Underrated/Unregarded Episodes

edited October 2009 in Sam & Max
The much loved and highly rated episodes from the telltale series are most commonly Chariots of the Dogs, Culture Shock, Reality 2.0, Abe Lincoln Must Die!, Moai Better Blues, Night of the Raving Dead, What's New Beezlebub and I think I heard somebody even say The Mole, The Mob and The Meatball was a favourite of theirs...

Now I ask upon you to think of the ones that aren't so often commended or regarded for good play, which is...

Situation Comedy
Bright Side of the Moon
Ice Station Santa

So do we really think these are the worst episodes, or do some individuals actually regard some of these as their favourites?


  • edited August 2009
    Sorry to burst your bubble, but the highly rated are:

    Abe Lincoln Must Die!
    Reality 2.0
    Chariots of the Dogs
    What's New, Beezlebub?

    Medium rated episodes:
    Culture Shock
    Bright Side of the Moon
    Ice Station Santa
    Moai Better Blues

    Worse rated episodes:
    Situation Comedy
    The Mole, The Mob, and the Meatball
    Night of the Raving Dead

    That is going by metacritic, of course.

    I disagree with the statement in the original post because 102,106,201, and 202 are my top four episodes. (I've only gotten up to Moai Better Blues) 106 is the best episode of Season One in my opinion.
  • edited August 2009
    I wasn't saying they were the worst, I was asking if we generally ALL thought they were the worst.

    I for one love 102 and 202.

    I'm just curious why you love 106 and 201 so much? Care to share?
  • edited August 2009
    Funny how opinions differ.
    I love The Mole, The Mob, and the Meatball. The whole toy mafia setup and the tune are hilarious.
    I like Reality 2.0 the least. It just doesn't look as good as other episodes. The whole idea of computer games within computer games doesn't work so well IMHO.

    I do 'go with the crowd' on Situation Comedy. Although the episode is fine, the last puzzle is very not cool. You get tired of the "bla..bla..bla..yekedy...yekedy..yeck' line VERY FAST. They should have just muted Myra instead.
  • edited August 2009
    I love the last battle of the Season 1. And Max been a wimp. I was feeling the pain with Sam. Really

    In a way, Season 1 is really rounded. I can't really think and tell you with a straight face which one I consider the best or the worst of this season. Season 2, in the other hand, has my favorite episode (Chariots of the Dogs, in part because I love time traveling episodes ^^!) and my least favorite episode (Moai Better Blues, don't ask me why). So, that's what I think.
  • edited August 2009
    What's wrong with Moai Better Blues?

    I love 106 because it was amazing to see it all come together in a mystical display of magic, guns, and wonderment. Hugh Bliss, (ding), is my favorite Sam and Max character, period. Seeing him
    turn into the evil creature he became
    was absolutely amazing.

    201 is amazing because of how it actually manages to make you want to kill jolly old saint nick.
  • edited August 2009
    What's wrong with Moai Better Blues?

    I don't know. In the whole episode were three things I liked: The Parking Break, Scaring Bosco to death and Sam and Max become kids. And the Iorana reference, but just because they did the research.

    201 is amazing because of how it actually manages to make you want to kill jolly old saint nick.

    Not with me. But was the First Time (The Second where the Howard Duck Holiday Special) were I think "Santa is Badass"
    Feliz Navidad, Baby
  • edited August 2009
    Hugh Bliss, (ding), is my favorite Sam and Max character, period. Seeing him turn into the evil creature he became was absolutely amazing.

    For me seeing him turn evil, made him not my favourite character since.
  • edited August 2009
    I thought Situation:Comedy was one of the best of season 1. Not all of the puzzles in it were completely amazing, true, but I thought that some of them were great. And I loved the overall concept of being able to go into different TV shows.

    I enjoyed Reality 2.0 a lot too, though I know a lot of people did. I loved how you could
    take the reality goggles on and off in different rooms and look for solutions to puzzles in two alternate worlds

    I've only just started on season 2 though so I'll give my opinions on those at a later date. :D
  • edited August 2009
    I finished What's New Beelzebub? on Sunday night, so my opinions will be quite fresh, having played both seasons within 2 months. Infact, I think I played MBB, NRD and CotD on Fri and Sat, and WNB on Sun...


    1. Chariots of the Dogs
    2. Bright Side of the Moon
    3. Abe Lincoln Must Die (I wouldn't be here without the free episode!)
    4. Ice Station Santa
    5. What's New, Beelzebub?
    6. Situation: Comedy
    7. Reality 2.0
    8. Moai Better Blues
    9. Night of the Raving Dead
    10. Culture Shock
    11. The Mole, the Mob, and the Meatball (still fantastic, but not as good as the rest)
  • edited August 2009
    I haven't played Season 2 yet, so I cannot say anything of those episodes. (except for Ice Station Santa, which was ok. ) But for Season 1:

    The Mole, the Mob, and the Meatball definitely had my favourite soundtrack. I loved the music there!
    Situation comedy also was great. So many good lines, and the idea of being a TV-star was nice, as well. (got to love the Idols contest! )
    Reality 2.0 was one of my real faves, too. Because I'm a videogame freak, so the jokes did really hit me :)

    ..in fact, I don't really dislike ANY of the episodes. :D They're all great.
  • edited August 2009
    Culture Shock is the worst, but the worst Sam and Max game is equivalent to a great game by any standardized industry metric.
  • edited August 2009
    but the worst Sam and Max game is equivalent to a great game by any standardized industry metric.

    That the freaking point!
  • edited August 2009
    Trica wrote: »
    The Mole, the Mob, and the Meatball definitely had my favourite soundtrack. I loved the music there!

    Agreed here, Cogs in Motion is my favourite Sam & Max tune! :)
    The episode itself, although it was set up very well, just fell flat somehow.
  • edited August 2009
    I don't see why Night of the Raving Dead got such bad reviews. It's one of my favourite episode before 205, 104 and 206. I thought Jurgen was the only funny new season two character.
  • edited August 2009
    I don't see why Night of the Raving Dead got such bad reviews. It's one of my favourite episode before 205, 104 and 206. I thought Jurgen was the only funny new season two character.

    You forgot Flint Paper, apparently. Although he isn't "new" per se.
  • edited August 2009
    I don't see why Night of the Raving Dead got such bad reviews. It's one of my favourite episode before 205, 104 and 206. I thought Jurgen was the only funny new season two character.

    Ummm, I think I have too many favourite episodes in Season 2 - basically each one of them except the Moais, with Ep4 having a slight edge.
    When I was young and had a C64, I certainly didn't expect that 20 years later, I'll replay Paperboy with zombies :D
  • edited August 2009
    Agreed here, Cogs in Motion is my favourite Sam & Max tune! :)
    The episode itself, although it was set up very well, just fell flat somehow.
    Yeah. Good soundtrack, but maybe not the best episode.

    I didn't think it was bad, just too easy. I think I completed it somewhere between 1-2 hours, and I'm not usually particularly fast.
  • edited September 2009
    I think Ice Station Santa and Bright Side of the Moon are vastly underrated. Both had great stories, the dialogue was great and good puzzling. Although the last puzzle in Bright Side of the Moon was hard.
  • edited September 2009
    Hmm, I think Bright Side of the Moon is overrated, It's a really rushed episode with too much recycled content, it felt like an insult to me, the gamer.
  • edited September 2009
    I agree that it felt rushed, but I thought it was more because six episodes on a monthly schedule turned out to be too many, more than the developers just getting lazy. And I really enjoyed it despite the rushed feeling.
  • edited September 2009
    I wasn't saying they were being lazy, I just said I didn't like it rushed, it felt like an insult, even though they didn't mean it to be.
  • edited September 2009
    Perhaps because Bright Side of the Moon is the only episode in the entire series that didn't introduce a new character (besides the more mild mannered, robosuit-less Harry Moleman, which isn't that close to a new character anyways)? That's one thing that slightly bothered me. However, I enjoyed the episode a good deal, and found the hilarious reintroductions of Abe Lincoln, Agent Superball and the C.O.P.S. to more than make up for the recycled characters.
  • edited September 2009
    Bright Side of the Moon is the only episode in the entire series that didn't introduce a new character (besides the more mild mannered, robosuit-less Harry Moleman, which isn't that close to a new character anyways)? That's one thing that slightly bothered me.

    Er...Harry Moleman was introduced in The Mole, The Mob and The Meatball actually.
  • edited September 2009
    I didn't like the last puzzle of Situation Comedy. It's annoying when you want to try all the dialogue option and you have to hear Myra every time.

    In season One I liked:
    101 (the dreams being my favourite part)
    103 (the mafia song is funny, I liked wack-a-mole and having to kill Sybil)
    104 (loved Superball, although I feel he came back too often and it kinda... "dilluted" how great a character he is)

    I didn't like as much:
    102, mostly because of the end, but I also thought it was very easy
    105, although I liked COPS and the music for Lefty 2.0 is amazing
    106. Not sure why, it just didn't do it for me

    In season 2 I liked the most:
    101 (loved the time travel, especially to the future, trying to guess when that would happen. Liked Santa)
    102 (talking to people as kids was great. I loved kid Sam&Max)
    105 (I found it longer than the others, which is great. I especially enjoyed the end, from the reveal of the SPs to the credits)

    I liked less:
    103 (not sure what. I mean, being a zombie was awesome but Jurgen got on my nerve soon and I didn't like the monster that much)
    104 (the time travelling was nice, but it starts being inconsistent and the mariarchis were too damn annoying)

    Note that I still loved the episodes I liked the least :)
  • edited September 2009
    Avistew wrote: »
    I didn't like the last puzzle of Situation Comedy. It's annoying when you want to try all the dialogue option and you have to hear Myra every time.

    In season One I liked:
    101 (the dreams being my favourite part)
    103 (the mafia song is funny, I liked wack-a-mole and having to kill Sybil)
    104 (loved Superball, although I feel he came back too often and it kinda... "dilluted" how great a character he is)

    I didn't like as much:
    102, mostly because of the end, but I also thought it was very easy
    105, although I liked COPS and the music for Lefty 2.0 is amazing
    106. Not sure why, it just didn't do it for me

    In season 2 I liked the most:
    101 (loved the time travel, especially to the future, trying to guess when that would happen. Liked Santa)
    102 (talking to people as kids was great. I loved kid Sam&Max)
    105 (I found it longer than the others, which is great. I especially enjoyed the end, from the reveal of the SPs to the credits)

    I liked less:
    103 (not sure what. I mean, being a zombie was awesome but Jurgen got on my nerve soon and I didn't like the monster that much)
    104 (the time travelling was nice, but it starts being inconsistent and the mariarchis were too damn annoying)

    Note that I still loved the episodes I liked the least :)

    I agree with you on most points, except that Reality 2.0 rocks! :D, as does Night of the Raving Dead, but the whole Beezlebub episode just felt like a gimmick full of cutscenes...
  • edited September 2009
    001: Hit the Road (it was too hard, too long and monotonous, plus I wasn't too fond of the voice acting)
    202: Moai Better Blues (not a big enough new area to explore, the babies had no bite, the ocean chimps were just lame, Easter Island really isn't legendary or cheesy enough and Sybil & Abe was old already, but I do like the lava getting sucked up by the big red triangle at the end)
    106: Bright Side of the Moon (liked the setting, still find Hugh Bliss annoying and I found I didn't know what to do too often)
    101: Culture Shock (both Brady and the Soda Poppers were annoying and compared with the other episodes it was a bit empty, but was a worthy introduction to the TT Sam & Max Universe)
    102: Situation Comedy (I liked the puzzles and the settings but it took ages to figure out the right path in Midtown Cowboys and Myra wouldn't shut up!)
    103: M3 (great ideas for plot and puzzles [especially the twist at the end with the Don being the mole] but it left me colder than it should have, somehow)

    201: Ice Station Santa (I loved it from start to finish but it doesn't hold up imo to the better ones listed below)
    104: Abe Lincoln Must Die! (great introduction of Superball, the puzzles and White House were well executed and that's pretty much it)
    105: Reality 2.0 (I'm a retro gaming nerd, so I loved the parody humor and puzzle logic in this one)
    203: Night of the Raving Dead (Metal raves in a Gothic castle? Win! Sam & Max doing a Beastie Boys rap hit the spot, the monster building was rather fun and the Sam & Max-turned-into-zombies thing was a good unexpected twist)
    205: What's New, Beelzebub? (Satan and Harry Moleman were great, the dioramas were superb and the twist with the Soda Poppers and their subsequent death at the end were fantastic)
    204: Chariots of the Dogs (snooping around Bosco's was great, the different locations and dates for the time machine were good, Superball played a better role than I've previously seen, Ms Bosco couldn't have been better, the nerdy young Sam & Max were great, I really enjoyed Old Stinky and the nerdy humour surrounding the anomalies and paradoxes really hit the spot)

    Just my two cents.
  • edited September 2009
    tbm1986 wrote: »
    001: Hit the Road (it was too hard, too long and monotonous, plus I wasn't too fond of the voice acting)

    Just curious - when did you play Hit the Road? Because back in '93, it was a definitive adventure game, one of the best of the genre. And I think the talkie version appeared a while later.
  • edited September 2009
    According to Wikipedia, the floppy and talkie versions were released at the same time. At least in the US.
  • edited September 2009
    Just curious - when did you play Hit the Road? Because back in '93, it was a definitive adventure game, one of the best of the genre. And I think the talkie version appeared a while later.

    I played it two months ago, to warm myself up for the TT seasons. It's not that I dislike games from that era - I liked Monkey 2 and I think Fate of Atlantis is the best game of that era.

    Furthermore, I didn't play Maniac Mansion and McKraken until recently either and found the interface really hard to get on with. Monkey 1 seems the first game where they dropped the unnecessary verbs and made the objects appear in the sentence line upon mouseover.

    The Monkey Island games are the only LucasArts adventures I played when they came out. I was only a kid when 1-Curse came out, so it wasn't up to me.
  • edited September 2009
    tbm1986 wrote: »
    I played it two months ago, to warm myself up for the TT seasons. It's not that I dislike games from that era - I liked Monkey 2 and I think Fate of Atlantis is the best game of that era.

    Furthermore, I didn't play Maniac Mansion and McKraken until recently either and found the interface really hard to get on with. Monkey 1 seems the first game where they dropped the unnecessary verbs and made the objects appear in the sentence line upon mouseover.

    The Monkey Island games are the only LucasArts adventures I played when they came out. I was only a kid when 1-Curse came out, so it wasn't up to me.

    OK, then you didn't follow the evolution as it unfolded. That explains it.
  • edited September 2009
    OK, then you didn't follow the evolution as it unfolded. That explains it.

    In all fairness, if I had come across it in those days, I wouldn't have understood it and got frustrated anyway. You tend to have more patience when you're 23 than when you're 5.
  • edited September 2009
    Er...Harry Moleman was introduced in The Mole, The Mob and The Meatball actually.

    You missed my point. What I was saying was that the episode DID NOT introduce a new character, and that the closest thing to a new character that was offered was Harry Moleman sans-robotic suit (his personality was much more mild mannered, and he was fairly different, but still, as I said, not a new character).
  • edited September 2009
    You missed my point. What I was saying was that the episode DID NOT introduce a new character, and that the closest thing to a new character that was offered was Harry Moleman sans-robotic suit (his personality was much more mild mannered, and he was fairly different, but still, as I said, not a new character).

    Oh yeah, I misinterpreted that, sorry.
  • edited October 2009
    tbm1986 wrote: »
    In all fairness, if I had come across it in those days, I wouldn't have understood it and got frustrated anyway. You tend to have more patience when you're 23 than when you're 5.

    Yes. Funnily enough, it also seems that you have more patience when you're 23 than when you're 34. Strange... :D
  • edited October 2009
    I had fun playing Ice station santa the game had lots of soul, and theme, about it.
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