Star Wars 40th Year Anniversary Celebration THREAD

Here we are, fellas. Today is the biggest day for one of the most popular and beloved movie franchise of all time:
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  1. Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker
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  2. Carrie Fisher as Leia Skywalker (RIP)
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  3. Harrison Ford as Han Solo
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  4. Peter Mayhew as Chewbacca
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  5. Kenny Baker as R2-D2 (RIP)
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  6. Anthony Daniels as C-3PO
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  7. David Prowse (Costume) and James Earl Jones (Voice) as Darth Vader
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For this huge celebration, I'm going to add a lot of questions about Star Wars and you're going to answer them. If you can't answer all them, you can skip some:

  1. What is your opinion on this franchise?
  2. What or who introduced you to Star Wars?
  3. Have you ever played any Star Wars games? If so, name the ones you know and your favourite one.
  4. Which of the trilogies did you start watching first? Originals or Prequels?
  5. What is your opinion on The Force Awakens, the movie which revived the franchise?
  6. Which of the new movies so far did you enjoy the most? The Force Awakens or Rogue One?
  7. What is your favourite Star Wars movie?
  8. What is your favourite Star Wars character?
  9. What is your favourite lightsaber battle?
  10. What is your favourite Star Wars moment?
  11. How would you rank all the Star Wars movies so far?
  12. What is your favourite Star Wars show?
  13. Which side are you on the most? Jedi or Sith?
  14. Which was the saddest moment of Star Wars that made you cry?
  15. Are you excited for Star Wars Episode 8: The Last Jedi?

NOTE: R-E-S-P-E-C-T! There is no need to show so much hate on movies or characters you hate, especially The Prequel Trilogy. I don't say they're good but it's better skip whatever you hate cause it's gonna distract anyone's attention, we all have our own opinions. We're all here to have fun, so be cool to each other.


  • edited May 2017

    That's a lot of questions you have here, I'll try to answer the most of them.

    1. Absolutely love the franchise, the fan base around it is also exceptional.
    2. My best friend who I know since a very early age, whose father is also a big fan of Star Wars.
    3. The LEGO ones when I was younger and afterwards Battlefront II.
    4. Started with the best ones, the original ones.
    5. I personally enjoyed TFA, even though the thing that annoyed me the most was another Death Star plot. I think the new trilogy has a lot of potential.
    6. enter image description here
    7. That's a tough one but if I had to pick one I would go with either Episode 5 (The Empire Strikes Back) or Episode 6 (Return of the Jedi). Revenge of the Sith wasn't bad as well.
    8. There is so many of them I couldn't pick one so I'm going to pick a few: Vader, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Palpatine, Luke, Cad Bane, Ahsoka... there is so much of them!
    9. Obi Wan Vs Maul accompanied by the epic song Duel of the Fates and Sidious Vs Maul & Savage if the Clone Wars counts.
    10. enter image description here
    11. The Clone Wars
    12. enter image description here
    13. I would say the fall of Jedi Order and the order 66.
    14. Hell yes I am.
    1. Love it!
    2. My Parents
    3. KOTOR I and II...Battlefront.
    4. Originals
    5. Love it...yeah it did "borrow" things from A New Hope...but it did give us some really great characters...and Kylo Ren...see Lucas, that is how you do a conflicted character!
    6. TFA
    7. ESB
    8. probably Luke...but man so many good ones...Rey and Kylo..Finn....Han
    9. Still the one in Jedi...
    10. When Ben Solo died...and then Kylo Ren killed Han Solo..the conflict and anguish...Chewie's good.
    11. ESB>TFA>ANH>RO>RotJ>RoS>Clone>TPM
    12. The Clone Wars...have not seen Rebels
    13. I walk the Grey
    14. Uncle Owen and Aunt Baruu(sp)
    15. HELLZ YEAH!!
    1. Love it and it's a great video game concept
    2. I don't know anymore
    3. My favorite has to be Force Unleashed PS2 because of the gameplay, than Kotor 1 and the lego games.
    4. The Prequels back than I hated everything 80's related so I never watched the originals and the orginals were almost never on television and when I watched the first time the 80's look always distracted me and I wasn't really a fan of the hole Empire thing... Now I like it way more yeaaah and watch more 80's movies!
    5. It was good but no more death star bullshit! and I swear to God I walk out of the cinema if Last Jedi is Empire strikes back.
    6. Did not bother watching Rogue One I am open for spin offs but that looks like a waste of time to me so Force Awakens.
    7. Well when I was a little kid Revenge of the sith now Empire Strikes Back... But damn I love revenge of the sith!
    8. Revenge of the sith Obi-Wan VS Anakin or Yoda vs Sidious
    9. Don't know
    10. Don't know but Attack of the clones is the worst one on my list
    11. Clone Wars
    12. Jedi but I highly disagree with the Jedi code and teaching it just screams to me MAKE ME A DARK JEDI PLEASE MAKE ME A SITH LORD!! I am more the gray person because I think the Sith are also right but slaves dictatory is bullshit and other things are bullshit.
    13. Han's death but not cry
    14. Yeah kinda
  • My answers:

    1. Amazing
    2. A Playstation 2 Game
    3. I played Revenge of the Sith The Video Game (Which is what introduced me to the franchise), The Force Unleashed, Lego Star Wars The Complete Saga and EA's Battlefront. My favourite one is The Force Unleashed.
    4. Prequels.
    5. Great film but it felt way too much like A New Hope
    6. Rogue One
    7. Revenge of the Sith
    8. Darth Vader
    9. Anakin Skywalker VS Obi-Wan Kenobi
    10. Darth Vader slaughtering the Rebels at the end of Rogue One
    11. 3>5>RO>7>4>6>1>2
    12. The Clone Wars
    13. Sith
    14. Order 66
    15. Hell yeah.
    1. I love it. There are some bad stuff, well, actually quite a bit of bad stuff, but the good is really good and negates it a lot.
    2. I don't even remember really. I do know by the time Revenge of the Sith was out I was a fan, but it's been over 12 years since then.
    3. I have played both the original Battlefronts, the reboot, Republic Commandos, Rogue Squadron on DS, and probably some others. I liked Battlefront II the most. So much fun.
    4. Must have been the original trilogy.
    5. Well, it was a soft reboot and lacked a lot of originality in that regards. However, it was good, so I'm willing to give it a pass. It's probably on the level of Return of the Jedi and Revenge of the Sith. While I am not glad the Clone Wars was canceled, I am glad that I will see new live-action Star Wars film.
    6. Rogue One because it, despite having a known outcome, tried to be original in many ways. Visually it is marvelous, the characters are pretty fun, the Easter Eggs are nice, and the action is top-notch. I also appreciated the idea of not just having all live-action Star Wars movies being around the Jedi or the Skywalkers. And the new designs. Damn those death troopers.
    7. I know The Empire Strikes Back is the best, but I think I enjoy Return of the Jedi the most.
    8. This is a tough one. I love Darth Maul, he's awesome. Admiral Ackbar, Trench, and Thrawn are amazing as well, as are Luke, Leia, Han, Lando, and Chewie. Maybe Obi-Wan or Yoda. There's so many.
    9. In the movies it is Darth Maul vs. Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon. In the animated series, it is either Darth Maul and Savage Oppress vs. Darth Sidious or Ahsoka vs. Darth Vader.
    10. I really like the final Luke-Vader duel on Death Star II.
    11. From worst to best, 1, 2, Clone Wars film, 3, 7, 6, Rogue One, 4, 5
    12. The Clone Wars. I like Rebels, I am pleased on how, like the Clone Wars, it has improved through its seasons. However, the Clone Wars, having more episodes and stuff, and really good episodes I think is better. If Rebels' Season 4 is fantastic, my opinion may change.
    13. Sith.
      "Peace is a lie. There is only Passion.
      Through Passion I gain Strength.
      Through Strength I gain Power.
      Through Power I gain Victory.
      Through Victory my chains are Broken.
      The Force shall free me. "
    14. Han Solo's death definitely gave my tears. I probably teared when Ahsoka left the Jedi Order too.
    15. Like you couldn't believe.
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