Minecraft Story Mode Season 2 is real (Fans of mature rated TTG titles can give opinions here)
Original Thread Title: New Telltale Game classified; next game is... oh dear (Mod edit: Discuss ONLY in this thread)
Minecraft s2 is happening, episode 1 is called: Hero In Residence, the episode was already classified, im betting news at E3
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got s2 sends its regards
got s2 really sends its regards
TWD ANF made me suicidal btw and this shit just pushed me completely over the edge
...already classified!?!
This better be a fucking prank
It's not, it's real.
Didn't know it was April Fools for the second time this year.
Well, well, well...
Yes it is.
I'm kind of happy that this is announced, as I enjoyed the first season, but am now sad because there goes the chance of any other series to get a continuation this year...
TWAU fans be like...
It's official Telltale has lost their minds
Minecraft S2 over GOT S2? Yep, i'm just about done here. Nice knowing ya Telltale
God is dead. God is so dead.
If that's true it'll be the first Telltale game post Walking Dead that I'll skip.
You're kidding me.
That feel when Wolf Season 2 drifts further and further away.
It's a bad feel
Like telltale
Hahah how fucking cool is that Telltale is listening to fans and making games that fans are asking for! XDDDDD
Are you kidding me? We finally get a sequel to a game other than TWD and it's for the people that own fidget spinners.
Telltale: Tales From The Borderlands S2? lol. The Wolf Among Us S2? lmao. Game of Thrones S2? Cliffhangers don't mean shit, it's not even in development atm. Minecraft S2? Gotta get on that as soon as possible!
Not gonna play it then. I'm not interested in their other games anymore. ANF was a fucking disaster.
hopefully they add some fidget spinners in it like those minecraft fidget spinner mods. i would buy it, for sure!!!
This is gold
im still waiting for Bone Season 2 Telltale you hacks!
My feeling of exasperation and disappointment towards Telltale just turned into legit fucking anger. Who the hell asked for this shit? Minecraft outstayed its welcome after Episode 1 of Season 1.
moderating the forums during E3 is sure going to be positively swell
i can see it now
Because FUCK ANF
I'm going to let Winston take this one for me.
(also, isn't it amazing how I can remember this guy's name, but have a hard time remembering the names of some characters in ANF)
While we're at it, why not just make ANF S2, focusing exclusively on Javi this time. Or Jurassic Park Season 2? Oh, I know, how about making more of those great CSI and Law and Order video games, that's what the fans really want Telltale.
This has to be a joke
TFW you realise that for the rest of the year there are gonna be two family friendly series that almost no one cares about running simultaneously.
I'm losing it.
don't mind me Telltale
just holding out for Wolf Season 2
it's totally gonna happen
any day now right?
To be fair, Guardians isn't entirely family friendly, and even if it were, family friendly isn't bad just because Telltale's most popular games were mature.
Prior to Walking Dead, Telltale largely dabbled in lighter hearted comedy games.
Pfft, no one wants another season of that garbage, we want more seasons of the truly great Telltale games. Who the hell cares about TWAU, or TFTBL, or even GOT, all the fans want that great Minecraft action.
Stop I made a joke about Minecraft Season 2 and it actually happened.
I know, it was just a prank m a n