If you don't speed up to Mantis in the initial fall, or don't attempt to catch her, Star-Lord plummets off camera, and it gives a game-over.
If you do not give a name to the rock worm (stay silent) Drax chooses for you and names the worm Blue. Blue gets annoyed by his interruption (or perhaps it's new name) and briefly changes to an angry red.
When Rocket and Gamora are having an argument in the cave about Nebula and the Forge, if you say "Both of you shut up!", Peter and Rocket can have an argument about who should be the one to shut up. It's pretty funny.
"A-speaka the French? 'Le' Shut. 'Le' Up." THIS LITTLE SCENE RIGHT HERE
In Drax's flashback, when you're hugging Kamaria, if you hug her for a really long time it starts to get creepy. The screen starts to flash and stutter, ominous music plays, Drax looks more and more worried (or regretful since he's re-experiencing this moment). Kamaria eventually gets ticked off by the 5th or 6th [one more minute], and shoves Drax to the floor, taking off behind him. It's really sad afterwards when Drax mentions that "if only I hadn't let her go... Maybe she would still be alive." Oh poor, poor Drax..
When you need to describe the large worm when escaping from it for the first time, if you stay silent there's a good dialogue bit: Peter: "It's GOOOO ti--" Rocket: "Just a minute!" Peter: "Seriously Rocket? You're messing up my dramatic timing!"
If you went with Rocket in the cave, you'd hear him wanting to leave the Guardians. If you're left alone with him by the end of Episode 4, (I think) there's a small extra bit of dialogue between the two. Peter:" So, I guess you're leaving too" Rocket: "Nah, I think I'll stick around" Peter: "But you said--" Rocket: "I'm allowed to consider my options, right?"
That all sounds awesome!
And all this after a month's wait? Props to Telltale for that.
I guess this means two things have been going on… more:
1. Telltale was pretty ahead of schedule, so a lot of that 2-3 month wait time we always had was in fact used on Episode 5. Noice.
2. Telltale has done some serious pre-planning fr this series; It's story and choices seem like they were born from the start, and from the sounds of interviews and statements they've stayed on track the whole way through. That is truly awesome, and I am proud of them. It's something I've been asking for a lot -- for Telltale to really pre-plan a season, so we don't get so many dangling threads or sudden rewrites, that could potentially break the original vision. So far, it's all stayed on track quite well, and I am both excited and sad that we've reached the end.
Masked guy coming into:
1. Training room (where Gamora and Nebula trained) and there is levitating sarcophagus with Thanos.
2. Nova Corp's prison, he then kills guard and go for Thanos body.
3. Collector's museum, he then kills that women who is taking care of exhibits and go for Thanos body.
I did not have an assasin in that scene at all. In my after credits scene at the Collectors museum the woman just walks up to Thanos, looks at him and walks away, Thanos`s corpse then clutches his hand in a fist. No assasin appeared at all
Masked guy coming into:
1. Training room (where Gamora and Nebula trained) and there is levitating sarcophagus with Thanos.
2. Nova Corp's… more prison, he then kills guard and go for Thanos body.
3. Collector's museum, he then kills that women who is taking care of exhibits and go for Thanos body.
I did not have an assasin in that scene at all. In my after credits scene at the Collectors museum the woman just walks up to Thanos, looks at him and walks away, Thanos`s corpse then clutches his hand in a fist. No assasin appeared at all
I guess this all depends on where you put him and when Nebula was there. Just for speculation:
Training room - Go get Nebula in Episode 2 after Rocket. She manages to get Thanos' body back to the training facility. (Someone was piloting Thanos' ship at the time, and you can hear Nebula say: "Go! Leave me!" or something before it flies away.
Nova Corps - You get Nebula first in the Nova Corps path.
Collector's Museum - You get Nebula first in the Collector's path.
Not sure what triggers the assassin being there or not, but it's interesting nonetheless.
Masked guy coming into:
1. Training room (where Gamora and Nebula trained) and there is levitating sarcophagus with Thanos.
2. Nova Corp's… more prison, he then kills guard and go for Thanos body.
3. Collector's museum, he then kills that women who is taking care of exhibits and go for Thanos body.
No, it's brought up at the end of episode 5. After they defeat Hala, the Gaurdians go for drinks in the bar (which is badly damaged), and the bartender says they still owe him their tab. Peter can then respond with "We JUST saved your life!" "Don't make me shoot you", or "I left my wallet in my other jacket". No matter what you choose, the bartender decides to let the tab go.
I guess this all depends on where you put him and when Nebula was there. Just for speculation:
Training room - Go get Nebula … morein Episode 2 after Rocket. She manages to get Thanos' body back to the training facility. (Someone was piloting Thanos' ship at the time, and you can hear Nebula say: "Go! Leave me!" or something before it flies away.
Nova Corps - You get Nebula first in the Nova Corps path.
Collector's Museum - You get Nebula first in the Collector's path.
Not sure what triggers the assassin being there or not, but it's interesting nonetheless.
I guess this all depends on where you put him and when Nebula was there. Just for speculation:
Training room - Go get Nebula … morein Episode 2 after Rocket. She manages to get Thanos' body back to the training facility. (Someone was piloting Thanos' ship at the time, and you can hear Nebula say: "Go! Leave me!" or something before it flies away.
Nova Corps - You get Nebula first in the Nova Corps path.
Collector's Museum - You get Nebula first in the Collector's path.
Not sure what triggers the assassin being there or not, but it's interesting nonetheless.
Weird. I went for Rocket first, but I got Thanos at the training facility. I even warned the Collector's museum way back when to be sure.
I wonder what triggers which scene? There's got to be something!
But I am yet to see Thanos post credit scene mentioned by @0v3rp0w3r with no assassin at all.
Also I am starting to think that scene which you got is bugged as some characters tab at the end. I am guessing this because similar choices making different results. But I hope I am wrong (still you know how choices can be bugged).
And is anyone here going to play multiple times GotG to find out how that scenarios work? I want to find:
*How to make ending with all guardians at least on blue background without Groot being burned and in both ways - destroying and empowering forge
*How to get specific post credits scenes
*Is it possible to side 0% with guardian
*Is it possible to get Peter on Green aka Hopeful at the end
I am really interested about figuring out mechanic with that, if anyone know something please let me know.
Weird. I went for Rocket first, but I got Thanos at the training facility. I even warned the Collector's museum way back when to be sure.
I wonder what triggers which scene? There's got to be something!
Weird. I went for Rocket first, but I got Thanos at the training facility. I even warned the Collector's museum way back when to be sure.
I wonder what triggers which scene? There's got to be something!
Nope. In my file she was recruited by the Guardians and died.
Whatever it is, Ravandel could be right in that it's bugged, but it hasn't messed up any other choices so far, so I don't see why it would mess with the choice that triggers this scene.
Nope. In my file she was recruited by the Guardians and died.
Whatever it is, Ravandel could be right in that it's bugged, but it hasn't messed up any other choices so far, so I don't see why it would mess with the choice that triggers this scene.
When picking up Drax second he'll get on the ship and say that it's time to pick up whoever else isn't there. (In my case Gamora) Only to get mildly upset when finding out you picked them up first.
My question is, how would Drax have known that Rocket or Gamora needed picking up? Drax "died" before they left.Peter couldn't have told him because then he would have known that you picked them up first already.
When picking up Drax second he'll get on the ship and say that it's time to pick up whoever else isn't there. (In my case Gamora) Only to ge… moret mildly upset when finding out you picked them up first.
My question is, how would Drax have known that Rocket or Gamora needed picking up? Drax "died" before they left.Peter couldn't have told him because then he would have known that you picked them up first already.
Still wondering what changes the Thanos ending. First time I played I let the son take over and got the ending where the assasssin enters the Collector's Museum, shoots and then looks at Thanos.
Second time I played, I destroyed the Kree and got the ending where Thanos moves his hand and forms a fist. No assassin.
Still wondering what changes the Thanos ending. First time I played I let the son take over and got the ending where the assasssin enters t… morehe Collector's Museum, shoots and then looks at Thanos.
Second time I played, I destroyed the Kree and got the ending where Thanos moves his hand and forms a fist. No assassin.
Still wondering what changes the Thanos ending. First time I played I let the son take over and got the ending where the assasssin enters t… morehe Collector's Museum, shoots and then looks at Thanos.
Second time I played, I destroyed the Kree and got the ending where Thanos moves his hand and forms a fist. No assassin.
The Nova Corps guard in the Guardians' origin flashback says: "Is that you Rooks?" after Groot tries to grab the key.
Rooks -- if you forgot -- is Star-Lord's biggest fan who you become friends with in the Nova Corps path... only to promptly get rejected.
Not at all. Nebula joined the Guardians and died in episode 4 for me. I went to Halfworld first so Nebula should have been able to move him, but no. Thanos is still in the museum in a glass display. After Vylly walks away Thanos moves his hand and forms a fist.
For the solo Thanos ending, I don't know how that came to be.
Is Nebula a traitor in that file? Is she alive or something? Maybe she had a chance to revive him...
I found it! The soundtrack! (or... part of it.)
This soundcloud channel uploads a lot of Telltale's original music, while it's not up to date, it does have GOTG Episode 1's music. That's good.
If you listen to Peter's entire "Great Escape" plan, he mentions that once they break out, they can all pile on his hover-bike to escape. Drax is also very confused about his "beefy mitts".
When Mantis is surprised about how you were not always a-holes and did indeed form a deep friendship after the jail flashback, you can mention that it was the mustache that was the reason for all of it. She tries to deny it, but you can keep going. Eventually Peter gives in, but he's still pretty sure it's the holy mustache that did it.
If you give Rocket the role of stealing the helmet, he won't do it. He'll ask for another one and you'll need to choose something else. But, if you assign him the Helmet role last, he'll just switch with whatever Groot has.
I was going to put this in the Rad Mix thread, but I figured it's more details people don't know of.
I was surfing Spotify for others who took the time to make Rad Mixes and I found the names of 3 of the 4 songs used in the PS4 theme. Don't have YouTube links to them because I can't find them.
Another Heartache - Loz Netto Raise Your Heart - The Mellophonics Metal Horns - Phil Xenidis
In Peter's room theres a poster that says knife driver it's probably a rip off of Night Rider it would make since cause there where so many David Hasslehoff and Night Rider references in VOL2
Okay, so I finally figured out the menu music, and where it's from.
The game credits the performers as ELO, but the "Livin' Thing" featured in the game is just slightly different than the actual song you'd find upon a simple search.
There are tiny differences in vocals and length of notes, and instruments used (the GOTG one uses more of a guitar in the front.)
I have deduced that this version is the "2012 Version". Yes, it's by ELO as said but Telltale did not indicate that it's a remastered version.
Listen to both tracks and try to figure it out yourself. I think I've got this one right, finally...
Livin Thing Original
Livin Thing 2012 Version
GOTG Menu music
This is something that's had me stumped for a while, but I finally got it! ...I think!
Episode 4:
When Rocket and Gamora are having an argument in the cave about Nebula and the Forge, if you say "Both of you shut up!", Peter and Rocket can have an argument about who should be the one to shut up. It's pretty funny.
"A-speaka the French? 'Le' Shut. 'Le' Up."
In Drax's flashback, when you're hugging Kamaria, if you hug her for a really long time it starts to get creepy. The screen starts to flash and stutter, ominous music plays, Drax looks more and more worried (or regretful since he's re-experiencing this moment). Kamaria eventually gets ticked off by the 5th or 6th [one more minute], and shoves Drax to the floor, taking off behind him. It's really sad afterwards when Drax mentions that "if only I hadn't let her go... Maybe she would still be alive." Oh poor, poor Drax..
When you need to describe the large worm when escaping from it for the first time, if you stay silent there's a good dialogue bit:
Peter: "It's GOOOO ti--"
Rocket: "Just a minute!"
Peter: "Seriously Rocket? You're messing up my dramatic timing!"
If you went with Rocket in the cave, you'd hear him wanting to leave the Guardians. If you're left alone with him by the end of Episode 4, (I think) there's a small extra bit of dialogue between the two.
Peter:" So, I guess you're leaving too"
Rocket: "Nah, I think I'll stick around"
Peter: "But you said--"
Rocket: "I'm allowed to consider my options, right?"
Let's hope they do the same for The Walking Dead :THe Final Season, it always seems to be The Walking Dead that gets rewritten constantly.
Should we be worried that the tab is not going to be brought up in the finale?
Since no one gets notified of edits, I've included a few more secret bits from EP4 up above..
It'll probably show up in an E-mail if we can wander around the Milano again.
There are at least 3 different post credits version of Thanos scene.
Howard the Duck asks Peter in an email if he can join the Guardians because he's having a spat with his girlfriend :P
Wait really? What are the differences?
Masked guy coming into:
1. Training room (where Gamora and Nebula trained) and there is levitating sarcophagus with Thanos.
2. Nova Corp's prison, he then kills guard and go for Thanos body.
3. Collector's museum, he then kills that women who is taking care of exhibits and go for Thanos body.
I did not have an assasin in that scene at all. In my after credits scene at the Collectors museum the woman just walks up to Thanos, looks at him and walks away, Thanos`s corpse then clutches his hand in a fist. No assasin appeared at all
Nice! So it might be even more options there. I wonder how to get them and how it will work out.
I guess this all depends on where you put him and when Nebula was there. Just for speculation:
Training room - Go get Nebula in Episode 2 after Rocket. She manages to get Thanos' body back to the training facility. (Someone was piloting Thanos' ship at the time, and you can hear Nebula say: "Go! Leave me!" or something before it flies away.
Nova Corps - You get Nebula first in the Nova Corps path.
Collector's Museum - You get Nebula first in the Collector's path.
Not sure what triggers the assassin being there or not, but it's interesting nonetheless.
So... is the tab subplot left unresolved?
No, it's brought up at the end of episode 5. After they defeat Hala, the Gaurdians go for drinks in the bar (which is badly damaged), and the bartender says they still owe him their tab. Peter can then respond with "We JUST saved your life!" "Don't make me shoot you", or "I left my wallet in my other jacket". No matter what you choose, the bartender decides to let the tab go.
Not true. I went with Rocket before the Nova Corps and Thanos' body was still at Nova Corps in Ep. 5, but that may be because I warned the Nova Corps.
Or it could be a glitch.
No, I went with Rocket instead of going after Nebula first and I got Thanos at Nova Corps
Weird. I went for Rocket first, but I got Thanos at the training facility. I even warned the Collector's museum way back when to be sure.
I wonder what triggers which scene? There's got to be something!
But I am yet to see Thanos post credit scene mentioned by @0v3rp0w3r with no assassin at all.
Also I am starting to think that scene which you got is bugged as some characters tab at the end. I am guessing this because similar choices making different results. But I hope I am wrong (still you know how choices can be bugged).
And is anyone here going to play multiple times GotG to find out how that scenarios work? I want to find:
*How to make ending with all guardians at least on blue background without Groot being burned and in both ways - destroying and empowering forge
*How to get specific post credits scenes
*Is it possible to side 0% with guardian
*Is it possible to get Peter on Green aka Hopeful at the end
I am really interested about figuring out mechanic with that, if anyone know something please let me know.
Maybe you get the training facility if Nebula is an enemy?
Nope. In my file she was recruited by the Guardians and died.
Whatever it is, Ravandel could be right in that it's bugged, but it hasn't messed up any other choices so far, so I don't see why it would mess with the choice that triggers this scene.
Also I didn't see in any run option without Assassin. @0v3rp0w3r can you give us a video/screenshot etc.? I am really interesting in that.
Hey guys, choices actually matter in GotG!!!! Except we have no idea how or why!!!
I will try to create some kind of guide to this :P
When picking up Drax second he'll get on the ship and say that it's time to pick up whoever else isn't there. (In my case Gamora) Only to get mildly upset when finding out you picked them up first.
My question is, how would Drax have known that Rocket or Gamora needed picking up? Drax "died" before they left.Peter couldn't have told him because then he would have known that you picked them up first already.
I had similar situation with Rocket being picket 2nd. Don't remember about Gamora tho (in my main run).
You can talk differently to Rocket and he won't blow up the Lab:

I think there are actually a lot of small choices like that in GotG, like Bal-Dinn killing Halaa etc. Lets find out more :P
Still wondering what changes the Thanos ending. First time I played I let the son take over and got the ending where the assasssin enters the Collector's Museum, shoots and then looks at Thanos.
Second time I played, I destroyed the Kree and got the ending where Thanos moves his hand and forms a fist. No assassin.
If you have Drax get the helmet Rocket tells him to take a dump in it.
I have never seen this one with no assassin.
Vylly walks up to Thanos' display, walks away and then Thanos moves his hand and forms a fist.
For the solo Thanos ending, I don't know how that came to be.
Is Nebula a traitor in that file? Is she alive or something? Maybe she had a chance to revive him...
The Nova Corps guard in the Guardians' origin flashback says: "Is that you Rooks?" after Groot tries to grab the key.
Rooks -- if you forgot -- is Star-Lord's biggest fan who you become friends with in the Nova Corps path... only to promptly get rejected.
Isn't continuity great?
Not at all. Nebula joined the Guardians and died in episode 4 for me. I went to Halfworld first so Nebula should have been able to move him, but no. Thanos is still in the museum in a glass display. After Vylly walks away Thanos moves his hand and forms a fist.
Did anyone notice the TftB reference in Episode 5? Gamora said something about a confident smile and Peter made an awkward, Rhys-like face.
I found it! The soundtrack! (or... part of it.)
This soundcloud channel uploads a lot of Telltale's original music, while it's not up to date, it does have GOTG Episode 1's music. That's good.
Edit: oh cool it gets embedded
I was going to put this in the Rad Mix thread, but I figured it's more details people don't know of.
I was surfing Spotify for others who took the time to make Rad Mixes and I found the names of 3 of the 4 songs used in the PS4 theme. Don't have YouTube links to them because I can't find them.
Another Heartache - Loz Netto
Raise Your Heart - The Mellophonics
Metal Horns - Phil Xenidis
In Peter's room theres a poster that says knife driver it's probably a rip off of Night Rider it would make since cause there where so many David Hasslehoff and Night Rider references in VOL2
Okay, so I finally figured out the menu music, and where it's from.
The game credits the performers as ELO, but the "Livin' Thing" featured in the game is just slightly different than the actual song you'd find upon a simple search.
There are tiny differences in vocals and length of notes, and instruments used (the GOTG one uses more of a guitar in the front.)
I have deduced that this version is the "2012 Version". Yes, it's by ELO as said but Telltale did not indicate that it's a remastered version.
Listen to both tracks and try to figure it out yourself. I think I've got this one right, finally...
Livin Thing Original

Livin Thing 2012 Version
GOTG Menu music

This is something that's had me stumped for a while, but I finally got it! ...I think!