How to get over fear of horror games
I just got my hands on new Resident evil game and been meaning to play it today. But no matter how hard I try I cant force myself to start because of this terrible fear i have of horror games. I just get so startled by jump scares and sounds coming from everywhere. Anyone here who can relate to this? How do you usually get over this fear and force yourself to play a game you really want to play?
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I hate jumpscares as well, but I just forced myself through Until Dawn (not that it was really worth it). No real other method, at least for me. Playing in lit enviroment and with someone else (nearby, if not actively playing/watching) might help.
I just finished Outlast a couple days ago which has a lot of jump scares and suspenseful moments. For me it was really freaky but as I kept playing I gradually became less nerve racked. Don't get me wrong, it was still really intense, but to some extent I was getting used to the way the game works. My advice is don't think about it when you're starting, just start it like you would with any other game you play and hopefully you'll warm up to it because it's a fun game.
Play with a friend, keep the lights on, crack jokes. Lower the volume if you think it'll help.
I played Outlast as well and that didn't actually scare me. There were some unsavoury moments, but for the most part I think I handled myself very well. What's more strange is the one game I cannot stand playing is Slender. I played it once and I never touched it again lol
I think the only way to get over it is to start playing, you'll eventually get used to it and you won't be as bothered by it.
I understand what you're saying, though it's not the jump scares that get me. It more of the anticipation. What I do is try to stay calm and clear my mind and not think about what might happen.
Play it during the day on a low volume. Then gradually work your way to night at a normal volume. Remember it's only a game and the scary stuff can't really hurt you.
I'm not scared of jumpscares. I just push through like a man.
Why would you want to get over fear of horror games? I play them BECAUSE they scare me.
I just recently picked up Alien: Isolation. So far, it hasn't really scared me a LOT, but I haven't even met the "Alien" yet, so...
Well,a survival horror is a game that should scare you so if you don't like this type of games just don't play it.
About jumpscares I can say from my own experience as a "survival horror gamer" that after a while you get used to it (probably because horror games nowadays use too much the jumpscares)
I remember when I was playing dead space for the first time. I'd be scared of turning every corner, I'd shoot every "dead" necromorph I could see (and they usually did come back to life after I shot them), I shot every dead human (though those never did come back to life). That lasted maybe like the first 5 hours. As I went on I gradually started to get more confident and just soldiered through it, I started calculating if I had enough ammo on my current gun to survive the next jumpscare or if I should switch. That game had a really scary atmosphere, the anticipation of a jumpscare was scarier than the jumpscares themselves. Really liked it.
My advice, just soldier through it, you get used to it as time passes.
Pfft heck if I know, jump scares are the bane of my existence. I get startled even when I can see them coming miles away....I just avoid the horror genre altogether, I choose sleep thanks. <_<"
This is the only horror game that scared me the most and still gets me. You have no idea what is like to be chased down by the Xenomorph. The way he runs...
Once you start understanding how the game works and is played it becomes significantly less scary. You pick up on "oh these are safe spots" "Oh might be a hide sequence here" don't get me wrong it's still intense but I find most horror games to be scariest in the first act.
Never had such problem but maybe I can help. Put on a decent clothes and go for a walk at night. Visit most dangerous parts of your town/city, for ex. if you're from NY, South Bronx or Harlem are fine options.
If you'll return home safe then no video game will scare you.
I go by watching a let's play. Pretty much the only time I do.
I recently tried to play outlast and I'm just like you I wanted to play it for the story but can't stand the horror element I just left the lights on and played during daytime only and tried to watch or play something else before bed yeah I'm a little chicken about it if you couldn't tell.
It's supposed to scare you, though I prefer tension and atmosphere over jumpscares.
Find a good horror game.
Simple as that.
Find a scary game that is terrifying but you can't stop playing. That's my mood toward Subnautica. I'm terrified of the ocean.
I love horror games but I can only watch someone else to play them
so yeah I never got over the fear but I'm glad I found a way to still enjoy these kind of games. Thank god lets plays exist.
As a kid, I couldn't handle them either because of jumpscares and gore.
Now I'm 23 years old and gore doesn't bother me that much and I can handle jumpscares a lot more than I used to. Usually its when I'm expecting it and I brace myself that jumpscares don't scare me that much. But when I don't, that's when they get me. One time I got scared by one last year and I was all "AHH! You motherfucker!" and then laughed it off.
You can also do what YouTuber Moo Snuckle does and use comedy to help get you through it.
When i was younger I would get scared of some of the caves and dungeons in Oblivion. I found that having the radio or some other music on would help distract me from the fear.
Playing Until Dawn was pretty nervewracking. At times I almost didn't want to continue, but you just force yourself to and end having a lot of fun.
Thx everyone for your answers. I decided to face the game like the man I am lol, went straight into it at night, lights off and headphones. It was horrible the first hour or so, after that I really got into it and I just finished the game 15 minutes ago. I really recommend it, the tension, characters and everything was awesome.
Just do it whats going to happen if you get scared just tackle it head on
Until Dawn had like 2 good jump scares. Other than that it wasn't really that scary. :P
I don't. There's always a certain anxiety that goes into playing horror games, even ones you've already beaten. I'm usually shaking in fear when I'm getting ready to replay Silent Hill 2 and 3 despite beating those games numerous times. You just put the game in and get spooked. It's important to know that the fear isn't a bad thing in a case of horror games. If a horror game makes you too scared to even put the game in, then it's doing it's job. As for ways to reduce anxiety playing, you can turn the lights on, turn down the TV volume, play with a friend (irl or in a skype call), record your reaction or play for 30 minutes at a time. It does reduce the anxiety of playing a lot, but for the best experience with the game I recommend doing the exact opposite.
Good on you
It's always a good feeling when you finish a good game.
Just pretend that the Baker family are stereotypical southerners and that the molded are lonely bastards who want a hug.
watch pewdiepie first. and then play the game
Step 1: Don't be a puss.
Step 2: Refer to Step 1.
Until Dawn was riddled with jump scares. There was barely a scene without one. And if you're not a fan of jumpscares (like myself), then it was pretty hard to force yourself through that.
Just think "what would Batman do?".
Sure. The game was jump scare city, just not necessarily good jump scare city. xD
I don't know how I do it. I just push myself to play it. I've only completed 2 horror games, though they mostly leaned towards the edge of action. (Outlast -- parkour, hiding, action-y chase scenes... Alien: Isolation -- weapons, crafting, actually able to defend against enemies) They still scared me half to death, but I survived. I just push through it, cover my view with my hand when going through a creepy room, and only play in short 30-40 minute bursts if it's getting really scary.
For me, when I'm so scared I can't play a horror game, I usually just play it. Doesn't matter how I feel, you just open the game and play it. If you just deal with it and play, you get used to it.
But the zoo owners get mad then!
But the zoo owners get mad then!
Acording to MatPat from The Game Theory youtube channel (aka better teacher than all my school teachers together) you have to remove the frontal part of the brain or whatever.
I think this is it
I never really had much of a problem with horror games, for some reason. I used to be the biggest chicken @#$% when it came to horror movies when I was younger, but even then, games never scared me since I was in control, instead of vicariously watching someone else.
[A spambot had recently necro-bumped this thread, so I'm going to debate on keeping it open or closing it.]
I had the same problem than understand that i was playing the game as a real thing like if i got killed or hurt that will happing to me.
I replaced that feeling with two feelings
the first one this not real if i go forward in the game nothing is going to happin even if i got hurt or killed its not like the end of me i can replay again if i died. And i am not the one who is going to die the main character of the game is the one who will and that dosen't matter to me.
the second one if i had to think of this game as a real horror Experience the only way to end this Experience is by going forward i am scared yeah but my fear wont end this Experience only facing that expetience end it.
Ok here are the 2 ways to play a horror game:
The Puss way (AKA the way you should do it)
1. Make sure you DO NOT PLAY IT ON VR.
2. Wear comfortable safe clothing to hold on to, also warmth will make
4. Take yourself out of the game once and a while, look off the screen for a good 20 second once in a while to remember it's just a game
5. Pee before you play, for precautions
6. Snacks. And cute ones at that, pizza and candies will help you, if your chewing a kitkat while a monster comes for you, focus on the kitkat.
7. Sit comfortably and make sure your back is on some type of chair.
2. Wear clothes that are sorta like what you would be wearing in that situation, also make sure it's chilly in your room, it's more immersive.
6. Stay silent, don't make any jokes, it will make it more serious.