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10 Signs You Have Met Someone From Your Soul Group
Your Soul Group is like your spirit family and are all the souls that were cut from the same “energetic cloth” as you.
Together, you all have a specific mission and purpose to achieve that is part of a greater and bigger vision for the Universe.
All the members of your Soul Group vibrate within a certain frequency and your soul is in harmony with that vibration.
Your Soul Group is often chosen by you before you were born as it is believed to support your soul and its mission and growth in this lifetime.
You may not meet all the members of your Soul Group in this lifetime, but regardless you are all working towards the same goal or mission here on Earth while bringing your own unique flavour and personality to the process.
Members of your Soul Group come into your life to change your world and to expand your mind. They also come to remind you of your journey, purpose and mission.
Some people identify members of their Soul Group as Soulmates as often there is a strong chemistry, connection or familiarity upon meeting
There are different levels or types of Soulmates that we can encounter which could be presented to us as family members, romantic partners, teachers, enemies and even chance encounters.
There are no finite rules surrounding how a member of your soul group will come into your life, but here are 10 signs that you may have met one:
They may mirror or have a similar life experience as you, helping you to understand your situation better.
They may highlight your personality traits helping you to change or grow.
They help you to turn your weaknesses into strengths.
They help to balance out your energy and show you a different side of life.
They can help you to find patience, understanding and compassion.
They can highlight a need for you to heal or let go of certain events or emotions.
You can work together to create, brainstorm ideas or bring visions into the light.
They come into your life to help you on your path right when you need it.
They help to advance your soul and your soul journey.
You work together to support global causes or a bigger vision.
Meeting a member of your Soul Group is often a profound experience. Have you met members of your soul group?
Written by Tanaaz Chubb
This article was originally published in Forever
Tanaaz Chubb
Tanaaz is the co-creator and owner of the website Forever Conscious. Tanaaz started Forever Conscious as a way to share her thoughts and ideas about the spirit world, astrology and mindfulness. She also offers intuitive readings through the site to help people connect with their path and purpose.
And now on with some questions from me.
How do you change this energy the article speaks of? How do you change this energy so you can better mesh with the people either you care for, or the people you want to mesh with?
This is mumbo jumbo
Well there's your first problem. Lol
Formulaic hogwash. It basically says that my soul mate is the one who makes me feel good and completely understands me. That wasn't obvious at all...
Not true, acording with my philosophy, but so interesting for a novel! Taking note of everything!
I choose my friends and those who I surround myself with, not some mumbo jumbo.