Telltale spreading itself thin and it shows.
Batman...TWD:ANF...Guardians of the Galaxy...3 games that at one point were all being worked on at the same time...with some overflow from a 4th game Minecraft.
People have been complaining about the quality of the games, and yes they have suffered.
Batman so far looks to have come out the best storywise. However we all know about the horrible performance issues that plagued the new engine and drove people ...dare I say it....batty. Largely fixed, people are still having issues with it. I enjoyed Batman a lot. I thought TellTale did a great job with it and I loved the villain...though I would have preferred to know where she got her tech and training...I think it was the League of Assassins but without proof this is just speculation.
TWD:ANF Premier Episode so large they had to split it into 2 episodes!!!! I remember when 2 hour episodes were the norm...thankfully Telltale read all our complaints about how sore our asses got playing that long and cut the first 2 eps to a little over an hour each...Thank You Telltale you read our one actually asked for shorter episodes? Or the fact that in reality there are only 4 episodes this season?
There are many good aspects to ANF and many bad...I will wait until it is done before I pass judgement on it...but you can see that corners were cut in places and it hurts.
Guardians....the engine is not helping with timing of jokes...the characters for the most part look bland. I think Starlord's jetboot mechanic is cool as fuck and I give TellTale props for that. But the writing seems tired and uninspired. That is not good when you are talking about Telltale. That is supposedly the strong point of Telltale. It is too early to even predict how good or bad things are going to go in this series...but it lacks the Telltale polish.
Of the 3...TWD:ANF suffers the worst...we are 3 (haha) episodes in...characters you should care about have not received the proper build up of back story to make you care about them. And the one character most everyone loves...gets 5 minutes of play time. We are introduced to some pretty cool assed locations but never get to explore them. I would have loved to explore Prescott and gotten to talk to the people there...we should have had a few episodes when it did fall...we would care.
It points to the fact that games that should have received more time are pushed out because teams are needed to work onparts of other games that are in production. Telltale...4 games at one time has hurt you...and you need to go back and look at what went wrong and look at how you treat your talent.
I miss the good old days when Telltale put their hearts and souls into their games making them one at a time with top notch writing. Now they are a cash grab company shitting out titles left, right and center. Where art thou now Telltale? Where art thou now?
Batman was pretty good but the new engine prevented me from playing it.
I can barely think TWD ANF is a sequel to game that won GOTY 2012 awards.
Guardians, ughh, the story is mediocre and the art direction is terrible.
really she did? i heard s1 lost against journey game and the award gone to journey.
There's a lot of publications that gives out GOTY awards. Some went to S1, some probably to Journey then.