This Feeling
So Hello everyone i know this is silly Subject for alot of people who are reading this but i don't know where else i can share this so i'm 19 Years old from country called Libya it used to be good country everything cheap and the people used to be so good for eachother everything changed back in 2011 i was very young that year anyway after that Libya started to become different country from before crimes guns everywhere and SISI and people started treating each other so badly everything is so high now nothing is cheap no one cares about the other and what i really want to talk is i'm in my best age this is what everyone is saying like parties and having fun and these stuff my problem is i can't do this anymore our schools are like prison males only everywhere i hated it when u go outside only fights and stuff u ca't do anything when i play games or watch tv series and see how guys in other world live hanging out and how high school and unvi there it hits me its like i'm wasting my life here and i can't do nothing i hate this it gives me ideas about commting suicde or just leaving with no return i hate this
Just do not suicide and hang on, when you grow up you can move to another country, life is too precious to be taken away
I'm sorry to hear you feel this way. I recommend looking up and calling a Help Line, as you might be able to find better help from a phone call as opposed to an anonymous online video game forum.
As threads like these might potentially attract trolls, I will have to close this thread.
(Please note - I am only a volunteer community moderator and not a Telltale Staff member)