TOMI Ep 2, buggy as all hell

edited August 2009 in Game Support
I don't usually nitpick, but we are beyond that...

wow, where to begin... cannonballs floating over the decks of the ships, a bucket with no clickability until you leave the bait area and come back a second time... obvious seam lines in the matte paintings cluttering up the horizon... HORRIBLE lighting (at in least half of the scenes were the characters faces were almost pitch black) and finally this...

Eyes disappearing and going "blank" while changing between the normal and Poxed states.

Seriously Telltale... start involving the community in your QA testing, cause this crap has got to stop.



  • edited August 2009
    Oh, and during the opener (the sword fight) the swords kept clanging over much the dialogue (when they were clearly not fighting during those moments)

    The camera also shifted to some pretty weird angles when you talked to Morgan on the port side deck of the ship (where you pick up the hook)... angles with guybrushes "stump" in the middle of the shot and an angle with the back of his head covering up 3/4th of the screen... it was weird
  • edited August 2009
    Elaine's eyes were perfectly fine when I played :)
  • TimTim
    edited August 2009
    Elaine's eyes were perfectly fine when I played :)

    Same :)
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