Why isn't Clem gay?

Of all the things you decide to do, you don't make her gay. Sometimes I wonder what's going through your minds, Telltale. You had the perfect opportunity to pair her up with Ava, but no. Fucking Gabe. I'm disappointed in you, Telltale.
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Why isn't Clementine an apple? Damn you, fruits.
Yeah there's a severe representation of lgbtq in the game. It's honestly quite disgusting for telltale to leave our community out. Making clementine lesbian or bisexual would make up for the games gender misrepresentation and sexuality bias seen in modern day media /s
i'd be way more disappointed if she was gay. I don't really see reason why she should be and if its because she kissed Gabe then I recommend you to realise that Clem was the one that kissed him, not Gabe. Plus he was dying so its nice she kissed him before he died (she liked him so not suprising).
And are you serious with Ava ?! She is way older than clem (possibly older than 25). God, sometimes Im suprised that someone is capable of writing such a stupid thing...
Why does it matter? Why is this even a question?
I find myself asking that for half of the recent threads.
They didn't leave the LGBT community out FFS; Jesus is gay and he was in the game. Plus, not everything needs to have a homosexual in it, and it shouldn't be a complaint because only like 3% of the population is gay/lesbian.
Because just as in the case of Javier being bi, that kind of thing isn't deciding by the player any more than Clem's race or nose.
I start to wonder why all of a sudden every character in Walking Dead must be homosexual.
So... who let all the trolls out today? Hmm?
Anyone wanna fess up?
Has it been confirmed that Javi is bi? Or are we just making assumptions? Serious question as I don't know the answer.
Yeah, she was in the military before the apocalypse so it would be pretty illegal if she was with Clem (her age proves that).
And i thought Javi being bisexual was enough...
Kinda suprised how many people out there want Clem to be gay. Let Clem like them boyz.
Clem is not gay the same reason Javier is bi. Because they just are. Gotta respect that fam.
Well since there is apocalypse nothing is illegal anymore, its just about the way people look at it, can you imagine Clem kissing Ava? because i cant.
It was confirmed. I didn't really see any indications towards that the first time he met Jesus, but it's an optional flirt in EP 5.
Someone ban this fool
Let Clementine be Bi. There are too many hetrosexual characters in this game, Telltale.
As much as I like LGBT representation in fiction, there are already too many lesbian protagonists and it makes no sense. I mean, LGBT people are minority in real life...
This extremely offensive.
Just what reason would Clementine have to be happy?!
What kind of weirdness is this thread? She is 14....why push her one way or the other? I am bi and I do not see a need for her to be bi or lesbian or anything....the only thing I would wish...well 2 things....that she A. be happy and B. find someone worthy of her love. If that is a girl...then cool...if it is a guy then cool....just not Gabe.
Because she is not. End of discussion.
Javi loves the dick too
Well I'm sure everyone must wonder what Kenny and Ben got up to in the mansion when they were "supposed to be looking after clementine"
First.. She's a kid.. at best young teenager.. Had they made her gay - people would be screaming to the high heavens 'OH MY GOSH, YOU'RE TRYING TO PANDER BY MAKING A KID GAY'..Not to mention the religious right going nuts. There's literally no return on investment here.
Secondly, there's representation of homosexuality in TWD in all formats - including this game.
Third, I honestly don't need romance in my science fiction and/or fantasy. It's really ok to make a very cool game, very cool story, very cool movie.. with out having the requirement of two people be sexually attracted to eachother.. It can be done.. #wehavethetechnology
I lolled at the Gabe part
Hmm, something I've noticed in threads like these is straight people saying, "Straight people are the majority, it's only realistic that there are less LGBT characters". I feel like a lot of people just assume that being straight is the default. Trust me, there are way more LGBT people out there than you think. I can't even begin to tell you how many times people have said to me, "You don't look like you'd be into girls", and have asked if I was confused. Even a teacher told me that when I get older I'll realize it's a phase.
Isn't Ava an adult, though? Wouldn't that be creepy? If anything, the only girls she'd get to have a crush on so far would've been Sarah (maybe) and Mariana, and they're both dead, so...
I'm pretty sure OP is a troll, just let it go guys. What's annoying me more is some of the people on this thread, lol.
Indeed, the "L" on LGBT is by far the part that gets the most positive representation on media.
That gives the false impression that LGBT people get a lot of representation, while actually it is mostly only homosexual females being represented.
This is how this forum ends
You realize that it is way more common for a person to be heterosexual right?
Yeah. I don't remember ever seeing a Trans or Ace person in videogames.
Trans, only very minor side-characters. Ace, I don't think I can think of a single one that is human and not an alien or android.
I thought this guy got banned?
And then there are those crazy parents who believe there male babies are trans and female babies are trans as if that's the norm before they can decide for themselves
If people have a problem with Luke and not Ava just for a lesbian Clem then that's the problem with the community seeing lesbian underage dating as ok
I don't know a lot of LGBT+ people.
All of my friends are straight, and that's technically the majority of people I know.
Why would you be disappointed if she was into females? I don't see a reason why telltale makes clem kiss gabe instead of giving you the option to do so. I don't see why telltale even added that kiss in to begin with even though it's determinant considering when gabe's alive she never kisses him. There's nothing wrong with clem being gay or bi. They have clem talking about her time of the month and have her and show her kissing him being a determinant. So why not have clem explore her idk the correct word to use but why not have her see what it likes to feel love for another female or toward another female romantically then being able to decide as clem what kind of person she truly is, who she truly is, wants to be and who she wants to be with?
Did people want lee, carly, dough, lilly, kenny, luke, omid, christa, duck, larry, nick and glen to be gay? Idk if people wanted molly, sarah jane, luke, nick and carly to be gay but I'm positive nobody wanted carly, luke, nick and lily to be gay. Though I could be wrong.
Confirmed by Javi's writer on the Ep 5 Jesus thread