Is she who i think is she

I was watching the tv show of game of thrones seaon 3 at lady Margerie wedding than i saw this
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  • edited February 2017

    The girl at the right is that mira

  • Sorry this is from season 4 not 3

    FORTLEE posted: »

    The girl at the right is that mira

  • Nope she isn't.
    Simply becouse season 4 of the show was obviously made before any idea of creating this game.
    Sorry mate :( .

    FORTLEE posted: »

    Sorry this is from season 4 not 3

  • Wow. Well, it sure does look like it. Haha. That would be a nice little easter egg.

    FORTLEE posted: »

    Sorry this is from season 4 not 3

  • Back in the day when Season 1 was ongoing, when this sub-forum was booming with activity, we had a long discussion whatever this girl was Mira.

    I think it was confirmed that it wasn't Mira and it was just a coincidence.

  • Oh too bad

    Back in the day when Season 1 was ongoing, when this sub-forum was booming with activity, we had a long discussion whatever this girl was Mira. I think it was confirmed that it wasn't Mira and it was just a coincidence.

  • Thanks

    GaymerBoy posted: »

    Wow. Well, it sure does look like it. Haha. That would be a nice little easter egg.

  • Nah no worry i didn't put so much hope on it

    Tunak23 posted: »

    Nope she isn't. Simply becouse season 4 of the show was obviously made before any idea of creating this game. Sorry mate .

  • TT took that girl from the show probably as inspiration..

    Can't be a coincidence, I mean, look at her.. !?!? XD

    Tunak23 posted: »

    Nope she isn't. Simply becouse season 4 of the show was obviously made before any idea of creating this game. Sorry mate .

  • ikr

    rabbitrun posted: »

    TT took that girl from the show probably as inspiration.. Can't be a coincidence, I mean, look at her.. !?!? XD

  • Yeah better leave the discussion here guys :(

    FORTLEE posted: »

    Oh too bad

  • Yeah, it isn't Mira. In fact, there are couple of extras throughout the course of the series who wear that exact costume. It isn't crazy to think that maybe Telltale took their inspiration from it.

    Back in the day when Season 1 was ongoing, when this sub-forum was booming with activity, we had a long discussion whatever this girl was Mira. I think it was confirmed that it wasn't Mira and it was just a coincidence.

  • It's not her, remember Mira and Sera weren't allowed to be there because Cersei didn't allow it? They were not allowed to go up into the actual party, just off the side. Besides we played as Mira who was only there for about 3 minutes before she had to run off to get the ironwood decree.
    I thought all the Tyrell handmaidens had that uniform though, in different colors.

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