I think he's a huge cuck. Nothing but a washed up old gimp who tries desperately to be funny and fails. He should really just kill himself at this point, his existence isn't helping anyone.
[Thread: How much of a cuck is Bloop?]
I think he's a huge cuck. Nothing but a washed up old gimp who tries desperately to be funny and fails. He should really just kill himself at this point, his existence isn't helping anyone.
I'm completely normal. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm about to ride my unicorn to MetallicaLand where I will participate in a blood orgy to our Lord and Savior, Lemmy Kilmister.
Thread: Thoughts on RockMySocks
Who here wants to fuck@RockMySocks ? I sure do
[Thread: Thoughts on RockMySocks]
Same, the user is pretty hot.
Thread: Poogers555, your thoughts on him
[Thread: Poogers555, your thoughts on him]
The worst forum member in existence. I'm not sure how anyone can tolerate him and his terrible memes.
[Thread: Poogers555, your thoughts on him]
A huge cuckboi.
[Thread: Poogers555, your thoughts on him]
I think he's a huge cuck. You?
[Thread: Poogers555, your thoughts on him]
He makes dank memes!
[Thread: Thoughts on RockMySocks]
I don't, she's a T H O T.
But his meme and gif game is pretty strong
Pft, fishing for compliments are we? NOT ON MY WATCH!
You're the worst moderator in existence. I'm not sure how anyone can tolerate you and your terrible memes.
No u
(Bans self for low quality post)
Hey man don't encourage it
jk ily
Jesus fuck, take the rest of day Blind.
[Thread: Poogers555, your thoughts on him]
Thread: How much of a cuck is Bloop?
Thread name says it all.
[Thread: How much of a cuck is Bloop?]
I think he's a huge cuck. Nothing but a washed up old gimp who tries desperately to be funny and fails. He should really just kill himself at this point, his existence isn't helping anyone.
I agree.
[Thread: How much of a cuck is Bloop?]
No as much as you
I thought you were a bro.
get rekt m8
Thread: Who shall take the cuck throne?
which forum member will take the cuck throne and rule all of the cucklands?
Who shall take the cuck throne?
[Thread: Who shall take the cuck throne?]
Bloop, I think we all know the answer to that question sweetie.
I'm a bad person, what else can I say.
Thread: Is Dojo the only sane man here?
he seems to be one of the few who hasn't lost his mind
[Thread: Is Dojo the only sane man here?]
I guess so but this joke's novelty is wearing off. So stop.
[Thread: Is Dojo the only sane man here?]
I'm completely normal. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm about to ride my unicorn to MetallicaLand where I will participate in a blood orgy to our Lord and Savior, Lemmy Kilmister.
Blind change the name to Bloop containment thread.
[Thread: Is Dojo the only sane man here?]
I'm neither sane, nor a man. Did you just assume my gender??!!111!!??
[RhysAndLee's Comment on Jackfuck Thread]
O shit everything's falling apart.
Dojo already got you on that, fam.
Yo yo yo whats happening in he-
Thread: I wanan fucking kill myself
point me to the nearest noose.
Here you pussy:
o shit