telltale community apk
This communtiy really need an android, app like facebook or google plus to make it very easy for the mobile users who play the games at phone and visit the community at the same phone too, so the customer can be more closer to telltale
The telltale communty at the phone from the browser seem a little bit off, and had a lot of errors cos make its me crazy sometimes when i tybe at the community a large post On browser and i need to add an other page to an other site and when i go back to the post the browser reload the community page by him self and i lose all my postpost
There is a lot of problems i had with the community at the web and that just one of them
I think its a great idea to that community to have an app to make it more better to the customer and helpful
yes yes i agree
I do not think that layered discussions would look good on a mobile app (and I'm surprised that Telltale was even able to make them look good on the current mobile site in a vertical screen). I am not sure if Telltale would release an app just for the site, but I am just a community volunteer Moderator and not a Telltale Staff member so don't take my statement as meaning anything.
This would be nice.