Here is a story I wrote about God.
God has chosen you Every year at summer camp the scouts have an election for the order of the arrow. For most scouts it is an exiting time. The ceremony starts at night time. Arms crossed scouts walk down a path lighted with fire coming out of cans.Once the path ends someone picks thoes who have been chosen. When a scout hears "You have been chosen" they are filled with pride. It means their fellow scouts considers them a good citizen, a good scout, and most of all a good friend. Your walk with Christ is a lot like that. Without the light of Jesus you can't see to walk down the pathway of life. You may be asking yourself many questions. What is Gods will for your life? If you died today would you make it to heaven. If this sounds like you, I have good news. Jesus has chosen you! Lets look at John 14:1-3. Let not your heart be troubled. Ye believe in God belive also in me. For in my fathers house are many mansions. If it were not so I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. If I go to prepare a place for you I will come back and recieve you unto myself. So that where I am there ye may be also. Jesus begins by saying Let not your heart be troubled. Why would the deciples hearts be troubled? Three things happened in John chapter 13 that would trouble their hearts. First of all Jesus washed their feed. He told the deciples to follow him and wash each others feet. In other words he was telling them to humble themselves and become servants. Some people find it hard to be servants. They would rather to have people to serve them. It takes a special person to be a servant. Jesus also told the deciples that one of them would betray him. They ere shocked. How could one of his closest friends betray him? A deciple asked Jesus who would betray him. Jesus gave some bread to Judas and told him to do what he must do. Finally Jesus told them he would be leaving them shortly. He said that he would die. Peter told Jesus that he would die for him. Jesus revealed that Peter would deny him that very night. As you can see the deciples had a lot to be troubled about. What does this have to do with christians today? Right now there is a war going on in Iraq. Wars can be troubling. If the war is troubling you, I have good news. The Bible says that God is in control. Psalms chapter 2 says that when the kings of the earth prepares for battle God laughs and scoffs at them. If you are a child of God, you have nothing to be troubled about. After Jesus tells us not to let our hearts be troubled, he says if we believe in God we should also believe in him. Jesus is saying that God and him are one. There are many scriptures that says this. (Gen. 11:7) Come let us go down. (Gen 1:26) Then God said Let us make people in our image to be like ourselves. (John 1:1-3) In the beginning was the word. The word was with God and the word was God. The word created everything there is. Nothing exists that he didnt make. The Bible tells us that Jesus was with God in the beginning. Even before the creation God knew that man would sin. Jesus would do anything his father asked him to do. Jesus left heaven, and lived as a man on earth. Afterwards he hung on a cross and died for our sins. Why would Jesus leave the beauty of heaven? Here is a story to help us understand why. One snowy night it was below zero out. From inside the warm house a man saw a flock of birds in a tree. He was worried about the birds. At first he tried chasing them in the barn. When that didnt work he left the barn door open. He was hoping the birds would just go in. When the birds didnt go in the man was frustrated. If only he could become a bird and show them the way to warmth. Thats the reason Jesus became a man. He wanted to show us the way to heaven. He was in heaven watching how sinful man was. He was worried so he sent the prophets to show the way. After men killed and ignored the prophets, Jesus became a man so that he could show us the way to heaven. After Jeus said that we should believe in him if we believe in God, he said he was going to prepare us a place. Some people may wonder what this place looks like. We may never fully know how beautiful heaven is but Revelations has a good description of it. In Revelation chapter 21 verses 10-27 an angel showed John heaven. Heaven was filled with the glory of God. It had twelve gates on each side, with the names of the twelve tribes of Isreal written on them. The wall of the city had twelve foundation stones with the names of the twelve apostles on them. The wall was made of jasper and the city was pure gold as clear as glass. Heaven was inlaid with twelve gems: jasper, sapphire, agate, emerald, onyx, carnelian, chrysolite, beryl, topaz, chrysoprase, jacinth, and amethyst. The twelve gates were made of pearls. That is a beautiful look at heaven. Most people who reads that will want to see it with their own eyes. Unless you have asked God into your life, you wont see heaven. Lets look at verse 27 of Revelation 21. Nothing evil will be allowed to enter but only thoes whos names are written in the Lambs Book of Life. What can we do to get into the Lambs Book of Life? Do we need to read the Bible? Do we need to go to church? Do we need to give to the poor? Even though these are all good things to do, they wont get us into heaven. Nothing we can do will get us to heaven. Only Jesus can do that. The Bible says that if we believe in our hearts and confess with our lips that he is Lord we shall be saved. In other words if we believe and tell others about Christ we will be saved. The Bible also says that Jesus is the way the truth and the life. It says we cant came to the father except through Jesus. There are two kinds of people. One kind tries to get to heaven by their works but havent put their faith in Jesus. The second group of people have put their trust in Jesus for salvation. They have realized that no matter how good they are and no matter how many good things they do that they are still going to hell. They also know that Jesus has died on the cross for their sins. Why did Jesus have to die such a horrible death? The Bible says that the wages of sin is death. Wadges is something we deserve. Sin is When we disobey God. The death talked about here is a separation from God. In other words, because of our disobeance of God we deserve to be separted from him. Lets have a quick overview of the Bible so we can understand this better. First of all God crated the light, heaven, earth, lands, oceans, plants, fish in the sea, birds of the air, beasts of the land, and finally he created man. Man saw and talked with God face to face. God would visit Adam and Eve in the cool of the evening. It would have continued this way forever if only they would have obeyed God. God told Adam and Eve not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. One day the crafty serpent started to talk with Eve. He told Eve if she would eat the fruit she would be like God knowing good and evil. When Eve saw that the fruit was good to look at and that it would make her wise she ate it. Eve also gave some to Adam and he ate it. That day when God came in the cool of the evening they hid from him. That is what sin does. It separates you from God. He had to kick them out of the garden. Ever since then man has tried to get back close to God. In Genesis chapter 22, God tested Abraham. God asked him to give his son Issac as a sacrifice to the Lord. After awhile Issac asked where was the sacrifice. Abraham said that God would provide the lamb. When Abraham started to slay Issac, God stopped him. Even though Issac was not an acceptable sacrifice God provided one. Jesus was that sacrifice! The Bible says that the sacrifice had to be a first born lamb. Jesus was Gods only begotten son. The lamb had to be tested to prove it was flawless. Jesus life on earth was his test. He left heaven, was born in a manger, was tempted by satan, lived life as a homeless servant, beaten, hung on a cross, died, and came back to life just for you. The sacrifice had to be given on Passover night. Jesus was tried, convicted and crucified on Passover night. Now you have a choice to make. Will you choose Jesus or satan? You cant live your life for both. If you try, you will love one more than the other. This is a choice you have to make now. In his closing remarks Jesus says that if he goes to prepare us a place, he will come back to recieve us into himself. Why does Jesus want to recieve us? Lets look at Revelation 22:1-2. And the angel showed me a pure river with the water of life, clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb, coursing down the center of the main street. On each side of the river grew a tree of life. Do you know what this means? When we get to heaven, we will see God and talk to him face to face. God can come to us in the cool of the evening. We will have no reason to hide from God anymore. There will be no more separation from God. So will you choose God or satan? Make God proud by choosing him. He has already chosen you.
It would've been more relevant if you wrote a story about Jesus and posted it in 'The Walking Dead' section...
Eh, I'll go with satan.
As a christian, I just would like to say, Why the essay? Like, good job but what?
Paragraphs are your friends...use them.
Edit: Thought it would be best to clarify my stance since religion is always a touchy subject, I don't hold anything against the OP's beliefs. As a former Christian myself (I'm agnostic now) I understand that OP only has the best intentions when spreading the word of their faith. While I have my doubts concerning Christianity and all other religions, I'm not offended by preaching as long as there is no persecution of innocent groups of people, which sadly happens way too often.
How can I surmount this Great Wall OP?
I love Bo Burnham man, he is so talented.
I hope he comes out with some more content soon.
Just remember guys this is a 'Story'
He's one of my favorite comedians and he is my all time favorite musician. He's great.
The man who manages to read this should get his own biblical story...
First of all, yes, I'm an athiest. More so, I'm an athiest whom has no artistic talent what so ever.
I fully understand that inspiration comes from everywhere and I'm not going to knock it even if that place is religion. Go for it. Write a novel about the subject. Write a movie about it. It is your right to do so. It would be like someone sharing a horror story and another's only critique is "I hate horror". Okay, thanks for sharing. That wasn't constructive at all. You're just being a dick about it.
That said, yes, please remember to use the paragraph format. Sentence structure could use a bit of tweaking as well. There are some well punctuated sentences, then there are others which read like a telegraph: Point, stop, point, stop. Overall, the writing was fairly decent and coherent.
I will write short story about gods:
Religion is brainwashing fake and gods does not exist.
End of story
Sounds like an excerpt from Outlast 2...