Common questions about the Sam & Max pre-order

EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
Here are a few of the most common questions people are asking about preorders:

What is the Season 1 collection?

We are offering the entire season of Sam & Max games for $34.95. For this price you get access to each episode when it comes out on Telltale's site, plus the option to receive a CD version at the end of the season for only the price of shipping. We've been referring to this as a "preorder" because it allows you to order all of the episodes in advance.

Do I need to place my order before November 1 to get the deal?

Nope. The season deal will be good at least until episode 2 comes out (and possibly even longer than that). When episode 2 rolls around, we'll make an announcement about whether the pre-order deal will be extended. (But still... what are you waiting for?! :D)

Can I buy the season set with PayPal?

You should be able to, but it isn't working at the moment. We're trying to get this resolved. If it doesn't get fixed before Wednesday, you'll be able to place your order using PayPal then.

Okay, I bought the season set. Now how do I get my games?

Episode 1, Culture Shock, is the only game that has been released so far. You can download Culture Shock here. Install it, and on the first game screen, click "I've already purchased this" and enter your order number and the password you created when you ordered. If you run into any problems, email us at

You'll be able to get the other episodes through the same process, once they're released. We'll send you an email notification when an episode has been released.

How do I get the CD version of Season 1?

Everyone who buys the Season 1 collection can choose to receive a CD version when the season's over. You'll have the option to sign up for this at the end of the season. You'll pay for shipping at that time.


  • edited October 2006
    Emily wrote: »
    How do I get the CD version of Season 1?

    Everyone who buys the Season 1 collection can choose to receive a CD version when the season's over. You'll have the option to sign up for this at the end of the season. You'll pay for shipping at that time.

    I know you probably don't have an answer for this now, but how long do we have to take advantage of this option once the season ends and the CD is available?

    I ask because I'll most likely be in the middle of Officer Candidate School for the Army for a 14 week period by the time April rolls around (at least, I hope so!), and I really have no idea when or if we're allowed internet privileges during that time. And I certainly wouldn't know what my mailing address would be until I get there, or if I would even want it sent there (you know, room inspections and all that).

    edit: where did my wonderfully high post count go?:confused:

    OH, wait. I guess I forgot to put the "4" in my name, artwking4. Too late to fix that now, I guess.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited October 2006
    Yeah, the answer is "I don't know."

    But before you go off to officer candidate school, if you want to shoot me an email or a PM, I'll make sure you get your CD.
  • edited October 2006
    artwking wrote: »
    I ask because I'll most likely be in the middle of Officer Candidate School for the Army for a 14 week period by the time April rolls around (at least, I hope so!)

    eh.. consider yourself lucky. i'm starting my officer's training at the end of this month for 20 long weeks (i'll finish it somewhere after the non-gametap release of episode 5) .
    luckily the episodes are so short they can be played within the 48hr. vacations we get. :)
  • edited November 2006
    Game's now out, but I haven't received the email, nor is anything but 'Season One Preorder (Bundle)' on my Past Purchases page. What should I do?! :eek:
  • edited November 2006
    paypal ain't working yet for the season set :(
  • edited November 2006
    Game's now out, but I haven't received the email, nor is anything but 'Season One Preorder (Bundle)' on my Past Purchases page. What should I do?!

    I'm still waiting for my email too... Come on guys I was looking forward to playing this tonight!
  • edited November 2006
    I'm waiting for my mail too.
  • edited November 2006
    Jarvichi wrote: »
    I'm still waiting for my email too... Come on guys I was looking forward to playing this tonight!

    The email doesn't help you one bit. It just reminds you what your order number is.
  • edited November 2006
    i am also waiting for the mail
  • edited November 2006
    The email doesn't help you one bit. It just reminds you what your order number is.

    That's the one straight after you buy the preorder bundle. They're supposed to send out another one when each episode becomes available with the download link that we can use.

    However, we seem to be waiting...

    EDIT: Actually got the email while typing. All it does is link to the demo download page - which is the full game, just like Bone. Download that, run the download manager, install, click "I've already purchased this game" when prompted, then input your order number and the password you put in when you bought it. Anyone remember theirs?
  • edited November 2006
    Of course I remember mine but it doesn't work. That's the problem here.
  • edited November 2006
    i have downloaded the demo but i cant acctivate it it just says purchase not complete.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited November 2006
    As a follow up to the issues mentioned here -

    1) If you didn't get an email, you can access the game here. Install it, and on the first game screen, click "I've already purchased this" and enter your order number and the password you created when you ordered. If you run into any problems, email us at

    2) The error message some people were getting that said "purchase not complete" has now been resolved!
  • edited November 2006
    Any news as to when we will be able to use PayPal to order the season?
  • edited November 2006

    since I'm totally unworthy I bought seasons 1 only ... I was so tired (around midnight) that I misunderstood the 'full season' package - thought one could buy that and that one had to wait until all packages are out ... I wanted to have season 1 sooo much that I just 'ran' through the buying procedure and later I realised that I could have played season 1 also directly by buying the whole package ...

    However: is it possible to upgrade from season 1 to the full package ?

    Short feedback would be nice ...


  • edited November 2006
    Yeah, you can upgrade to the full season, check this thread
  • edited November 2006
    I want to buy the full package with PayPal, but it doesn't work. There is no option where you can choose whether to buy it with PayPal or with credit card.
    I think you might lose many customers if you keep that credit-card-only-for-unreleased-games thing.Even Episode 1 has been released, it is no longer illegal to offer the game with the help of PayPal isn't it?
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited November 2006
    We're still working on the PayPal thing. We were surprised yesterday when the option didn't become available.
  • edited November 2006
    Emily wrote: »
    We're still working on the PayPal thing. We were surprised yesterday when the option didn't become available.

    Do you think the problem can be solved within the next few hours?
    It's already 5.30 PM here in Germany...
  • edited November 2006
    Yeah, c'mon don't give us another sleepless night.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited November 2006
    I just heard Kevin talking on the phone to someone about it. :)
  • edited November 2006
    Emily wrote: »
    I just heard Kevin talking on the phone to someone about it. :)

    about what? sleepless nights?! ;)

    ok, ok. i now that was a lame one... ;)
  • edited November 2006
    Omg ... I ordered episode 1 ... and its fantastic .... :D

    (Hope you give us fools a free upgrade to whole season pack (39$ - 9$) )
  • edited November 2006
    Any new news about PayPal?
    I've been waiting so long for this game! :(
  • edited November 2006
    When there's news, we'll let you know.
  • edited November 2006
    so i guess it's going to be a weekend without sam&max...

    too bad... :( :( :(
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited November 2006
    Hi guys,

    If you can't wait anymore, go ahead and order episode 1 via PayPal. Please do it through our store rather than through the demo, since the PayPal path through the demo is a little messed up right now.

    We are going to do a promotion in the near future that will allow people who bought episode 1 by itself to get the rest of the season for the same price as if you'd bought the full season set. Hopefully PayPal will be up and running by then. Whatever happens, we will make sure that those of you who wanted to buy Season 1 and couldn't due to the PayPal issue can get the rest of the season for the same price you would have paid if you preordered the season set (this includes qualifying for the CD).

    Send me a PM or email through the forum to let me know you bought Culture Shock and were planning to buy the whole season, so I can keep track of who you are and make sure you get the rest of the episodes for the right price.
  • edited November 2006
    Great news!
    But i got a little problem at paypal: link

    As you can see, i fill in my email+password and then I continue but i asks to fill in my creditcard info. I'm not used to paypal but i don't know whats going on but i don't have a creditcard, just a normal bank account.
    Help would be usefull, thx.
  • edited November 2006
    This is a paypal issue. Try looking through the help on their site.

    As far as I recall, you have to log in to your paypal account and go to your Profile. From there you can add a credit card or a bank account to your paypal account so that the funds will be drawn from there.
  • edited November 2006
    Yeah, i added a bank/current-account. But that didn't made a diffrence.
    I've looked evrywhere I think but i'm beginning to think i won't get this game. :(
  • edited November 2006
    Did you make sure you logged into you paypal account?

    Paypal also enables you to make a one-time transaction using a credit card or bank account without having a paypal account, which is not what you want to do.
  • edited November 2006
    Yeah i'm shure, else i won't receive the 2nd screen in my link.

    I tried that but the only option i reveiced was creditcard(visa/mastercard).
    I already fill in my bank account.
    Checking Account
  • edited November 2006
    Wait a minute. How did you manage to pay for the full season through paypal?

    This doesn't work for anyone else.
  • edited November 2006
    I don't i'm buying the first episode + ankh.
    Emily wrote: »
    The upgrade we're planning should make your total exactly the same as it would be if you bought the full season originally.

    If you are someone who has been waiting for the PayPal option for the full season and you want to buy Culture Shock, go ahead. Please let me know via PM or email that you have done so and I'll make sure you are able to upgrade to the rest of the season for the right price, regardless of when we run that promotion.

    Also, please purchase through our store, NOT through the demo. The PayPal path in the demo is a little messed up right now. (Another thing we're working on! :D)

    So i'm gonna buy the full season from the moment it works. But still, I can't get one episode.
  • edited November 2006
    will the CD Release be any different than the download version or is is "just" the 6x70MB Installers on the CD?

    I'm hoping the CD version will be without Activation since i might want to play the game in 20 Years from now again when ScummVM has support for it ;)
  • edited November 2006
    so what i have to do to purchase the full season like emily has mentioned? i wantetd to buy it via paypal. but that doenst work. i have bought now only the first episode. so all i have to do is to wait for that promotion to get the full season for 34,95$?
  • edited November 2006
    Yeah, the Telltale staff has assured us that the people having problems with this will be able to upgrade to the full season when they get it working at no extra cost.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited November 2006
    enimaniac wrote: »
    so what i have to do to purchase the full season like emily has mentioned? i wantetd to buy it via paypal. but that doenst work. i have bought now only the first episode. so all i have to do is to wait for that promotion to get the full season for 34,95$?

    Please send me a PM (if you haven't already) so I can add your name to the list of people who have done this. Once the PayPal thing is straightened out, I will contact you to let you know how to upgrade to the rest of the season.
This discussion has been closed.