edited August 2009 in Site Support
I can't upload an avatar! I have no idea why. I've checked to make sure my avatars are within the size and file size requirements, I've tried directly from the compy and putting them on photo bucket and linking to them. I follow the instructions. Why does the forum avatar god hate me so? :(

I've tried uploading my own avatars and avatars produced by Telltale. I really don't understand why I can't get a cute little picture below my name!

EDIT: Never mind. I figured it out. Although it is rather misleading to have both the option of editing your profile picture and your avatar. Methinks this could be simplified.

Although I still can't get a signature to appear on posts.


  • edited August 2009
    I've yet to see a sig on this forum...
  • edited August 2009
    you can't have been looking hard then.

    to set a sig open your user control panel (user cp up there) then on the left hand menu find the edit signature option and select. then type your sig into the box provided then press save signature (or preview signature to see what it'll look like before you save it).
  • edited August 2009
    you can't have been looking hard then.

    to set a sig open your user control panel (user cp up there) then on the left hand menu find the edit signature option and select. then type your sig into the box provided then press save signature (or preview signature to see what it'll look like before you save it).

    They could be referring to a banner type signature which is another beast entirely. As much traffic as these forums get, I'd say adding graphical sigs would push them over the edge (and not in a good way).
  • edited August 2009
    good point. I don't think of banner sigs as the forums I tend to go on don't allow them because people just abuse them and make huge ones.
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