD
Silence is a drug.