A review of 2016
Well the title sounds kind of stupid because most people have even made threads to explain how shitty it was but not everyone has said if this year effected them at all here's my 2016 in a nutshell. Everything was all good for the first months then came summer where my parents got separated which really did not bother me because I'm making a living for myself I'm moving on In life like normal getting decent grades in all my classes but my parents where always still fighting back and forth. Then when I started going back to school I talked to one of my best friends because no matter how many times I tried to get in touch with him he would not respond but he just started being a dick to me and hanging out with these weird girls I just stuck around my other friends. I tried to get my friend to stop being such a dick but he wouldn't he just became some stupid fuck boy so there went my best friend I knew since 5th grade. Then it seemed my Dad was getting way more aggressive over the separation and was a lot harder on me and my brother. Eventually something happened I don't want to talk about but it ended up in my dad physically hurting my mom and trashing her place I was at my friends house but it left my 6 year old brother traumatized. Then Donald Trump became president which also sucked but I at least had a good Christmas it was just different than the ones I've had on the past and recently one of my uncles died so I'm dying to just start New Years. So was your 2016 good or bad not just because of the things that of happened world wide has anything bad happened personally this year? And finnaly how would you rate this year I give it 4/10 I know some people have had way worse experiences than me so you can overview your year here.
I'll leave this here
2016 was fucking trash. Trump got elected, David Bowie, Alan Rickman, Prince all died. FUCK 2016
It was ok, but my two cats died toward the end of the year which ruined it. Also my phone factory reset and I lost all my photos from the past year cos my dumbass didn't back them up
Well it's been shit for me.
Alan Rickman died the year of Harry Potter's anniversary (they didn't mention him in the BAFTA montage!)
David Bowie died, Prince died and so many others.
Trump got elected and Carrie Fisher died and now her mum Debbie Reynolds is too
It was an average year for me.I have a pretty regular life.
It was a shitty year but the whole "ermagerd fuck 2016" thing is getting really old. I'm sorry you had a shitty year, at least you are complaining about real issues and not the death of some celebrities who you didn't personally know.
https://www.google.co.in/imgres?imgurl=https://pics.onsizzle.com/2016-just-be-like-im-taking-everyone-3791952.png&imgrefurl=https://onsizzle.com/i/2016-just-be-like-im-taking-everyone-2374902&docid=V1kO20mLfbNsuM&tbnid=AZT4pFrCpRoH6M:&vet=1&w=500&h=522&bih=662&biw=1366&q=2016 be like&ved=0ahUKEwi80s3f_5nRAhWKr48KHRJQB-IQMwgfKAQwBA&iact=mrc&uact=8