Spoiled Rich Kids
Now, rich and spoiled, as in "gets a new watch whenever they get a good grade and replaces their entire lambo if the seat is slightly ripped" rich and spoiled.
Am I the only one who wants to see these spoiled rich kids go for only a week with $100 to spend (and unless they eat caviar for every meal, it is completely possible). Or see them spend a month in a third-world country? Or actually get a job?
The reason I'm asking this is because I had happened upon some videos on YouTube and one of them was "ten douchiest things that rich kids post on snapchat" (or something like that) and I was so annoyed with how spoiled these kids were! They're getting new cars, watches, shaming their not-as-rich 'friends'. I want to see spoiled rich kids getting taught a lesson!
I know what you mean, back when the iPhone 6s was released I asked for it and my mum bought me the iPhone 6 not the 6s
I know I'm not a spoiled rich kid cuz I only told my parents I hated them like 3 or 4 times afterwards.
Ohhh, you most certainly are not the only one, my friend. I grew up in a very upper-middle class town. I lived in a shack compared to their nice ass estates. And the shack description is only half of an exaggeration.
One of my best friends is on the wealthier side in terms of living, so I once took a vacation with him and his family down to Florida.
I mean, my friend was pretty chill and happy when we were there, but the rest of his family were so fucking desensitized to all of the cool shit that they were doing that I felt pretty terrible and surprised.
Bottom line, if I'm ever fortunate enough to become very wealthy one day, of course I'd spoil my kids, just not spoil them rotten. Because, lemme tell ya...the value of the American dollar has dropped TREMENDOUSLY over the past few decades.
I wouldn't be so bitter about it, they'll live their lives, make mistakes, and hopefully grow as a result.
To be honest, as annoying as the kids are, I blame the parents. The little shits wouldn't have turned out as spoilt as they are, had the parents put some guidelines in place and reminded them that they can't get everything they want. Then again, I don't have kids and have no intention of ever having any, so maybe it's not really my place to judge.
I'm not bitter, per se, but annoyed at how naive and ignorant those kids are.
I only got an iPod Touch 5th Gen for my grade 8 graduation, and I was gonna ask them (my parents) for the cheaper one and they got me one of the better ones (32 GB) and I didn't want a phone for the longest time. I only got one last year because I, of course, am growing up and I need some way to contact family and whatnot if I'm not in an area with wifi. I only got the latest model of that time (iPhone SE) because it was cheaper than an iPhone 6 and better than an iPhone 5s (or whatever).
No offence, but be glad she even got you a phone.
I've never cared to be honest. Honestly it annoys me more when people constantly complain about these "rich kids" Just to clarify I don't mean specifically you, I mean people in general complaining about them.
I wouldn't be annoyed, they'll learn a lesson in the future. They may even become better people because of it.
Haha, was kidding bro. You didn't actually think I told my parents I hated them cuz they got me the 6 rather than the 6s did you? I'm not that much of a douche, I still have my second hand Samsung phone for like the past 5 years.
Yeah, I understand that. But I'm also only talking about the spoiled rich kids; the ones who gloat and whatnot. Rich kids who understand what they have are alright by me.
$100 a week? That's really generous for a kid. Unfortunately we don't get to dictate our starting position in life.
I didn't grow up this way but I went to school with many kids who did. I've known kids with $1000 allowances whose first cars were BMW's and Mustangs. And then they'd wreck the car within a week and daddy would buy them an even better one.
It pissed me off for a while until I realized that while they are rich in money and things, they are extremely poor in life experience. Growing up rich and over-privileged in an insulated bubble does something bad to your sense of belonging in a connected community and your ability to interact with a wide range of individuals.
Wealth is today's pathology.
Everything gets powered by social media - facebook, instagram, etc., where people boast themselves and others start to follow the trend. Rich kids are worse than poor ones, they don't have any manners and their parents don't care, they keep getting them stuff to keep them busy and out of their way.
Yeah, dude those rich white kids should really check their privilege /s.
I'm white and rich. Fight me because I'm an arrogant prick!!!
I have nothing against Rich Kids per say, it only becomes a problem for me when they throw their wealth in other people's faces thinking they are better then everyone else. Secondly they need to realize that money is not going to fix every problem no matter how much they think it will, on top of that many of these kids lack real life experience because they are so use to having things handed to them on a silver platter.
I was friends with a rich kid once and he bought me ice cream and plushies. They're okay in my book.
I didn't say 'white' anywhere.
Sounds like you are describing 80% of the rappers out there.
But white cis men tend to be the most privileged. (Cisgender because trans people are still fighting for rights)
You want to see spoiled rich kids getting taught a lesson. I want to see them getting poorer.
Your naive optimism has no basis in reality. Those are the kind of spoiled assholes that grow up to be Donald Trump or Mitt Romney.
Okay....maybe I was being a little too ridiculous.
l think sometimes people (including me) associate spoiled and rich with white male...sorry.
Ah, no need to apologize. I don't mean to belittle the struggles of any minorities, just wanted to point out that being certain race and gender is no guarantee for easy and privileged life.
I go to a school with mostly rich bitched, I only got in because my mother is a history teacher there and everybody loves her (i may sound nerd bt I love it when she randomly starts telling me how the second world war was or the start or capitalism i love history so much). And everybody won't waste the chance to rub in your face how rich they are! Oh, let's do this proyect in group, come to my house! It's a frikkin mantion but "Oh, no, it's just that my parents know how to manage money" well so does my family and we can't even have a house of our fucking own!! Oh, I broke my Samsung Galaxy 9730947 and I will have to wait until my birthday to get a new one! Life is so unfaaaair! Oh, we only have three cars! No, no, ANYONE could have this life if they work hard enough it wasn't luck I actually DID work as the granddaughter of a rich business man it's sooooo hard to live with our private police to take care of us wherever we go! Oh, poor of me! I'm so angry! I wanted to go to Europe AND Disney but we only went to Europe! Why is life so unfair!!?!??!!
I know this one kid, he was going to quit playing Football, but his Mom convinced him to keep playing with the promise of buying him a new car by seasons end. Sure enough, she did. It still blows my mind...
I really need to figure out a way to mooch off them for the rest of my life.
Being an attractive lady wouldn't hurt.
Though with all the glass ceilings breaking, maybe you can get a sugar mama instead.
Hey now, that's your future boss/senator/investor you're complaining about! Meritocracy at its finest.
In life, people will be assholes, and that's just a fact to accept. No one will conform to what works best for you, so there's really no point in being bitter about it. Getting in the least bit mad over factors out of your control such as these is irrational and immature.
No, you are absolutely correct. These kids were raised in an environment where they could do whatever the fuck they wanted and their parents would use their money and influence to bail them out.
If you want your kids to be decent human beings you have to teach them boundaries. Most crucially between the ages of 1 and 4.
But that is exactly what that kind of bullshit response does. It belittles the struggle of minorities and pretends white privilege is not a thing. There are things we white people experience, and do not experience that will never be true for minorities.
I, as a white man, have been busted for possession 3 times in my life. I have been arrested and charged for it precisely 0 times. The cops merely confiscated my weed and told me to stop smoking weed. This is a situation no minority will experience. If I was black, I would be in jail. That is white privilege.
I drive a luxury sedan. I have never been pulled over unless I was violating a traffic law at the time. But I have minority friends. And my black buddy has been pulled over twice, for no reason, while driving my car(because, you know, it's too nice of a car for him to be driving). That is white privilege.
Sounds like something that happens only in America. And your argument is based purely on your own experiences (which btw you could easily be lying about for the sake of argument and I'd have no idea), so it doesn't hold water. That said, perhaps there is indeed a problem in US in blacks being treated unequally by the police, but "white privilege" is still a ridiculous concept in the bigger picture, because you are framing all whites as "privileged" even if there are millions of whites in the world whose life is far from privileged.
And "being privileged" is such a relative term in general. Because if you compare to people in warzones and third world countries, then basically everyone in the western world is privileged, minorities and all.
Not at all. I'm Canadian.
Racism exists in every country.
Sure, and there are racists in every color.
Jesh, 100 dollars a week? My father used to leave me around 30 for food each week when I was a living with him as a teen lol. I dunno, I really don't pay much attention to the lives of the rich and spoiled, honestly I'm too old to be bothered by the lives of strangers when I've got more than enough to worry about in my own. If I worried about every person I've seen or met acting like an idiot I'd have little time for anything else. They'll get their comeuppance, or they won't, either way it does nothing to impact my own life.
I live near a exclusive girls school its the arabs, chinese and indians that are the most arrogant and stuck up about their wealth (in my experience).
I knew a 14 year old pakistani girl that already had a Mercedes and a 5 bedroom house she kept complaining to me (heroin addict family, charity shop clothes) that her 11 year old brother was spoilt because his house was bigger, I was speechless.
What has Rick Grimes ever done to you beside becoming a homeless person... Ooh wait
Sheesh..... (and Indians as in, from India?)