Tech Help: Do I Need to reinstall softwares/drivers if i change my Motherboard?
I'm really noob at computers so I don't know how stupid my question is, but I'm asking it anyway
If my old Motherboard gets damaged or wears, and I buy a new one but the same Manufacturer and Motherboard Model and version, do I still need to reinstall again the drivers and softwares and bios?
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The BIOS is on your motherboard. So you will lose any custom settings in it. Drivers should be okay. Windows will probably void itself though. The last part isn't as bad as it sounds. You should be able to just call Microsoft's customer service, tell them what happened, and they'll reactivate it for you. SHOULD. So I would back up everything dear to you and have that number and your microsoft info handy.
Nothing else should really be effected. I've never tried replacing my motherboard with the same model though. My advice is only in theory. I have, however, switched out my motherboard a couple times. Each time, I upgraded Windows at the same time, so I have never got my license re-activated. It doesn't seem like people have had problems getting it done.
Software is stored on your hard drive and will not be affected. If you use Windows, the issue there is that Windows reads your motherboard as the computer. When you switch motherboards, Windows thinks it's in a different computer and will lock itself. I have a feeling that this will happen regardless of the motherboard being the same model.
Perhaps call Microsoft first and ask them if this will be a problem and what info they'd need... prior to locking yourself out of your computer.
It's very difficult to get a motherboard that's EXACTLY what you had before. Even the same model number gets revisions over time. And usually when it does go, it's time to start thinking about upgrading, anyway.
If you think something in your computer is about to go bad, make backups. Which you should be doing regardless.