I'm having a really hard time figuring out my Canon ending for ANF. SEND HELP PLZ!
I just cannot figure out the ending I want! So just to be clear, it's either Kate and Gabe alive or David and Gabe. The thing is that I KNOW that I prefer the ending with David but the thing is it feels like I'm going against the way I play my Javi. I don't see the choice as choosing David or Kate, I see it as saving Richmond or saving David. Because to be clear if my Javi had to choose between Kate or David, he'd choose David but he feels that it's the right thing to do is to save Richmond. That's the part where I'm conflicted, I just don't know what to choose.
So basically I'm having a hard time deciding if Javi would abandon the people in Richmond to save David. What do you guys think? Am I overthinking it?
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If you pick Kate, and Clem goes with you, you'll wind up getting the WORST possible ending. Do not go with Kate unless Clem is willing to go the opposite way.
That's the ending I got.
In my opinion there is two possible cannon endings.
Javier,Kate and Gabe live with David dying and Clementine going on her way.
Javier,David and Gabe live with Kate dying and Clementine going on her way.
I'm aware of the endings, this thread isn't to debate how to get certain endings. It's to debate which ending I prefer between Kate being alive and David being alive.
If Clem goes with Kate you are gonna have a terrible ending. If you go with Kate, Gabe and David will be dead. If you go to Gabe/David, David will be dead and Kate will be missing.
I was more concerned about Gabe when I played this to be honest.
The same happened to me. I went with Kate and Clem followed. David and Gabe both died and it's literally the worst ending you can get.
It really depends on whether you are more Kate or David orientated, but then it also depends on wherever Clem decides to go as well.
If Clem decides to go after David and Gabe, go with Kate. This will leave only David dead.
If Clem decides to go with Kate, go with them (if you're more Kate orientated) however this will kill both David and Gabe.
Adding to the last point, if Clem goes with Kate, go after David and Gabe so at least you can see David die onscreen. However this will result in Kate going missing.
if Clem goes after David and Gabe and you follow, this will result in Kates death BUT you have the opportunity to bring David back to Richmond or tell him to leave.
To conclude, for me, when I played - I went off whether I was more on Kate's side or Davids. Remember you can always go through and play an 'alternative' ending playthrough, that's usually what I tend to do and am doing now.
Okay, people seem to be misunderstanding me. So let me be blunt:
I'm simply trying to figure out the ending I prefer. In my playthrough Clem always goes after David and Gabe which leaves me trying to decide if I want the ending with David or with Kate. My issue is trying to decide what my Javi would do. Save David or save Richmond. It has absolutely ZERO to do with Kate. He wants to save David but I'm trying to figure out whether my Javi would be willing to abandon Richmond to save him.
I feel like David dying is the canon ending, because if he survives he doesn't want to talk with Javi and Gabe , and he doesn't show up in the final scene at the gate.
Then I suppose it goes on one of two things.
First being, has your Javi had a close relationship with David? Have you followed his lead and gone by what he has said throughout the whole season? If yes, then I'd say try and find a way to keep him alive.
Two, looking back on your progress throughout the game, has your Javi saved/given chances to/tried to help other survivors or anything remotely similar, that's when I would recommend saving Richmond even though it has nothing to do with Kate.
Hopefully this helped.
Your canon ending is whichever you had on your first playthrough, easy.
well with that, i hate my canon ending lmao
My Javi's been pretty pro David. Took his hand in episode 1, refused to leave with Kate in episode 3, encouraged him to go back to the army in episode 4, hugged him, was determined to save him. But Javi's also a pretty moral guy, he cares about other people and only kills when he has to. Which means that he disapproved of David killing Clint, breaking Fern's arm and nearly killing her, and then David wanting to leave Richmond. But despite Javi disapproving of his actions he's stood by David whenever possible. So that's where things get complicated with this final choice and I just don't know what Javi would do...
I chose to help Kate secure Richmond, because Clementine said that she would go where Javier didn’t. This was more to do with knowing how the game works, and predicting that if I went with Kate, she would live and David would die, but if I went after David and Gabe, David would live and Kate would die. I didn’t think, however, that Gabe could die, so I was surprised by that when I hopped onto the forums afterwards.
All in all, I think I got the good ending, with Kate and Gabe surviving and David not. But I think it makes sense with my Javier too. He loves Kate, even though there were a few mixed signals, and I know for a fact that Javier and David’s relationship couldn’t be repaired. I really do love David as a character, but there’s too much conflict between Javier and David (raising Gabe, romance drama about Kate, etc.) for them to get along peacefully after it’s all over. And besides that, although David had an offscreen death, I liked the mourning period afterwards. It felt respectful, and gave insight to his character.
But about choosing between Richmond and David… I don’t know. I think my Javier would prefer to follow Kate’s lead and trust Clementine with David/Gabe, rather than risk encountering David (considering their sour relationship) and leave Kate and Clementine to secure Richmond. Can’t say the same for yours though, @AgentZ46 , considering your Javier was a lot more “pro-David” than mine.
I have to admit, this final choice is probably one of the hardest in the game. Not everyone can live and its hard picking between family and it just hits you that one wrong decision you thought was right can lead to someones death you didn't want to happen.
However, if your Javi has been pro David throughout the whole game and only disagreed with him about some of his actions then I'd say do whatever you can to have David alive by the end of the game. Despite not always liking what David chooses to do, he can always be forgiven and like you said, your Javi is very moral meaning im sure he can forgive his brother for some of his rash actions.
Which outcome would your Javi regret most (or which leaves a more bitter taste in your mouth):
I similarly struggled with having the ending where Kate/Gabe survived vs Gabe/David but at the end of the day the former just didn"t feel right. And that's how I knew.
Another thing to keep in mind is... how would your Javi feel about having his last conversation with David a huge fight over a misunderstanding? And never being able to set things right and to get closure?
Kate was going after Richmond anyway. There was already someone trying to save the people, it wasn't as if they had to completely fend for themselves. One way or the other, Richmond would have been saved, but Javi would always have that regret for the rest of his life.
I feel like I'm pushing you towards one ending, but the decision is completely your own.
I think he'd more so regret not going after David. While he would feel guilty that he didn't even try to save Richmond but he'd be somewhat reassured that Kate managed to save them. So yeah he'd definitely regret losing David more but at the time Javi doesn't know that Kate can save them on her own. I'm definitely leaning more towards saving David though.
The one where Kate & Gabe lives and David dies feels like most canon for me.
This season was all about protecting your family and that way most of your family members live. You succeeded in protecting your family (mostly).
David's bloodline continues through Gabe, and Javi & Kate will start one on their own (if you agreed to it).
Javier's possible ending should have been at least a bit happier than normally, considering how "painful" his story has been so far.
Also, I feel like David's death was being built up from the start and I remember a lot of people predicting that David will die in Episode 5 no matter what. So David dying feels "right".
Gabe and Kate survive and David dying.
There is no way to know if David stays with Javier and Gabe if you save him. Besides, Javi took care of Kate and Gabe for 4 years. It would feel like a good ending if you keep both of them safe.
At least, that's how I see it.
Your canon ending is the one you got on your first try, it summarizes your whole playthrough and makes your choices "matter".
I prefer the David ending.
My Javi felt his family is more important than an almost destroyed Richmond.
Javi promised his dying father to be a good brother and take care.
The other way I feel Kate caused this mess. She was selfish and needed to make David mad at the wrong time. She backstabbed Javi too.
Javi took care for Gabe for 4 years like his own son.
This is why my Javi was more comcerned to save Gabe and David.
Kate was the only one who lived in my playthrough.
That one was the best in my opinion, the only way it would have been better is if Javi was the only survivor.
But beggers can't be choosers I suppose.
I thought the whole point of Telltale games is that you make choices in a limited amount of time and you're forced to live with those consequences? There's no re-do buttons. It's realistic.
But whatever, I'm not gonna tell you how to enjoy the game. I'd say go for Gabe and Kate. I think it closes out David's story better. He dies, knowing that it's his fuck up that caused it. Of course, it's up to you whether or not you'll forgive him for said fuck up or not.
I appreciate everyone's advice though.
Well, i think that the ending where David and Gabe die is the best one, the characters didn't meant nothing and it was a heartbreaking scene still.