Season 4 Wishlist
This is my list of all the things Season 4 should have for it to be a really good game like Season 1:
More Hubs & Freedom: Let is walk around the area, find things that might help us out later on in our journey, interact with characters that tell us more about them. NF lacks this.
Playable Clem: No explanation needed. Her story is still continued, there's no excuse to NOT let us play as her.
Less Action & Slower moments: NF had too much action and so many things happened so fast it left many fans confused and angered. Take it down a notch. Maybe we enjoy a scene with the survivors talking amongst themselves around a campfire and telling each other about their past lives. Basically, less action, more talking.
Don't forget about Javier: I know his story is most likely over in NF, but a majority of fans love him, me included. It wouldn't hurt for Clem to mention him a few times, maybe he can even make an appearance.
A Friend/Partner For Clementine: Okay, it doesn't have to be romantically, but having Clem be on her own for the whole season is boring. It'll be nice for both her and us if we can have someone her own age stick around her so they can relate to them. At first the two can suddenly find each other in the woods and be weary and cautious of each other, but as the season progresses, they slowly open up towards each other and start to care about their safety. If you want, you can even choose if you want them to be together or not. This can also start some emotional and heartfelt scenes between the two.
No New Group: By this I mean "No new group of survivors that Clem stays with". We all know how that turns out in the end; She stumbles upon them, she decides to stick with them, shit goes down, they all die. It happened in Season One, Two, and New Frontier.
More Comic References: This might be my personal opinion, but I love all the comic references they make in the game with appearances from Glenn, Hershel, & Jesus. Hopefully Season 4 can bring in a few familiar faces from the comics like Carl, Michonne, and even The Whisperers.
Old Faces Return: It'll be interesting if we see a familiar face or two next season during Clem's journey getting AJ back. I wouldn't mind finding out what happened with Christa & even Joan or Clint if you let the other live. I'd prefer if a face from either season one or two show up for that nostalgic feeling.
Do Not Focus on Too Many Characters: Only focus on the main characters that play a major role in the game: that being Clementine, her friend/partner if it happens, Javier, and AJ.
Your S3 Clementine Matters: Hopefully how our Clem turned out in the end of NF can impact her viewing on certain situations or even different dialogue options. If you got the "Lone Survivor" Clem, then she'll only care about her own safety and always be cautious around new faces, even if she knew them. If you got "Free Spirit" Clem, then she'll be more calm about certain situations and be more reasonable with her decisions.
Credit Music: Season Two had great end credit music for every episode. I hope they can bring it back.
Less Determinant Characters: NF had way too many determinant characters. I know Conrad was cool, but let's be honest, people are only saying that because he lives through the whole season. That's a good thing. If Season 4 should have any determinant characters, stick to either 2 or 3, and don't kill them off early in the series. Wait until around Episode 4 or 5 to choose which one to kill off.
Stick With One or Two Endings: Telltale showed us how they handled multiple endings in S2 in S3. It was a hot mess. Instead, stay with one ending or even two. That way if they ever make another season, it's easier to branch the story out.
Thats about it. I probably missed more things. What do you want to see in S4?
I miss the hubs and interactivity. They contributed to TWD's tone, which lately has shifted from sombre and haunting to action-centred. I think that's the main problem with ANF. It doesn't handle questions of humanity and survival the way that the previous games did; it rushes through the storyline and struggles to make the players care on a deeper level. We all love a great action sequence, but I miss the slow-paced and haunting storytelling that set the early TWD games apart.
It would be great to know what happened to some characters such as Lily and Christa. Initially I had hoped that the leader of NF would be Lily, but alas.
Also, I think that they'll definitely make Clem the PC. It's possible that they intended to do this from the start, but I doubt it. I think that the fans made that happen.
More Javier(though it will not be happening, because of all the douchebags here). Don't fuckin' know why people hate the Garcias so much.
Flashbacks with S1 and S2 characters every episode. I know it'd be considered a shameless fan-service but I'm still salty over Kenny's pathetic death.
Songs in credits,
More creative main menu.
Nick Breckon as lead writer.
Fully original score.
Characters from Michonne Mini-series.
Less action.
And Kevin Bacon.
It would be nice to taste the sweet taste of the previous seasons again. I would love to see an old face
Revive the old engines... I miss that cartoon, comic-y style. The new look doesn't coordinate aptly with the ambience of the older seasons. And please, consider enhancing that hideous main menu.
Reduce the echoing of the unnecessary hollywood-movie action scenes. At the very least make the QTE's more wearying than E,E,E,E's and Q,Q,Q,Q's
Something that is distinct from finding a group that seem to always have a tradition of being killed off. I want to see what kind of wacky ideas they've got up their sleeves
most people love Javi as a character, but we don't him to be the playable character again. This is Clem's story, not his. NF is considered his story because it's about HIS family, Clem had no purpose there whatsoever besides learning where AJ is.
Before episode 3 I posted what would made or break ANF. I think it's also relevant in the future.
-play Clem
, christie, molly, lilly, etc)
-small cast of characters
-older AJ with Kenny's hat on
-major side character or antagonist Javier (and get him a nice bf
-all characters that are determinant can live til the end
-hubs with more dialogue choices and actual puzzles
-2 hour episodes
-someone back from season 1-2 (mermaid luke
-no super frustrating character like ben, gabe, or nick
I want my choices toward the characters to matter withing my relationships with the chracters,not like david no matter how I sided with him no matter how a good bro I be he still fights me, or clem no matter what I sided with her or against her she still act the same towards javi I thought this was fixed by clem going with you or not at the end of episode 5 but clem going or not that depends on her choices in the flashbacks so the my javi choices toward clem it doesn't matter if javi act like a jerk to clem she still like him no matter what, in another words (choices doesn't matter after all).
*I don't want to see actions out of character like gabe in conrad case and what kate saying front of david to javi (I don't believe I loved both of you ) what was the point of her saying that even if javi was on her side for saving richmond againt david, and how the characters turn out against thier personalitys.
david was the one who wanted the good for richmond than he turned against him self, kate the one who said (this is not our war) she turned against her self, gabe was annoying jerk in episod 4 than he 180 changed in episode 5.
no more gabe or gabentine.
I get what you mean about the difficulty of doing multiple endings, but Ep5 this season made our choices matter for its varied amount of endings where it made the player feel more unique instead of splitting them into two categories; That's almost what a company like Telltale would have to avoid but I get what you're saying. Just because they made a mistake the first time around, doesn't mean they can't change it up after hearing the criticisms now. They did it with GOTG (With the hubs and end credits), but that's just my opinion. Also that campfire scene in S2 was so greatly nuanced and S4 needs to do scenes like that too.
All I want:
Clementine's story to continue
Finding AJ at the location mentioned in ANF
Return of familiar faces from Seasons 1, 2 and if possible Michonne mini series (Also mention those passed as respect for the dead)
New locations, one where a suitable home could be made
Episode length extended
Story choices prior and current mattering again
And, a pretty big one, I might add; but it's highly unlikely: the flashbacks from ANF the result of a fever Clementine had and Jane/Kenny's fate being altered to them still alive, yet something different happened that separated them from Clementine.
Like I said, highly unlikely, but one can dream and hope can't they? Hasn't this happened in the comics?
What I want from (season 4) is more game time original more new charatsrs , they die out to fast. Plus it would be nice to bring back the puzzle solving like from (season 1 ) bring back Joan/Clint Max and Lonnie since they all are (determinint) characters it didn't really mad that much sence.
I would like to explore (Richmond) since Javier is the new leader.
More... information about some of the charatsrs (history) we barely know what Conrad was but it's obvious that (Tripp ) was a mechanic .
Next it would be nice to have less ending 2 or 3 is the (Maximum) and finally more charater (development) I like to see how some characters are as the mature and learn from their experiences since I kept Gabe alive in my original (play through).