Recommend me a game (big challenge)
I am not easy to pick up a game and I am sooooooo fucking bored now so advice me a game I help.
I love or just like:
- Third person shooters
- Adventure
- Action
- RPG elements
- Swords
- Guns
- A continues story arc
- Good soundtrack
- Anime/Cartoon and realistic are all good but not to Anime I like it but to anime games just annoy me.
- Mystery
- Fighting
- Choices
- Si-Fi history
- History
- Si-Fi
- Super heroes (except the Telltale department sorry Telltale)
- Lore I love lore I buy game books, read the comics and more
- Story story story I love that
Things I hate in a game:
- A lot of Stealth
- Survival I hate that
- First person shooters
- EA related shit
- Horror
- bad story
- Millitairy games
- Real life simulators
- simulators
- Platforming I hate that
- Multiplayer games
- Apocalypse style games
- Strategy games
- 90's games mostly sorry people:)
- Mortal Kombat style fight games (like the story from 9 but not the gameplay it's unbarable for me)
Games I like to play:
- Assassin's Creed 2007-2012 mostly
- Kingdom Hearts franchise
- Witcher 3
- Star Wars
- Final Fantasy XV
- Stronghold map editor only that
- Uncharted series
And some more so help me please
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Ever thought about giving Gears of War a try? Though the first one does have horror elements in one section of the game.
Bully. Definitely fits your requirement.
Although it goes against two things you don't like (Horror and FPS), I think Bioshock is an amazing game. It also has some things you do like (Great story, mystery and I guess a little choices).
Also, have you played Portal 2? It is a fantastic game with a great story and has remained one of my all-time favorite games for many years.
I am pretty sure that I can't mastrubate hours after hours m8 XD
Just to warn you those are EXTRMELY VIOLENT AND SCARY. I hated the tone as well.
Resident Evil 4
It is considered a survival horror game, but doesn't feel like it or I should say it's not as scary as the previous games. It's full of shooting, adventure, action, guns and it's on third person perspective.
I would personally recommend any of the Souls games (Dark Souls 1, 2, 3 or Demons Souls) and if you have a PS4, definitely Bloodborne (it was my game of the year when it came out)
Have you played either of the two TombRaider reboots?
They play a lot like the Uncharted series.
They are considered Adventure/Action games.
They do contain a continuous story arc as the latest TR was a sequel to the one that came prior to it, they're also currently making the third in the franchise.
I love the soundtrack.
There is a lot of mystery surrounding the story, especially the first one.
Most of all there is plenty of history which you uncover in the different collectibles you find and scriptures etc., TR has great lore and above all, a superb story.
I have played Resident Evil 4 I can't stand the controls I just watched my friend play the hole game infront of me
I have played Tomb Raider 2013 and it didn't click with me or any Tomb Raider game actually which is weird
Hong Kong 97.
The Last of Us and The Witcher 3 DLCs (in case you haven't played them yet, they're a must).
Have played The Last Of Us no fan of the game or storyline
Played the first Witcher 3 DLC heart of stone loved it but lost the disc:(
Hearts of Stone is better storywise anyway, but Blood and Wine is also great and adds Toussaint (another region roughly the size of Velen), with an intriguing plot (that sadly falls a bit flat at the end), a great conclusion to Geralt's story and tons of fun sidequest. Maybe pick up the Game of the Year Edition, it's relatively cheap (though still around $50) and has both DLCs installed.
I think these tick most of your boxes.
I have Sleeping Dogs cool game!
Not a fan of Mafia maybe I must have said not a game between 1800-1960 but you couldn't know of course and I am not a fan of those games.
LA Noie ending is spoilered by Watchmojo because those idiots don't say which game they will spoil bunch of assholes.
I have FFX don't like it
I kinda hate Life is strange
Clemranger:....... I see we have a special patient
The controls were a pain in the ass when you use them for the first time only.
Well the ending of LA Noire is the worst part of the game. The real fun in that is the individual cases. Finding clues, conducting interrogations and then nailing the perp! A couple cases actually have two suspects and you have to decide who you think it is. The story gets a bit boring towards the end though and becomes a lot more action like.
Didn't like it
You might like Murdered Soul Suspect it's a short play but it was on Xbox free for while (not sure if it still is)
Watched it on youtube when it came out
Not for me they still suck for me
Get Shadow of Mordor.
After I played that game, I am really looking forward to the sequel. I hope it will live up to the hype.
Yeah, I really love that game. Currently playing through it alongside Witcher 3.
The Mass Effect trilogy is amazing. It sort of falls under the military category, but the story is so fucking good.
Any Persona game fits your list almost perfectly.
Play Mario.
What are extremely violent and scary? Portal 2 and Bioshock?
Well, I'd agree with that on Bioshock, it is extremely violent and was really scary at first, but I can look past that to experience it's fantastic story. And once I got used to those Splicers it didn't really scare me anymore. But Portal 2? I don't see how that's extremely violent and scary.
I really liked the Tomb Raider reboot. But it's squeal (Rise of the Tomb Raider) didn't really live up to it. Still a great game, though.
Portal 2 is so violent to the point many countries banned it.
The God of War series is another one you might like.
You are seriously joking, right? I think you got the wrong game.
Are you talking about the stuff with Caroline? I really don't understand. Please explain.
Okay, I likely mixed this up with another game.
So sorry,
Acheive250 is talking about Portal 2, a fun and clever puzzle game without a drop of blood while you are likely thinking of Postal 2 which is indeed very violent and banned in several countries.
Here few games I enjoyed bro
what remains of Edith Finch
Little nightmares
Inside, Limbo
Brothers tales of two sons
Saints row IV
call of juarez gunslinger
River Raid for the Atari 2600, greatest video game ever.
If you're looking for a good RPG game that can be quite challenging, get skyrim special edition and play through it on legendary difficulty. It pretty much fits most of your requirements, it does have stealth but you don't need to use it if you don't want to. If you're into older games, I recommend going way back and getting/replaying GTA San Andreas, it's super fun to get super fat, spawn a quad on a roof of a building and then drive off of it while being fat and wearing no shirt, swimming shorts and flip flops. And it came out in early 2000's so it technically isn't a 90's game