Future Episodes on Minecraft Storymode

Hi guys,

    I have just finished Minecraft storymode's all 8 episodes and I really enjoyed it. I just wanna know is there any future episodes coming or not, Please reply.


  • No future episodes or Seasons have been confirmed at this time, but Telltale have seemingly left a cliffhanger in the eighth episode with hints of more potential episodes to come. So, I guess the answer is "maybe, check back often..."

    [Moderators are only community volunteers; we are not Telltale staff members and we only know as much as you guys do.]

  • Thank you friend

    No future episodes or Seasons have been confirmed at this time, but Telltale have seemingly left a cliffhanger in the eighth episode with hi

  • It was basically confirmed by the Australian Classification Board when it rated it PG on June 2nd, and the Season Pass was also rated by the New Zealand Classification, the first episode is called "Hero in Residence" but TellTale can change the title later on, the hype is real man!

    abhilash posted: »

    Thank you friend

  • According to Australian and newzeland board
    Season 2.. Episode 1 : Hero in residence is rated

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