GOTG Episode 2 Waiting Thread - Rated by Aus, Releasing June 6th, New Key Art, Trailer Out Now



  • What? It comes out tomorrow.

    Zarupia posted: »

    Can't wait for them to announce the PS4 version will be released the 7th (if they announce it)

  • Thank you!

    Creeper1846 posted: »

    Depends if it's on a console or Pc I play on Xbox and it's usually there for me by 4:50 am when I usually wake up (EST) but for Pc probably like 3pm (EST)

  • edited June 2017

    Oohh, it's out right now for me. Gonna play it tonight.

    Trailer looks pretty good, I have faith Telltale can save this game from it's meh start.

  • edited June 2017

    This may be an awkward time to make a prediction/theory, and maybe this would be better suited in the EP3 waiting thread tomorrow, once I'm done with the episode... but, I need to write this down now.

    In terms of Character backstory flashbacks.. here's how I think it'll go down:

    • Episode 1, we got Star Lord and his Mama.
    • Episode 2, it seems we're getting Rocket and his girlfriend Lylla trying to escape from the lab on Halfworld.
    • Episode 3, seeing as how the slide shows Gamora and Nebula, maybe we get one with them fighting, like Gams said in EP1? It would give Thanos a chance to return, booming voice and all!
    • Episode 4 is centered around Drax. As for the flashback... possibly something to do with Hovat and Kamaria? He's mentioned them already in the game, so it would make sense for TTG to elaborate on that a bit more.
    • Episode 5, as Groot.... I have no idea. I don't know what backstory he has, so if we do get one for him [but I kind of doubt it because it's the finale and the stakes would be too high for flashback breaks] maybe it'll be something to do with a previous mission involving him and Rocket. We need a translator. (Or Adam Harrington just whips out his lovely voice as an internal thought, so we understand exactly what Groot is saying.)

    In terms of the Eternity Forge's power... there's got to be something other than "resuscitation powers". The episode description mentions that "[they can't outrun their tab,] but if they figure out how to control the untold power of their mysterious new relic, they might not have to"
    So... It either prints money, or maybe... maybe-maybe-maybe... something to do with time? When Star-Lord had that vision of him and his mother, he didn't say it was a vision. Star-Lord: "When I grabbed the relic, I was suddenly back on Earth, and my Mom was there..." ; Gamora: "Peter, your mother is dead." ; Star-Lord: "I know, I know... but it didn't feel that way."

    Yeah... I know I'm wrong, but I just had this idea I thought I'd share. It sounded better in my head.

  • Is it already available for Android?

  • edited June 2017

    Well Groot is supposed to be the last of his kind so it could be a flashback to when his species gets wiped out.

    Looks like each flashback will be a tragic point in their life so it would make sense.

    AChicken posted: »

    This may be an awkward time to make a prediction/theory, and maybe this would be better suited in the EP3 waiting thread tomorrow, once I'm

  • Consistent launches seem to be a thing of the past

  • edited June 2017

    IGN just came out with a review. They give it a 7.9 out of 10, praising the moments with Rocket and his backstory, but finding the series' mysteries still being held close to its chest.
    (I just skimmed through it to the end. I only truly "read" 'The Verdict' (seen below) so as to avoid as many spoilers as possible. The Trailer is enough for me.

    [IGN - TJ Hafer] Under Pressure transitions us off of the high-tempo radio hit that was the season opener and into a more relaxed slow jam punctuated with some meaty action riffs. The slower drip of meaningful events meant I didn’t come off of it with the same level of feelgood euphoria I had after finishing Tangled Up in Blue, but Telltale is still doing an excellent job adapting this eccentric hero team to its tried-and-true format - particularly when the focus is on developing the characters and the relationships between them.

  • Ok the likes of CaRtOoNz is already playing it but rest of us cant yet? Games like this people shouldnt be allowed to have early access as wrecks it for the rest of us imo

  • Not on android yet

  • No

    Is it already available for Android?

  • I've never understood why YouTubers get special treatment with games.

    synq666 posted: »

    Ok the likes of CaRtOoNz is already playing it but rest of us cant yet? Games like this people shouldnt be allowed to have early access as wrecks it for the rest of us imo

  • Not on Indian Android yet

  • @Chibikid

    It's quite simple really it's all about promotion.

    Those youtubers have a large subscriber base so they're allowed early access to games to advertise the game to everyone who watches.

    Some of those people may want the game simply because their favourite YouTuber plays/has it.

    Whilst the others may like the game and order or even pre-order the game.

    This drives up and inflates the sales on the first day and over the the course of the first week.

    These sales make the game look even better and cause more people to want it not because of the sales but because of the awareness those sales give the game.

    In short it's all about promoting (like I said earlier) and advertising the game.

    Chibikid posted: »

    I've never understood why YouTubers get special treatment with games.

  • PS4 was delayed once in recent memory, and that was last week with ANF Episode 5. It always got episodes earlier or at least around the same time as everyone else. PS4 players really have no reason to be salty.

    Besides, it was out at 12am (like almost always).

    Zarupia posted: »

    Can't wait for them to announce the PS4 version will be released the 7th (if they announce it)

  • Two magical words that every company rejoices to hear: free advertisement.

    Chibikid posted: »

    I've never understood why YouTubers get special treatment with games.

  • *Native American Android

    AdamRoberts posted: »

    Not on Indian Android yet

  • Again??? Like episode 1. What a shame.

    *Native American Android

  • It's out now on Playstation NA (Canada).
    Looking forward to it later...

  • Episode is out now on Steam.

  • Yeah

    Episode is out now on Steam.

  • edited June 2017

    Is the episode not out yet on the PS4 season pass disc? (America) The individual episode is out in the PS store but my season pass disc still says coming soon.

  • Spoiler

    Was a bit disappointed in Episode 2, not enough music in it

  • Is it out on Android yet?

  • It's Fryda Wolff (Ryder in Mass Effect)

    matteso586 posted: »

    What are the odds that Lylla will have the same voice actress as Elena from the Uncharted series?

  • edited June 2017

    Under Pressure transitions us off of the high-tempo radio hit that was the season opener and into a more relaxed slow jam punctuated with some meaty action riffs. The slower drip of meaningful events meant I didn’t come off of it with the same level of feelgood euphoria I had after finishing Tangled Up in Blue, but Telltale is still doing an excellent job adapting this eccentric hero team to its tried-and-true format - particularly when the focus is on developing the characters and the relationships between them.

    Wow, just change the episode titles and a few words and that's an accurate description of Atlas Mugged from Borderlands.

    AChicken posted: »

    IGN just came out with a review. They give it a 7.9 out of 10, praising the moments with Rocket and his backstory, but finding the series' m

  • edited June 2017

    WTF? Until now still not available for android version?

    ceelo9 posted: »

    Is it out on Android yet?

  • No

    ceelo9 posted: »

    Is it out on Android yet?

  • No

    WTF? Until now still not available for android version?

  • Android super delayed yet again

  • As usual

    AdamRoberts posted: »

    Android super delayed yet again

  • Still not on mobile. Wtf?

  • Wtf, already 8th but still not available for mobile version specially Android?

  • Got the season pass for Mac, but episode still grayed out with 'Coming Soon' (Using the app, not on steam)

  • It's still 'Coming Soon' for Android. Today is the 8th of June and it's still'Coming Soon'! What the heck Telltale!!!

  • Maybe someone on Telltale HQ forget to push the button

    It's still 'Coming Soon' for Android. Today is the 8th of June and it's still'Coming Soon'! What the heck Telltale!!!

  • edited June 2017

    This is unbearable. Still no news for Android. Telltale, are you not going to release it for mobile platform? You are now too early for episode 3!

  • They don't care about mobile user specially Android , hope Minecraft Story Mode Season 2 not have the same situation again

    This is unbearable. Still no news for Android. Telltale, are you not going to release it for mobile platform? You are now too early for episode 3!

  • Still no news about it's release on mobile devices. Their twitter page is flooded with Minecraft Season 2. Really fed up of waiting. Sooner or later I will end up watching it on YouTube.

  • edited June 2017

    i'd already watch it , lol

    Update : There's new update on Google Play Store, hope it will also add new episode

    Still no news about it's release on mobile devices. Their twitter page is flooded with Minecraft Season 2. Really fed up of waiting. Sooner or later I will end up watching it on YouTube.

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