I remember every single one of them, even involving the walkers. And I thought that the David vs javier one was not forgettable because it was considered as one of the most emotional moments in the season
That scene was stupid anyway. I didn't want to fight David but Telltale, with their lazy-ass writing, forced me to despite the fact that I always sided with him through this season.
I remember every single one of them, even involving the walkers. And I thought that the David vs javier one was not forgettable because it was considered as one of the most emotional moments in the season
Well I've seen quite a few people say that they liked the way javier actually either stood up to his brother and actually started to fight back or that he wanted to show David that they were still brothers despite the whole Kate thing and Davis trying to murder javier, even more so if u made the promise
Emotional, my ass.
That scene was stupid anyway. I didn't want to fight David but Telltale, with their lazy-ass writing, forced me to despite the fact that I always sided with him through this season.
That doesn't excuse the fact that David fought me for no fucking reason. I have ALWAYS been on his side. They have done this for the third me. First The Wolf Among Us, then Batman and then this.
Well I've seen quite a few people say that they liked the way javier actually either stood up to his brother and actually started to fight b… moreack or that he wanted to show David that they were still brothers despite the whole Kate thing and Davis trying to murder javier, even more so if u made the promise
That doesn't excuse the fact that David fought me for no fucking reason. I have ALWAYS been on his side. They have done this for the third me. First The Wolf Among Us, then Batman and then this.
Let's see:
Larry and Kenny in S1
Carlos in S2
David in ANF.
I was going to add Carver since he's AJ's possible father, but ruled him out because AJ looks nothing like him.
* short, 90-minute episodes
* not being able to learn more about characters
* a lack of flashbacks
* disabled characters getting thrown to the walkers
* a lack of disabled characters
* antagonistic disabled characters
* a lack of positive queer characters
* Kenny again (UNLESS other characters are also shown in whatever flashback/dream he's in--but AJ and Clem don't count for this)
* a lack of reference to Chromid
* rewrites and scene cuts without at least keeping those as bonus content
* telling us we'll get to play as someone when we pretty much won't get to
* lack of puzzles and hub exploration/relaxation
* lack of choice impact
* being mislead about dialogue options
* lack of humor
* switching out writers
* QTE, especially redundant ones
* not having silence as a fifth, time-out option instead of as a fourth, immediately chooseable option
* lack of bonus content--ac… [view original content]
Gabe: Clementine...?
Clem: Yes Gabe?
Gabe: I...well...
Clem: What is it? Speak my love.
Gabe: The thing is...well...
Clem: Go… more on.
Gabe: REALLY!?
Clem: AND I'M GONNA HAVE STRETCH MARKS BEFORE I'M 18! Quick! Let's make out some more in front of the camera! WE CAN USE TONGUES THIS TIME!
Gabe: I'M A MAN!
9 months later...
Clem: This baby is so hella adorbs! I think we should call him GJ!
Gabe: ...Because it's stands for Gabe Junior?
Clem: No, "Goofball Junior".
Gabe: ...Oh, Jesus Christ, no.
9 months later...
Clem: This baby is so hella adorbs! I think we should call him GJ!
Gabe: ...Because it's stands for Gabe Junior?
Clem: No, "Goofball Junior".
Gabe: ...Oh, Jesus Christ, no.
I remember every single one of them, even involving the walkers. And I thought that the David vs javier one was not forgettable because it was considered as one of the most emotional moments in the season
Emotional, my ass.
That scene was stupid anyway. I didn't want to fight David but Telltale, with their lazy-ass writing, forced me to despite the fact that I always sided with him through this season.
Well I've seen quite a few people say that they liked the way javier actually either stood up to his brother and actually started to fight back or that he wanted to show David that they were still brothers despite the whole Kate thing and Davis trying to murder javier, even more so if u made the promise
That doesn't excuse the fact that David fought me for no fucking reason. I have ALWAYS been on his side. They have done this for the third me. First The Wolf Among Us, then Batman and then this.
Well I wanted lee to survive the whole season but he died either way, shit happens
There's also The Stranger in the S1 finale.
That is awfully specific
I want to see a flashback where Sandra turns into a walker
Walker Lee
I dont want to see
Hence me specifying climax. Granted, he is more lost dad than anything else, but it's still the same basic idea.
9 months later...
Clem: This baby is so hella adorbs! I think we should call him GJ!
Gabe: ...Because it's stands for Gabe Junior?
Clem: No, "Goofball Junior".
Gabe: ...Oh, Jesus Christ, no.
Oh god, w-what have I done?