My biggest issue with ANF


I'll be honest I kind of enjoyed ANF, I did play season 1 and 2 and still, I didn't mind it. It wasn't great but I enjoyed seeing who Clem had become. Character writing and decisions were odd in places but it did feel more like choices matter than usual in telltale.

But, there is no resolution for the villain!! What happens to Joan/that other dude in charge?
When I play telltale games I have two save files all the way through, one where I play through without replaying or changing anything and the other where I like to make the story interesting. First time I went through I killed Joan but the second time I thought it would be a much better finale if we see the downfall of Joan so I let David kill the vegetable guy and leave Joan alive.

All the way through episode 5 I was eagerly waiting for Joan to get her comeuppance but nothing! She could have escaped for all we know, even after her fucked up Ava/Tripp game. She deserves to die but didn't. That is what annoyed mE about ANF


  • But, there is no resolution for the villain!! What happens to Joan/that other dude in charge?

    You'd think they wouldn't forget the payoff for something like that.

    There's a lot of loose end plots that episode 5 seemed to have been neglected.

    What happened with Max?

  • My biggest issue is that this "Season 3" was focusing on Javier's story which was so unnecesary in the first place.

  • edited June 2017

    well there was a scene where you would choose to either Execute Joan , Exile her or Keep her in Richmond but it got scrapped.

  • The villain was so forgettable that even Telltale forgot about them.

  • I think what ANF showed us is telltale is incapable of effectively handling and utilising a nearly full cast of determinant characters in the season. Max,Lonnie,Clint and Joan are just gone with no explanation at all with Conrad and Lingard vanishing until the very end of the game and Ava/Tripp being killed off as fodder.

  • I think it was interesting to have an option where her ending is unknown. In the chaos that ensued she obviously could've died or maybe she got out and by not choosing to kill her when you had the chance you don't get to know.

    She is barely the villain of the series anyway. We know next to nothing about her and she is barely around much as far as i remember.

    So it can be frustrating to not have a resolution, but 'the good guys winning' and 'the bad guys losing' satisfaction shouldn't always come in worlds like TWD, in my opinion.

    And there are far bigger issues with ANF.

  • Spoiler

    It doesn't bode well for game of thrones season two seeing as every major character alive is determinant.

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