Have retail version of Season 1 - can I...

edited August 2009 in Sam & Max
Use this to get the digitally distributed version somehow? I'm kind of a completist, and it would look good on my profile on this website and being able to download it.

I suspect I'm forced to buy the game again?

Also, nothing to do with Sam and Max, is it worth buying Bone episode 2 at all? I already have the first episode, and I love the comics and game was okay, but are they ever going to complete the series?


  • edited August 2009
    Send an email over to support and they could get you hooked up.
  • edited August 2009
    What do you mean retail version?
  • edited August 2009
    If you bought the retail (Adventure Company/JoWood) version of Sam and Max Season 1, unfortunately this doesn't entitle you to get the games in your Telltale "My Games". The actual game content is identical, of course. The bonus features on your CDs/DVDs are slightly different than the ones on Telltale's Collector's DVD.
  • edited August 2009
    Molokov wrote: »
    If you bought the retail (Adventure Company/JoWood) version of Sam and Max Season 1, unfortunately this doesn't entitle you to get the games in your Telltale "My Games". The actual game content is identical, of course. The bonus features on your CDs/DVDs are slightly different than the ones on Telltale's Collector's DVD.

    Well that is disappointing... I have the wii version & hate it... it would be nice to be able to get the PC version instead.
  • edited August 2009
    What do you mean retail version?

    retail |ˈriːteɪl|
    the sale of goods to the public in relatively small quantities for use or consumption rather than for resale : [as adj. ] the product's retail price.

    being sold in such a way : it is not yet available retail.

    verb |rəˈteɪl| |riˈteɪl| |ˈriˈteɪl| |rɪˈteɪl| [ trans. ]

    1 |ˈrēˌtāl| sell (goods) to the public in such a way : the difficulties in retailing the new products.
    • [ intrans. ] ( retail at/for) (of goods) be sold in this way for (a specified price) : the product retails for around $20.

    2 |ˈrēˌtāl; riˈtāl| recount or relate details of (a story or event) to others : his inimitable way of retailing a diverting anecdote.
    retailer |rəˈteɪlər| |riˈteɪlər| noun

    you're welcome :)
  • edited August 2009
    retail |ˈriːteɪl|
    the sale of goods to the public in relatively small quantities for use or consumption rather than for resale : [as adj. ] the product's retail price.

    being sold in such a way : it is not yet available retail.

    verb |rəˈteɪl| |riˈteɪl| |ˈriˈteɪl| |rɪˈteɪl| [ trans. ]

    1 |ˈrēˌtāl| sell (goods) to the public in such a way : the difficulties in retailing the new products.
    • [ intrans. ] ( retail at/for) (of goods) be sold in this way for (a specified price) : the product retails for around $20.

    2 |ˈrēˌtāl; riˈtāl| recount or relate details of (a story or event) to others : his inimitable way of retailing a diverting anecdote.
    retailer |rəˈteɪlər| |riˈteɪlər| noun

    you're welcome :)

    Main Entry: mur·der

    Pronunciation: \ˈmər-dər\

    Function: noun

    Etymology: partly from Middle English murther, from Old English morthor; partly from Middle English murdre, from Anglo-French, of Germanic origin; akin to Old English morthor; akin to Old High German mord murder, Latin mort-, mors death, mori to die, mortuus dead, Greek brotos mortal

    Date: before 12th century

    1 : the crime of unlawfully killing a person especially with malice aforethought

    2 a : something very difficult or dangerous <the traffic was murder> b : something outrageous or blameworthy <getting away with murder>
  • edited August 2009
    Main Entry: mur·der

    Pronunciation: \ˈmər-dər\

    Function: noun

    Etymology: partly from Middle English murther, from Old English morthor; partly from Middle English murdre, from Anglo-French, of Germanic origin; akin to Old English morthor; akin to Old High German mord murder, Latin mort-, mors death, mori to die, mortuus dead, Greek brotos mortal

    Date: before 12th century

    1 : the crime of unlawfully killing a person especially with malice aforethought

    2 a : something very difficult or dangerous <the traffic was murder> b : something outrageous or blameworthy <getting away with murder>

    threat |θrɛt|
    1 a statement of an intention to inflict pain, injury, damage, or other hostile action on someone in retribution for something done or not done : members of her family have received death threats.
    • Law a menace of bodily harm, such as may restrain a person's freedom of action.
    2 a person or thing likely to cause damage or danger : hurricane damage poses a major threat to many coastal communities.
    • [in sing. ] the possibility of trouble, danger, or ruin : the company faces the threat of bankruptcy | thousands of railroad jobs came under threat.
    ORIGIN Old English thrēat [oppression,] of Germanic origin; related to Dutch verdrieten ‘grieve,’ German verdriessen ‘irritate.’

    lawsuit |ˈlɔːsuːt| |-sjuːt|
    a claim or dispute brought to a court of law for adjudication : his lawyer filed a lawsuit against Los Angeles city.
  • edited August 2009
    threat |θrɛt|
    1 a statement of an intention to inflict pain, injury, damage, or other hostile action on someone in retribution for something done or not done : members of her family have received death threats.
    • Law a menace of bodily harm, such as may restrain a person's freedom of action.
    2 a person or thing likely to cause damage or danger : hurricane damage poses a major threat to many coastal communities.
    • [in sing. ] the possibility of trouble, danger, or ruin : the company faces the threat of bankruptcy | thousands of railroad jobs came under threat.
    ORIGIN Old English thrēat [oppression,] of Germanic origin; related to Dutch verdrieten ‘grieve,’ German verdriessen ‘irritate.’

    lawsuit |ˈlɔːsuːt| |-sjuːt|
    a claim or dispute brought to a court of law for adjudication : his lawyer filed a lawsuit against Los Angeles city.

    Main Entry: Bribe

    Pronunciation: \ˈbrīb\

    Function: nou
    Etymology: Middle English, morsel given to a beggar, bribe, from Anglo-French, morsel

    Date: 15th century

    1 : money or favor given or promised in order to influence the judgment or conduct of a person in a position of trust

    2 : something that serves to induce or influence
  • edited August 2009
    Well that is disappointing... I have the wii version & hate it... it would be nice to be able to get the PC version instead.

    Having the Wii version has nothing to do with having the PC version, and there is no situation on earth that it would make sense for them to give you access to one for owning the other.
  • edited August 2009
    No, I'm pretty sure you can't get it if you already have it on retail. They have no way of knowing who bought what on retail. Personally, I'd love to have the collector's DVD, too, but I don't see that happening in the near future, unless I win the lottery, which I also don't see happening any time soon.
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