Yeah, get the opinion of a couple random people who disliked season 1 and assume they speak for the whole fanbase then and now. Sounds like a good idea.
She doesn't look African dear buddy. Get over this.
I feel I have a discussion with a kid. I know more about genetics than you do.
The pe… moreople you talked about were part Turkish, and Turks are Asian. Smart guy.
Clem looks more from different race than her mom who looks more Creole or Afro Asian.
No, I played the game myself that I bought with my own money, came to an opinion on the game that way. Many others did this and many others don't like the game. Ratings are proof of this.
I dislike people like you, who treat Clem as a fucking God, and don't give a shit about the other characters. I love Clem but seriously, Javi doesn't need to die so we can play as Clementine again.
I hoping he dies in this one, and we are gonna play as Clemy again and took care of AJ by playing only as Clemy in Season 4
P:S I'm also hoping for playable Clemy in ANF in a few DLC episodes, if DLC's will be at all!
I dislike people like you, who treat Clem as a fucking God, and don't give a shit about the other characters. I love Clem but seriously, Javi doesn't need to die so we can play as Clementine again.
Holy shit I'm so hyped for that episode 5 credits music.
They also hinted to us finding out Clem's last name and who her real father is so I'm looking forward to that too.
I dislike people like you, who treat Clem as a fucking God, and don't give a shit about the other characters. I love Clem but seriously, Javi doesn't need to die so we can play as Clementine again.
I kinda wish season three was just about Clem and AJ, I reckon that'd be interesting enough with us trying to find AJ throughout the entire season. Plus it'd be a nice nod back to season one with looking after Clem.
I had my problems with S1&S2, but ANF is pretty bad. Not to mention telltales consistent trend of lying and false advertising for the product didn't help. The poor writing,poor pacing,bland characters,plot holes,model reuse,half assed fanservice,unnecessary sub love plots,short episodes,inconsistent characters,bland protagonist and telltale opting to make a unofficial reboot to pander to newcomers rather than developing a legitimate S3. and the fact that clementines highlight of the series is discussing her period to a man she's known 2-3 days is quite sad.
"This led to changing Clementine's race from white to African-American, as to give her the appearance of possibly being Lee's daughter to other characters.[1]"
During the above the law AMA, telltale told us to stay tuned for clem's last name. If it doesn't come during from the gallows, I'm calling that the things they said about ed being clem's step dad and everything else they said were all bullshit.
Seriously though, I wouldn't be surprised if Clem was the one walking in on somebody (Possibly David in the New Frontier, OR Tripp and Eleanor in Prescott). She has a history of doing things like that.
Season 1 had some criticism during its runtime and was a very good game.
Season 2 had a lot more criticism during its runtime and was a m… moreediocre game.
Season 3 has probably more criticism already after "four" (aka three) Episodes than both Season 1 and 2 combined and has been shit for the majority of its runtime.
I don't know about you, but I see a pattern there.
Like I've said before, Mild Sex on an Australian rating means pretty much nothing. Which is what Amid the Ruins had, and as the person said above, there was pretty much nothing in it.
i cant wait for this too come out. but at the same time i dont want it too tbh. im afraid this episode is gonna be the make or break for clem and the twdg franchise (or more like kinda fix or fuck up even more)
No, I played the game myself that I bought with my own money, came to an opinion on the game that way. Many others did this and many others don't like the game. Ratings are proof of this.
Wrong. I studied the ratings on multiple different platforms, I viewed the sales from all platforms, got the amount of returns, saw how many people actually kept playing past episodes 1 and 2, saw how many people liked this game compared to the first seasons, and much more. I studied MULTIPLE walking dead forms over the past 6 years for this game. I lived it. That's how I came to my conclusion. I got all of this information not with a "bunch of users" but nearly all users who bought the game with their hard earned money. There is always going to be a percent error no matter what but I for damn sure know my percent error is minuscule. So telling me "you only think the game is bad because you saw a group of people who didn't like it" is flat out ignorant
Many others did this and many others don't like the game.
You kinda proved my point; you got the opinion of a bunch of random people who disliked ANF and assumed they spoke for the entire fanbase. lol
I dislike people like you, who treat Clem as a fucking God, and don't give a shit about the other characters. I love Clem but seriously, Javi doesn't need to die so we can play as Clementine again.
Fucking hell I have to make another list? Not even gonna bullet point it, too time consuming to get the fuckers to not mess up.
Tells Maria… morena where to hide when she is in trouble, it worked.
Takes out that group other walkers with a pistol and a knife in a cool looking way.
In my case, sticks a pair of lawn trimmers into a guy's neck while also avoiding getting shot.
Survives the blast from a pipe bomb, even when you chose to shield clem instead of throwing it back.
Sticks his gun into the mouth of a walker and blows it's head off.
Uses a dumpster to get a better leverage over the walkers and climb to safety.
Takes out a bunch of walkers in a dark tunnel, even while running at the same time, meaning he can easily aim and shoot with great accuracy while the target is moving and he is moving himself.
He managed to grab a squirming dead kid and throw him off his back, even though it was a kid it still would have been hard seeing as it wr… [view original content]
Hate to break it to ya, but it's probably gonna be released later on towards the end of May. The last episode was released late April, so releasing the next Episode in early May would be too soon for the next episode release.
Yes. Clem and Gabe are going to be doing it.
...but haven't you guys been doing exactly that with ANF? :P lol
Stop fucking. Spamming me with the same message, you're filling up my inbox so stop editing your shit.
No, I played the game myself that I bought with my own money, came to an opinion on the game that way. Many others did this and many others don't like the game. Ratings are proof of this.
I dislike people like you, who treat Clem as a fucking God, and don't give a shit about the other characters. I love Clem but seriously, Javi doesn't need to die so we can play as Clementine again.
A-friggin-greed. Most likely, the best ending will have Clementine head out on her own, leaving the Garcias behind to their own plans.
What?? When was this said???
Can someone please catch me up? How does anyone know that Ed isn't Clem's dad..What did I miss?!
Yeah, I think they should end off the series with a final season as Clementine teaching AJ how to defend himself and survive.
Ed is not her biological father. Staff member slipped up and said it by accident.
I had my problems with S1&S2, but ANF is pretty bad. Not to mention telltales consistent trend of lying and false advertising for the product didn't help. The poor writing,poor pacing,bland characters,plot holes,model reuse,half assed fanservice,unnecessary sub love plots,short episodes,inconsistent characters,bland protagonist and telltale opting to make a unofficial reboot to pander to newcomers rather than developing a legitimate S3. and the fact that clementines highlight of the series is discussing her period to a man she's known 2-3 days is quite sad.
So exited for episode. 5 hopefully it won't be for long, it's already (May1st) anyways.
Javi says "How could you, Clem?! You both just met!"
He'd probably be more like this, unfortunately:

"This led to changing Clementine's race from white to African-American, as to give her the appearance of possibly being Lee's daughter to other characters.[1]"
I think this discussion is done.
Seriously though, I wouldn't be surprised if Clem was the one walking in on somebody (Possibly David in the New Frontier, OR Tripp and Eleanor in Prescott). She has a history of doing things like that.
I agree, Clem could possibly walk in on Javi and Kate (If Kate miraculously survived the explosion).
Clem the cockblocker
I see a downwards nosedive in the quality of the games if they continue like this.
That's exactly what I thought was gonna happen during the Lingard's Office sequence.
"Best" Uncle Ever, ladies and gentlemen.
Like I've said before, Mild Sex on an Australian rating means pretty much nothing. Which is what Amid the Ruins had, and as the person said above, there was pretty much nothing in it.
LMAO same!
He replied to my compliment on his work on his FB page. I was so happy.
Oh great, I sure can't wait for another season full of idiotic adults who rely only on a teenage girl to do everything.
i cant wait for this too come out. but at the same time i dont want it too tbh. im afraid this episode is gonna be the make or break for clem and the twdg franchise (or more like kinda fix or fuck up even more)
You kinda proved my point; you got the opinion of a bunch of random people who disliked ANF and assumed they spoke for the entire fanbase. lol
Your profile pic is my face right now
Wrong. I studied the ratings on multiple different platforms, I viewed the sales from all platforms, got the amount of returns, saw how many people actually kept playing past episodes 1 and 2, saw how many people liked this game compared to the first seasons, and much more. I studied MULTIPLE walking dead forms over the past 6 years for this game. I lived it. That's how I came to my conclusion. I got all of this information not with a "bunch of users" but nearly all users who bought the game with their hard earned money. There is always going to be a percent error no matter what but I for damn sure know my percent error is minuscule. So telling me "you only think the game is bad because you saw a group of people who didn't like it" is flat out ignorant
or May 9
I agree with you.
Please release it before 12 May...
Hate to break it to ya, but it's probably gonna be released later on towards the end of May. The last episode was released late April, so releasing the next Episode in early May would be too soon for the next episode release.
Man I really hope they wrap up Clem's arc in the finale. They need to stop relying on her in the future.