Petra's sickness. Tell eveyone/tell only lucas/tell no one. What's the best option?

So what's the best call? Not telling anyone feels like you are loyal to Petra. On the second hand lucas is allready seeing she is sick and blames himself for it, so telling him gives you the option to cheer him up. And telling everyone feels like you nearly betray Petra. You do save her the problem telling everyone and does not put the group at risk but still... It´s so hard.

So what do you think? What whould you pick if the main goal is to improve your relation with Petra.


  • I can't really remember what I did. I either: didn't tell anyone because Petra would tell them when she's ready and it wasn't my place to. Or, I told Lukas because he was suspicious already, it was only one person so it wouldn't matter as much as telling everyone, and he was really worried about Petra and cared for her - so I thought it was best for him to know.

  • Tell only Lucas.

  • edited May 2017

    Good point.I guess only telling lucas is the best option.

    Sophiee994 posted: »

    I can't really remember what I did. I either: didn't tell anyone because Petra would tell them when she's ready and it wasn't my place to. O

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