I would have been okay with Jane and Molly to be combined. When I was playing season 2 for the first time, I thought Jane was Molly with a haircut lol. Their missing sister, similar combat skills, reluctance to stick with groups. I don't know, if they did merge Molly into the story through Kenny , it might have worked out pretty well.
I always thought Molly and Jane were very similar but I think Molly resonated more with the fans. I honestly think season 2 would have been … morebetter if they gave Molly the role Jane took.
Story wise, it could have made sense if Molly was the one who saved Kenny instead of the "I got lucky" explaination. They could have decided to travel together, meet Sarita, Mathew, Walt and find the ski lodge and reunite with Clem. In general the story would have played out the same except it would have made it more interesting because Molly was an established character like Kenny, making the final choice of choosing between the two that much more difficult. It can happen in the same way since it is known Kenny and Molly did not get along and maybe the tension would have built up during the time they have been together.
Not gonna lie, I think I fucked up with the editting of that post since it does things like give the same answer twice for two quotes. So my bad!
You know, I wanted both Gabe and Mariana to develop. Cause I love both of them.
Yeah, I do think that would've been for the best.
It's an unpopular opinion but I think Gabe is very relatable. Come on! Most of the teenagers are moody his age! He himself said that he wants to be better and didn't want to be in a bad mood. He is just a kid trying to figure himself out. People are giving him hard time because of ugh Clementine. But when she is whiny and edgy everyone gets past it because it's Clementine.
Yeah and unfortunately, I feel like people are prone to being very picky, hypocritical, and/or inconsistent with what they want at times. They want realistic/relateable characters, but tend to hate on anyone that isn't Clementine, Kenny, or some other larger than life badass.
I found a video about Gabe. It does him justice.
Not gonna lie, I half expect him to start singing there because of the melodramatic music and echo.
It is a pretty decent watch, tho.
And then the related videos has a Mariana video with "Hurt."
Hey! Did you just edit what I said?
I do wish hear she shouldn't have existed.
Saying stuff like that about Ava wo… moreuldn't be nice now, would it?
I did say longer episodes were needed, didn't I?
You know, I wanted both Gabe and Mariana to develop. Cause I love both of them.
It's an unpopular opinion but I think Gabe is very relatable. Come on! Most of the teenagers are moody his age! He himself said that he wants to be better and didn't want to be in a bad mood. He is just a kid trying to figure himself out. People are giving him hard time because of ugh Clementine. But when she is whiny and edgy everyone gets past it because it's Clementine.
I found a video about Gabe. It does him justice.
Eh, I wouldn't really care about Clementine's little sister thing.
Yeah, if there was something I really didn't want to see with her, it was the expected Clementine-Mariana duo. Cause it'd basically just be Clem n' Jane again except this time, one's Hispanic! And even that might not be much of a change.
I don't particularly like or care about Clementine in this season. Mariana is way cooler imo.
You know, the hilarious thing is, while I don't remember who, I recall a post basically saying the same thing and that they'd rather have her instead of Clementine in the game. Which, not gonna lie, actually sounds like a pretty good story idea.
What would make you like Mari more though? If she was involved in a different way/the interactions with her were different? Or...?
I gave some stuff up above that covers the basic gist of what I would've done with her as a character among the rest of the cast. Basically, actually adding a small something to the ANF roster that could've have been done much with the previous kid/youth characters. That much is one of the many reasons why I far prefer Gabe.
Eh, I wouldn't really care about Clementine's little sister thing. I don't particularly like or care about Clementine in this season.
Mar… moreiana is way cooler imo.
What would make you like Mari more though? If she was involved in a different way/the interactions with her were different? Or...?
Agreed. The majority even justifies her murdering Eli. The guy wasn't the best guy in the world, but did he deserve to die? No. From his expression I could tell that he didn't know there were fake bullets. Clementine even wants you to back her up despite her threatening to shoot you and robbing you. Really, Clementine? It's weird that she complains to YOU out of all people when she can tell Tripp for example.
She whines about us not killing people for her and expects us to treat her like royalty. Smh. Lee's death was in vain...
I feel like people expected Javier to be some badass. But he is a normal survivor and that's why I like him. I actually respect him and Eleanor(especially her) for managing to keep their humanity 4 years into the apocalypse!
Clementine is whiny: CLEMMY IS A BADASS!!!
That's basically it.
Mariana's video is the best one. In my opinion, of course. What is it you don't like about it?
Hey! Did you just edit what I said?
Not gonna lie, I think I fucked up with the editting of that post since it does things like give… more the same answer twice for two quotes. So my bad!
You know, I wanted both Gabe and Mariana to develop. Cause I love both of them.
Yeah, I do think that would've been for the best.
It's an unpopular opinion but I think Gabe is very relatable. Come on! Most of the teenagers are moody his age! He himself said that he wants to be better and didn't want to be in a bad mood. He is just a kid trying to figure himself out. People are giving him hard time because of ugh Clementine. But when she is whiny and edgy everyone gets past it because it's Clementine.
Yeah and unfortunately, I feel like people are prone to being very picky, hypocritical, and/or inconsistent with what they want at times. They want realistic/relateable characters, but tend to hate on anyone that isn't Clementine, K… [view original content]
I think Kate and Mariana make a great duo. I wanted to see them interact. It would have been cool if Kate was playable alongside Javier in order to have more interactions/time with Mari in the junkyard while Javier and Gabe go to investigate the other side of it.
You know, the hilarious thing is, while I don't remember who, I recall a post basically saying the same thing and that they'd rather have her instead of Clementine in the game. Which, not gonna lie, actually sounds like a pretty good story idea.
Yaay~! Samedy-same! I thought I was the only one who prefers her over Clementine!
I wish you told me what particular actions on her side would make you change your opinion and would make you care. But I get what you mean.
Knowing you, you will probably prefer Carl over Clementine. I definetely do.
I mean Comic!Carl cause that's the best Carl haha.
Also, the comics and the video games are in the same universe.
I told you about Comic!Carl and you took my word for him. You should try the comics, too. Trust me, they are good.
I took your word for the Archie Comics.
Eh, I wouldn't really care about Clementine's little sister thing.
Yeah, if there was something I really didn't want to see with her… more, it was the expected Clementine-Mariana duo. Cause it'd basically just be Clem n' Jane again except this time, one's Hispanic! And even that might not be much of a change.
I don't particularly like or care about Clementine in this season. Mariana is way cooler imo.
You know, the hilarious thing is, while I don't remember who, I recall a post basically saying the same thing and that they'd rather have her instead of Clementine in the game. Which, not gonna lie, actually sounds like a pretty good story idea.
What would make you like Mari more though? If she was involved in a different way/the interactions with her were different? Or...?
I gave some stuff up above that covers the basic gist of what I would've done with her as a character among the rest of the cast. Basically, a… [view original content]
Agreed. The majority even justifies her murdering Eli. The guy wasn't the best guy in the world, but did he deserve to die? No. From his expression I could tell that he didn't know there were fake bullets. Clementine even wants you to back her up despite her threatening to shoot you and robbing you. Really, Clementine? It's weird that she complains to YOU out of all people when she can tell Tripp for example.
She whines about us not killing people for her and expects us to treat her like royalty. Smh. Lee's death was in vain...
Yeah, that scene really did bother me and still kinda does now that the installment is over. Like, I realize Eli is similar to Mariana and Badger in that he's supposed to be an "acceptable target," but if anything, that just makes the way that situation was handled a little more concerning, particularly from a morality standpoint. Like I said in a recent associated thread, I probably wouldn't have as big a problem with it if she didn't straight up kill him there.
I feel like people expected Javier to be some badass. But he is a normal survivor and that's why I like him. I actually respect him and Eleanor(especially her) for managing to keep their humanity 4 years into the apocalypse!
Same. He was a welcome change of pace from previous PCs, even if he wasn't that deep a character on his own merits.
Clementine is whiny: CLEMMY IS A BADASS!!!
That's basically it.
Yep, pretty much the gist.
Mariana's video is the best one. In my opinion, of course. What is it you don't like about it, darling?
I didn't actually watch it, I just thought the fact that she's associated with a song called Hurt in it was odd.
You are forgiven.
Agreed. The majority even justifies her murdering Eli. The guy wasn't the best guy in the world, but did he deserve to… more die? No. From his expression I could tell that he didn't know there were fake bullets. Clementine even wants you to back her up despite her threatening to shoot you and robbing you. Really, Clementine? It's weird that she complains to YOU out of all people when she can tell Tripp for example.
She whines about us not killing people for her and expects us to treat her like royalty. Smh. Lee's death was in vain...
I feel like people expected Javier to be some badass. But he is a normal survivor and that's why I like him. I actually respect him and Eleanor(especially her) for managing to keep their humanity 4 years into the apocalypse!
Clementine is whiny: CLEMMY IS A BADASS!!!
That's basically it.
Mariana's video is the best one. In my opinion, of course. What is it you don't like about it?
Old comment. I had actually forgotten about this. I meant that Carlos getting killed when the guards are gunning down walkers left and right wasn't a surprise. I expected someone wouldn't make it out of that herd alive. While there isn't an imminent threat when Mariana is killed.
That's fine. And it's cause she's an easy character-type this side of Hispanic!Clementine, who people wanted to see more of and potentially fulfill their "Clementine's Little Sister" fantasy.
The part about Carlos there is a bit confusing, though.
Old comment. I had actually forgotten about this. I meant that Carlos getting killed when the guards are gunning down walkers left and right… more wasn't a surprise. I expected someone wouldn't make it out of that herd alive. While there isn't an imminent threat when Mariana is killed.
I would combine Gabe and Javier, giving us a BOY character who is responsible, caring, and hilarious at some points; and also emotional, and angry at other points; providing a well-rounded character for us fans to work with who would also take on the role of looking after his family in his father's absence.
You know what, that actually sounds like a really awesome alternative! Hell, Gabe really is one of the best things ANF did as far as I'm concerned, so flat out making him the protagonist would've emphasized that with a bang.
I would combine Gabe and Javier, giving us a BOY character who is responsible, caring, and hilarious at some points; and also emotional, and… more angry at other points; providing a well-rounded character for us fans to work with who would also take on the role of looking after his family in his father's absence.
Yea. That's essentially what me and Patrickrc95 envisioned for our "Chester" idea for the Clem DLC. Of course in that instance Clem would STILL be the main playable character.
You know what, that actually sounds like a really awesome alternative! Hell, Gabe really is one of the best things ANF did as far as I'm concerned, so flat out making him the protagonist would've emphasized that with a bang.
Yea. That's essentially what me and Patrickrc95 envisioned for our "Chester" idea for the Clem DLC. Of course in that instance Clem would STILL be the main playable character.
Yeah, that scene really did bother me and still kinda does now that the installment is over. Like, I realize Eli is similar to Mariana and Badger in that he's supposed to be an "acceptable target," but if anything, that just makes the way that situation was handled a little more concerning, particularly from a morality standpoint. Like I said in a recent associated thread, I probably wouldn't have as big a problem with it if she didn't straight up kill him there.
Clementine didn't even regret what she did. She is either like: "Hey, you backed me up. Cool. We aren't friends though." or "Why didn't you defend me, asshole?! Nwaaaa(ok this one is a little too much lol)
Oh my. Don't bring up Troy 2.0/Sideburnsface imo! Ikkaku wanna be with a beard. Badger is annoying as fuck. Like, please get him outta my face! And shave them sideburns because that shit ugly as hell!
Telltale didn't even bother with him. They were like: "Fuck that guy. Kill him as soon as he appears in Above The Law!" He is not interesting. He just likes killing people with his chaos loving ass. Francine was a badass lady with a horse. I wanted to see more of her BUT NO, this fucker had to take her out.
Same. He was a welcome change of pace from previous PCs, even if he wasn't that deep a character on his own merits.
Yup, he is not that deep of a character. I wonder what would have been in the original version... Due to lack of hubs and short episodes he couldn't really develop. He needed more time.
I enjoyed playing as him. We could see the zombie apocalypse through a fresh pair of eyes. I wish Telltale didn't scrap so much so we can have more time and experience with him. I think he is a better protagonist than Clementine.
Javier is the main reason I was excited for this season. I missed playing as a male character. I am also open for new things!
I didn't actually watch it, I just thought the fact that she's associated with a song called Hurt in it was odd.
Oh! "Hurt" by Christina Aguilera is a beautiful song. I think you should see the video. It does Mari justice.
Agreed. The majority even justifies her murdering Eli. The guy wasn't the best guy in the world, but did he deserve to die? No. From his exp… moreression I could tell that he didn't know there were fake bullets. Clementine even wants you to back her up despite her threatening to shoot you and robbing you. Really, Clementine? It's weird that she complains to YOU out of all people when she can tell Tripp for example.
She whines about us not killing people for her and expects us to treat her like royalty. Smh. Lee's death was in vain...
Yeah, that scene really did bother me and still kinda does now that the installment is over. Like, I realize Eli is similar to Mariana and Badger in that he's supposed to be an "acceptable target," but if anything, that just makes the way that situation was handled a little more concerning, particularly from a morality standpoint. Like I said in a recent associated thread, I probably wouldn't have as big a… [view original content]
Clementine didn't even regret what she did. She is either like: "Hey, you backed me up. Cool. We aren't friends though." or "Why didn't you defend me, asshole?! Nwaaaa(ok this one is a little too much lol)
What, did she turn into a Rabbid at the end there?
Oh my. Don't bring up Troy 2.0/Sideburnsface imo! Ikkaku wanna be with a beard. Badger is annoying as fuck. Like, please get him outta my face! And shave them sideburns because that shit ugly as hell!
Also, I'd say he's more Nate 2.0 than Troy.
Telltale didn't even bother with him. They were like: "Fuck that guy. Kill him as soon as he appears in Above The Law!" He is not interesting. He just likes killing people with his chaos loving ass. Francine was a badass lady with a horse. I wanted to see more of her BUT NO, this fucker had to take her out.
Yeah, seriously.
Yup, he is not that deep of a character. I wonder what would have been in the original version... Due to lack of hubs and short episodes he couldn't really develop. He needed more time.
Yeah, but you can say that for a number of characters.
I enjoyed playing as him. We could see the zombie apocalypse through a fresh pair of eyes. I wish Telltale didn't scrap so much so we can have more time and experience with him. I think he is a better protagonist than Clementine.
Javier is the main reason I was excited for this season. I missed playing as a male character. I am also open for new things!
I think I'd like him a little more if I felt like there was more driving him, but he was okay enough. Clementine had the advantage of a pre-established history through a previous installment, but increasingly lacked much of a say in things..
Oh! "Hurt" by Christina Aguilera is a beautiful song. I think you should see the video. It does Mari justice.
I think I just might do that(if I remember anyway).
Yeah, that scene really did bother me and still kinda does now that the installment is over. Like, I realize Eli is similar to Mariana and B… moreadger in that he's supposed to be an "acceptable target," but if anything, that just makes the way that situation was handled a little more concerning, particularly from a morality standpoint. Like I said in a recent associated thread, I probably wouldn't have as big a problem with it if she didn't straight up kill him there.
Clementine didn't even regret what she did. She is either like: "Hey, you backed me up. Cool. We aren't friends though." or "Why didn't you defend me, asshole?! Nwaaaa(ok this one is a little too much lol)
Oh my. Don't bring up Troy 2.0/Sideburnsface imo! Ikkaku wanna be with a beard. Badger is annoying as fuck. Like, please get him outta my face! And shave them sideburns because that shit ugly as hell!
Telltale didn't even bother with him. They were like: "Fuck that guy.… [view original content]
I know we still have a finale to see through, but I'm gonna post this now to express my displeasure with a different character's usage at on… moree point.
Also, for those select few who will no doubt read this and do a double-take at who posted this, I know what you're thinking: Is this a cheap gimmick to get some discussion going in this thread or is this a serious suggestion to improve the game's story on the poster's part? I don't really think it matters anyway, but still--You decide!
While this thread is mainly dedicated to combining characters to better serve the plot, an example of a decomposite character we could've had in ANF is Mariana, who'd be filling the roles of ...Mariana and post-Part 1 Kate.
Mariana is a character that constantly see people wishing she had lived to be a part of the story past getting abandoned/buried andcomplain about not getting to see more out of her existence, a criticism that has become a bit weird p… [view original content]
I regret looking up that creepy thing...
I was just demonstrating how Clementine whines about not being backed up on the murder.
I seriously need to check out 400 days...
But for real tho, Badger and Troy deserve a beat up!
Yeah, Telltale didn't do the characters justice.
I think I saw someone ask about Ava and Tripp's deaths in the AMA and Adam Douglas(the main writer of Episode 5) said, if I recall correctly, that he didn't want to seem like they have "plot armor". At least give Ava a better death, please! After seeing how Conrad was treated as a determinant, I had hope for Tripp and Ava.
Clementine didn't even regret what she did. She is either like: "Hey, you backed me up. Cool. We aren't friends though." or "Why didn't you … moredefend me, asshole?! Nwaaaa(ok this one is a little too much lol)
What, did she turn into a Rabbid at the end there?
Oh my. Don't bring up Troy 2.0/Sideburnsface imo! Ikkaku wanna be with a beard. Badger is annoying as fuck. Like, please get him outta my face! And shave them sideburns because that shit ugly as hell!
Also, I'd say he's more Nate 2.0 than Troy.
Telltale didn't even bother with him. They were like: "Fuck that guy. Kill him as soon as he appears in Above The Law!" He is not interesting. He just likes killing people with his chaos loving ass. Francine was a badass lady with a horse. I wanted to see more of her BUT NO, this fucker had to take her out.
Yeah, seriously.
Yup, he is not that deep of a character. I wonder what would have been in the origina… [view original content]
I regret looking up that creepy thing...
I was just demonstrating how Clementine whines about not being backed up on the murder.
I ser… moreiously need to check out 400 days...
But for real tho, Badger and Troy deserve a beat up!
Yeah, Telltale didn't do the characters justice.
I think I saw someone ask about Ava and Tripp's deaths in the AMA and Adam Douglas(the main writer of Episode 5) said, if I recall correctly, that he didn't want to seem like they have "plot armor". At least give Ava a better death, please! After seeing how Conrad was treated as a determinant, I had hope for Tripp and Ava.
I think just might do that(if I remember anyway)
(?) Fangirl101 hopes DabigRG remembers.
Took me a solid minute to get a grasp of what the heck you were getting at here: So basically, use Kenny's huge screentime to develop each of the Cabin Group members.
Took me a solid minute to get a grasp of what the heck you were getting at here: So basically, use Kenny's huge screentime to develop each of the Cabin Group members.
Btw, did a guy named lorielkrab send you some... sexually disturbing pictures of Clementine on PM...?
I don't know if he did PM'd these disgusting things to other people, but the guy sent me those literally 5 MINUTES AFTER HE JOINED TODAY.
Although it was nice seeing a comic character to help set up the tone of the game, Glenn and Doug should have been combined. At the very least had Doug be the one with Lee and Carley at the motor inn. I just replayed season 1 and finished up today. Doug does jack shit in the first episode aside from making the remote work for the tv. His dialogue is much more limited than the other characters. It's just so obvious why most people save Carley. You find out Doug is a cool, interesting and useful guy if you save him, and he has some pretty funny lines. Such a wasted character.
Walter and Pete could have been combined. Both wise "old" guys that died too soon. Both give generally good advice. An old character that Kenny trusted and that could have given good advice to the group would have been good in the long run.
I don't that was the same user name, but yeah, that's been happening from time to time since about March. Some variety would be nice, so Ill have to see if it's the same 5 or 6 pics again or not.
I don't think so. I don't want Max to die!
Btw, did a guy named lorielkrab send you some... sexually disturbing pictures of Clementine o… moren PM...?
I don't know if he did PM'd these disgusting things to other people, but the guy sent me those literally 5 MINUTES AFTER HE JOINED TODAY.
Although it was nice seeing a comic character to help set up the tone of the game, Glenn and Doug should have been combined. At the very le… moreast had Doug be the one with Lee and Carley at the motor inn. I just replayed season 1 and finished up today. Doug does jack shit in the first episode aside from making the remote work for the tv. His dialogue is much more limited than the other characters. It's just so obvious why most people save Carley. You find out Doug is a cool, interesting and useful guy if you save him, and he has some pretty funny lines. Such a wasted character.
Walter and Pete could have been combined. Both wise "old" guys that died too soon. Both give generally good advice. An old character that Kenny trusted and that could have given good advice to the group would have been good in the long run.
I would have been okay with Jane and Molly to be combined. When I was playing season 2 for the first time, I thought Jane was Molly with a haircut lol. Their missing sister, similar combat skills, reluctance to stick with groups. I don't know, if they did merge Molly into the story through Kenny , it might have worked out pretty well.
Not gonna lie, I think I fucked up with the editting of that post since it does things like give the same answer twice for two quotes. So my bad!
Yeah, I do think that would've been for the best.
Yeah and unfortunately, I feel like people are prone to being very picky, hypocritical, and/or inconsistent with what they want at times. They want realistic/relateable characters, but tend to hate on anyone that isn't Clementine, Kenny, or some other larger than life badass.
Not gonna lie, I half expect him to start singing there because of the melodramatic music and echo.
It is a pretty decent watch, tho.
And then the related videos has a Mariana video with "Hurt."
Yeah, if there was something I really didn't want to see with her, it was the expected Clementine-Mariana duo. Cause it'd basically just be Clem n' Jane again except this time, one's Hispanic! And even that might not be much of a change.
You know, the hilarious thing is, while I don't remember who, I recall a post basically saying the same thing and that they'd rather have her instead of Clementine in the game. Which, not gonna lie, actually sounds like a pretty good story idea.
I gave some stuff up above that covers the basic gist of what I would've done with her as a character among the rest of the cast. Basically, actually adding a small something to the ANF roster that could've have been done much with the previous kid/youth characters. That much is one of the many reasons why I far prefer Gabe.
You know what, I think that would've made sense. As much as I've had more than my fill of him, that is.
Should probably change the Eleanor thing though.
You are forgiven.
Agreed. The majority even justifies her murdering Eli. The guy wasn't the best guy in the world, but did he deserve to die? No. From his expression I could tell that he didn't know there were fake bullets. Clementine even wants you to back her up despite her threatening to shoot you and robbing you. Really, Clementine? It's weird that she complains to YOU out of all people when she can tell Tripp for example.
She whines about us not killing people for her and expects us to treat her like royalty. Smh. Lee's death was in vain...
I feel like people expected Javier to be some badass. But he is a normal survivor and that's why I like him. I actually respect him and Eleanor(especially her) for managing to keep their humanity 4 years into the apocalypse!
Clementine is whiny: CLEMMY IS A BADASS!!!
That's basically it.
Mariana's video is the best one. In my opinion, of course. What is it you don't like about it?
I think Kate and Mariana make a great duo. I wanted to see them interact. It would have been cool if Kate was playable alongside Javier in order to have more interactions/time with Mari in the junkyard while Javier and Gabe go to investigate the other side of it.
Yaay~! Samedy-same! I thought I was the only one who prefers her over Clementine!
I wish you told me what particular actions on her side would make you change your opinion and would make you care. But I get what you mean.
Knowing you, you will probably prefer Carl over Clementine. I definetely do.
I mean Comic!Carl cause that's the best Carl haha.
Also, the comics and the video games are in the same universe.
I told you about Comic!Carl and you took my word for him. You should try the comics, too. Trust me, they are good.
I took your word for the Archie Comics.
Of course! She is my favourite after all.
Yeah, that scene really did bother me and still kinda does now that the installment is over. Like, I realize Eli is similar to Mariana and Badger in that he's supposed to be an "acceptable target," but if anything, that just makes the way that situation was handled a little more concerning, particularly from a morality standpoint. Like I said in a recent associated thread, I probably wouldn't have as big a problem with it if she didn't straight up kill him there.
Same. He was a welcome change of pace from previous PCs, even if he wasn't that deep a character on his own merits.
Yep, pretty much the gist.
I didn't actually watch it, I just thought the fact that she's associated with a song called Hurt in it was odd.
Old comment. I had actually forgotten about this. I meant that Carlos getting killed when the guards are gunning down walkers left and right wasn't a surprise. I expected someone wouldn't make it out of that herd alive. While there isn't an imminent threat when Mariana is killed.
Well, it's a thread that didn't really take off, so chances are there were some comments I may have overlooked.
But okay, thanks for clarifying that! Yeah, Mariana was essentially a sitting duck.
I would combine Gabe and Javier, giving us a BOY character who is responsible, caring, and hilarious at some points; and also emotional, and angry at other points; providing a well-rounded character for us fans to work with who would also take on the role of looking after his family in his father's absence.
You know what, that actually sounds like a really awesome alternative! Hell, Gabe really is one of the best things ANF did as far as I'm concerned, so flat out making him the protagonist would've emphasized that with a bang.
Yea. That's essentially what me and Patrickrc95 envisioned for our "Chester" idea for the Clem DLC. Of course in that instance Clem would STILL be the main playable character.
Clementine didn't even regret what she did. She is either like: "Hey, you backed me up. Cool. We aren't friends though." or "Why didn't you defend me, asshole?! Nwaaaa(ok this one is a little too much lol)
Oh my. Don't bring up Troy 2.0/Sideburnsface imo! Ikkaku wanna be with a beard. Badger is annoying as fuck. Like, please get him outta my face! And shave them sideburns because that shit ugly as hell!
Telltale didn't even bother with him. They were like: "Fuck that guy. Kill him as soon as he appears in Above The Law!" He is not interesting. He just likes killing people with his chaos loving ass. Francine was a badass lady with a horse. I wanted to see more of her BUT NO, this fucker had to take her out.
Yup, he is not that deep of a character. I wonder what would have been in the original version... Due to lack of hubs and short episodes he couldn't really develop. He needed more time.
I enjoyed playing as him. We could see the zombie apocalypse through a fresh pair of eyes. I wish Telltale didn't scrap so much so we can have more time and experience with him. I think he is a better protagonist than Clementine.
Javier is the main reason I was excited for this season. I missed playing as a male character. I am also open for new things!
Oh! "Hurt" by Christina Aguilera is a beautiful song. I think you should see the video.
It does Mari justice.
What, did she turn into a Rabbid at the end there?
Yeah, seriously.
Yeah, but you can say that for a number of characters.
I think I'd like him a little more if I felt like there was more driving him, but he was okay enough. Clementine had the advantage of a pre-established history through a previous installment, but increasingly lacked much of a say in things..
I think I just might do that(if I remember anyway).
Honestly, if Mari had been shot instead of Kate I wouldn't have stayed with Clem. I love Kate, but I love Mari more.
That's kinda what I was banking on.
I regret looking up that creepy thing...
I was just demonstrating how Clementine whines about not being backed up on the murder.
I seriously need to check out 400 days...
But for real tho, Badger and Troy deserve a beat up!
Yeah, Telltale didn't do the characters justice.
I think I saw someone ask about Ava and Tripp's deaths in the AMA and Adam Douglas(the main writer of Episode 5) said, if I recall correctly, that he didn't want to seem like they have "plot armor". At least give Ava a better death, please! After seeing how Conrad was treated as a determinant, I had hope for Tripp and Ava.
(?) Fangirl101 hopes DabigRG remembers.
They were apparently planning to do more with Conrad and Ava, but that ended up being left on the cutting room due to resources or time or whatever.
I knew about Conrad, but Ava? That's news for me. I feel like Telltale has new time restrains or something like that.
More like her death was meant to have more of an impact. Though she originally designed to be The Specialist's prison guard.
Clementine and Mariana. Nuff said.
And he was going to be a guy that speaks Spanish.
Kenny and everyone from the Cabin Group. Nuff said.
Clementine shouldn't have been in this season.
Yep. Somewhat explains his colorscheme, as well as why he never speaks.
Exactly. They should've just had Mariana go with David and Jaja, then take Clementine's role after the timeskip.
Took me a solid minute to get a grasp of what the heck you were getting at here: So basically, use Kenny's huge screentime to develop each of the Cabin Group members.
Yup. That's what I meant.
Ok. I'd literally just gotten out of bed, so it took me a minute to process.
But I wholeheartedly agree.
Here's something I'm unsure about: should Rufus' determinant role in From the Gallows have been given to Max?
I don't think so. I don't want Max to die!
Btw, did a guy named lorielkrab send you some... sexually disturbing pictures of Clementine on PM...?
I don't know if he did PM'd these disgusting things to other people, but the guy sent me those literally 5 MINUTES AFTER HE JOINED TODAY.
Although it was nice seeing a comic character to help set up the tone of the game, Glenn and Doug should have been combined. At the very least had Doug be the one with Lee and Carley at the motor inn. I just replayed season 1 and finished up today. Doug does jack shit in the first episode aside from making the remote work for the tv. His dialogue is much more limited than the other characters. It's just so obvious why most people save Carley. You find out Doug is a cool, interesting and useful guy if you save him, and he has some pretty funny lines. Such a wasted character.
Walter and Pete could have been combined. Both wise "old" guys that died too soon. Both give generally good advice. An old character that Kenny trusted and that could have given good advice to the group would have been good in the long run.
I don't that was the same user name, but yeah, that's been happening from time to time since about March. Some variety would be nice, so Ill have to see if it's the same 5 or 6 pics again or not.
I had the same thought when I started my 3rd(and current) playthrough a while back.
Interesting. How would the storytelling change to reflect that, though?
Maybe we will.
Assuming she isn't another @RavenSnowStorm that is.